Oh I treat myself with clothes in normal sizes a lot. Sadly it's quite an expensive habit.
Though I did get lovely baby pink coloured jeans and sports jeans... lovely, lovely.
Wish I could wear pink jeans!
I want choccie sometimes but my body doesn't need it. I want it coz it's lovely. I want desert but don't allow myself to have it and then end up having too much choccie at my tv-tea-thing (we always have tea and bisc/choc at the tv around 9pm)
You can have choccie. You can have desert. You can have bisc/choc at 9pm. If it's an 'unhealthy' desert, you might be pushing your luck having all 3 in the day, but maybe not. Depends on what the portion size is.
But it's the mindset that maybe the problem. Remember, it's not about the food, it's how we view it.
The choc/bisc etc needs to have the same purpose in your mind as the more healthier foods. It's not a treat nor a reward. It's just food. The more you look on it as a treat, or something you 'deserve' for eating enough healthy stuff, the more special it becomes in your mind. Then, when you feel like you need a treat or a reward, along comes the food...sigh.
Also, work on getting those 'wants' in order. I
want choccie cos it's nice. I
want desert but I will deprive myself
want choc/biscuits at night. Remember it will always be there for you. You can have it anytime. Maybe even tomorrow
Consider this. My day: I would like a healthy breakfast. It'll be yummy. I'll have a good lunch....something good for my body that I will enjoy. I may finish it with some chocolate from my easter egg. That'll be nice.... (the lunch and the choc), but I would like to have some choc tonight when I watch a film. Maybe I'll have it tonight instead...that will be good :clap: (sets out appropriate portion) Ooohhh, exciting stuff, what yummy dinner can I have that I'll enjoy, that's also healthy? Well, lunch is so nice that I might make a little more and have half for dinner tonight rather than eat the whole lot in one go.
Then, just say, the evening comes and the film is not on. Well, the idea was to eat the choc whilst watching the film. Do I still want it? Probably...but that's fine...I'll save it for tomorrow when the film is on. It's no big deal. I'm not denying myself, just delaying it
I treat myself to foods which are 'bad' in my book because otherwise I would never be allowed to have them (I'd tell myself I'm not.) .. which just plain annoys me.
So don't 'treat' yourself, 'allow' yourself. Knowing you can have them, is different than feeling you
must have them or that you deserve them. I 'allow' myself anything food wise. I give myself permission to eat whatever I want. Doesn't mean that I have to eat it, or that I should make sure that I have something 'bad' each day just to prove that I know I can have it. It's just knowing I can have that makes me know I don't have to deprive myself.
It's really hard to explain, but I hope that things might be a bit clearer?