Gem_bear said:Loving this chat!
We went through a short period of trying last year but sadly lost it. After that we decided it felt more right to get married and focus on trying again after. If I had my way we would start trying again now but hubby is the sensible half of our relationship and has suggested we wait for a while, enjoy the honeymoon and get us more secure financially. I actually have pregnancy and baby books sitting in the cupboard from last time and am finding it so hard not to get them out lol!
I will definitely look into this app when we start trying! And the mooncup thing! I was wondering if people do find the fertility monitors helpful, especially because I'm not regular which is frustrating!
ILoveCake said:Making babies is so glamorous. Lol. The end result is worth it even of you never get a full nights sleep again lol.
B's lovely lady said:Sorry about that hunny. It's nice to have some time to enjoy being married, although like you I am very impatient!!
My cycle runs from 29 - 33 days so not regular, I think probably because my body clock is all over the place with flying, the predictor tests help but there's such a small window of opportunity!!!
Just ordered a mooncup - showed hubby a pic, he was like " what is THAT?!???" lol!!!
HPSaucy said:I've had one a few years but I struggle to get it out, might try the ky jelly as squatting on the floor asking hubby to come help as you're so desperate is not a pretty sight!! X
HPSaucy said:I've had one a few years but I struggle to get it out, might try the ky jelly as squatting on the floor asking hubby to come help as you're so desperate is not a pretty sight!! X
HPSaucy said:I've had one a few years but I struggle to get it out, might try the ky jelly as squatting on the floor asking hubby to come help as you're so desperate is not a pretty sight!! X
ILoveCake said:Oh lordy lol. Pinch the base to remove any suction? Mine used to come out ok. I bet your hubby was happy to help lol.
Well may as well get used to lack of dignity because it all goes in the labour room.
lsf666 said:Do you use them then???
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ILoveCake said:I used to but I lost mine moving house (i hope it ended up in the bin and not somewhere random and embarrassing.). Baby number 2 was a mooncup baby lol.
lsf666 said:I meant for their intended purpose?
Congratulations btw
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ILoveCake said:I did try for a while but only on days at home. It worked well.
MrsJH said:Hiya Hun I was ttc mad it's took 2years to get this far I'm 16weeks today and have a huge growing bump!!) I swear the thing that worked for us was a clear blue fertility monitor and some lubricant called preseed!! Sperm stays active for longer and monitor tracks exactly when you are about to ovulate. Get hubs on well man vitamins and you too! this is my 3rd pregnancy as you know I had 2 miscarriages after ttc which took a year. then another year later I have a growing baby inside of me and we listen to the heartbeat everyday which is amazing. It does take time and it's been a horrible journey for us but you just have to be patient and it WILL happen.
hope you don't mind me gate crashing but I've bought and done everything under the sun to get pregnant so know quite abit about it! wishing you lots of luck and I'm here if you want to know anything! I was literally obsessed!!
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B's lovely lady said:A couple of pics for Mrs Potter!! Thanks for asking to see a pic I really enjoyed looking back through all the pictures! Isn't getting married the best day ever!!!
lsf666 said:Wow
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