Ding Dong the Enemy's dead!

Hi Kered! Is that you in the picture? Wow! You're so back in shape hun. I'm jealous:p. But I will also be, soon.

Maintaining is really hard, right? As compared to the diet plan itself.
I've never, ever smoked but realise it must be such a big thing to do. If my hubby can do it, anybody can. You want to do it so badly there's no way you will fail.
Hi Kered! Is that you in the picture? Wow! You're so back in shape hun. I'm jealous:p. But I will also be, soon.

Maintaining is really hard, right? As compared to the diet plan itself.

Yes it is me in the picture, and thank you for your lovely comments, but I am about a stone heavier than when this was taken. Maintaining can be as easy or as hard as you make it chick. Basic rules are to have a really good couple of days after you have had a day where you have over indulged and basically you should be fine. Good luck.

I've never, ever smoked but realise it must be such a big thing to do. If my hubby can do it, anybody can. You want to do it so badly there's no way you will fail.

Cheers Bev, I wish I had never started either.
Mary you sound totally in the zone!!! Good on ya! In the past, once you make a decision you just quietly achieve. So, I am sure you will apply yourself with the same conviction this time.
Fingers and toes crossed for you hon!!
Molly took the words out of my mouth - there's most definitely a different tone to your plan this time. Almost as though you've already mentally lost the friend and are just waiting to get on with the mourning so that you can come out the other side!

You can do it hon xxx
You are right Jan, I think the scare last week of going into Hospital has really given me the determination and motivation to say bye to my old friend now. The Doctor also advised me to stop smoking, I told him I have tried numerous times in the past, and that I would try again - his words were just like what so many of you have said too.........dont try, just DO it.

Its got to be done, none of us are getting any younger and if I want to have many more happy years ahead, then its time to nip this in the bud.

Duh, how depressing do I sound tonight, but I dont mean it to sound depressing lol.
You're allowed to feel a bit down - you're about to say goodbye to your best friend. You'll feel all the worse because you KNOW this REALLY WILL be goodbye :(.

This friend has always been there, never let you down, never judged you, has made you feel better, has propped you up through thick & thin, always been reliable, never changed, has been a substitute for food and emotions over the years. And from next friday morning you're going to be all alone.

I realise this may come across as though I'm trying to make you feel bad. What I'm actually trying to do is acknowledge how hard it is and tell you that I understand. When I packed in I cried a lot - I really did feel that I'd lost all of the above and only another ex-smoker can understand what it feels like. From the outside others just think we're making far too much of it and over-reacting.
I was a b***h to live with, spent an awful lot of time in the bath and didn't have any alcohol or even tea and coffee for weeks whilst trying to break the associations. I drank fruit and herb teas coz with booze or ordinary tea & coffee I'd automatically reach for a fag as well.

We believe when we're smokers, that fags relieve stress and make us feel better. When we're free we realise that it's the FAGS that give us the stress and make us feel bad in the first place. It's stressing about when you'll be able to have the next one that makes travelling difficult. Now I'm in the happy place of being able to feel sorry for those running out of the airport, standing by the door of a coach, having to go outside the pub/restaurant. Not in a nasty way but in an 'I'm so glad I don't have to do that anymore' way.

I hope I haven't made you feel bad... that wasn't my intention at all. I just want you to know there IS life after fags and enjoyable life after fags because that was another thing. I was so miserable because I truly believed I would never enjoy anything ever again ... again that may sound extreme and an over-reaction to some .. even perhaps to you Mary, but that's how I felt.

The other thing I tried to focus on when it was tough was how quickly time passes. I kept thinking 'in no time I'll be able to say - it's been a week, a month, six months, a year' etc etc. And now I really can't believe that I can say it's been 11 years, especially as the thoughts and feelings are still as clear as anything!!

We're all behind you cheering you on hon and you know where to come if you need any words of encouragement .... or a slap ;)

Tan - you think YOU can ramble! I've taken over from Ness I think ;) Sorry if I've gone on too much xx
Jan I loved that post but cant rep you for it. For a non smoker that has put into perspective what smokers go through when they want to quit.

Mary, you know, like Jan said, we're all behind you.
You've got a great plan of attack :D x
I can never rep anybody either - it's coz I only stick to this bit of the forum and am always trying to rep the same people lol! ... But thanks :) x
Jan, great post there! You can easily substitute " overeating and eating bad foods" for " fags" and the same principles apply.
Mary, a friend of mine who made several attempts to stop smoking finally succeeded after reading Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking".
I read that book too and used some stuff from it. Didn't agree with everything in it personally, like he recommends that you carry on doing exactly what you always did. He wouldn't recommend stopping the tea & coffee etc like I did, his reasoning being that you have to get along in those situations without fags - which is true enough. I just wanted to give myself a bit of time to accumulate the strength to be able to.
But everyone's different.
Most people swear by sustitutes .. patches, gum etc, but I saw that as something else to have to give up later on, and I only wanted to have to do it once.
However I understand they help a lot of people!

I know where you're coming from with substituting 'over-eating' and 'bad foods' for 'fags' but can't entirely agree. Ghastly and difficult as it is, quitting smoking is easier than keeping weight off. You can never give up eating completely, you have to make those choices daily, hourly! Stopping smoking is a one time decision - deal with the aftermath and it's done. It can be horrendous while you're in the midst of it, but once it's done, it's done.
This is probably why I like meal replacements so much - I don't have to think about those choices!

You're right in that the same principles apply, I totally agree. It's just that having to apply those principles daily for the rest of our lives is a lot more difficult imho :eek: xx
My hubby read some of Allen Carr's book as well. The line that stuck with him was "You're slowly suffocating yourself to death". I know that sounds morbid (sorry) but it really did hit a cord with him and did the trick. He did it cold turkey cos he didn't want to have give up the patches etc either.

We're all behind you Mary cos we know you will do it!
Thanks everyone, and Jan, that post is so true, its how I felt when I gave up for the 3.5 months last time, so I do know what to expect. You brought a wee tear to my eye reading it.

I have the Allen Carr book upstairs, and I got it out the other day, as I will take it to work tonight to read.

I am going to start listing my food from today. I am not intentionally dieting or over-eating, but I will list it all in preparation for Friday, and I intend to start making more healthy choices. I went shopping today and apart from a Scotch Egg which I have fancied for a couple of days, its all good wholesome food - with the exception of Phills chocolate, biscuits and crisps haha. I made a pan of lentil soup today as well, always good to have around.

Breakfast, 1 W/M roll spread with thin scraping of ELF mayo, 2 rashers of grilled bacon with fat removed and given to Maisey, 1 egg boiled. 1 tangerine.

Lunch, Lentil soup, 3 ryvita, 1 pear and LF yogurt.

Supper, 1 Scotch egg and beetroot salad.

Snacks, 1 banana and 1 kiwi fruit for during the night.

I have finished all my cigarettes about an hour ago, so I am back to tobacco now for the remainder of the week. All ready to bid farewell to my enemy, which I HAVE called my friend all my smoking life, but I realise that he is just trying to make me smelly and even kill me.
Good idea to now think of it as your enemy :) xx
Good idea to get back to listing here with us :) x
No extra's today other than what I listed above.
There would have been a cup of lentil soup before supper tonight, that I put into a tupperware glass for work, as I froze the rest of it, and this was the leftover - but I came to work and forgot to bring it.

Jeez I am tired tonight, still over 5 hours to go.............ready for bed already.
Horrible when you're struggling to stay awake :eek: .. another 6 hours for me, but I suppose I am then off for a week :) xx
I HAVE called my friend all my smoking life, but I realise that he is even trying to kill me.

He's no friend of yours, he is simply shortening your life. GET RID.
You CAN do it!:D