Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Hi twinkle xx

Thanks for that lovely post hunni xx I'm so sorry you lost your mum... you must miss her terribly still xx I feel like I'm living someone else's life atm...not mine...I'm not sure this is how I should be feeling. I don't sleep either, well not very well anyway. Usually manage about 3 or 4 hours, but I suppose that's to be expected with everything that's going on. I do feel lucky to be able to come here, day or night, and get things off my chest. I don't talk to many people, only a handful really, but they're all real friends to me. It seems that whatever is troubling you, there is someone here who has been through the same thing, or who has great advice or support to offer.

Don't tell my hubby u been doing a sun dance! He's been praying for rain for the garden for days lol! And we finally had some tonight so he's happy. Mind you, it didn't come down till AFTER he'd done all the watering lol!

Don't forget to put your electric blanket on while you're sorting your zimmer out, and better soak your teeth too...;)

It's nice to talk to u twinkle xx

Lots of love xx

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Hello Hannah xx

I've just read your post to hubby and we're both wiping tears away. I'm so flattered that you would take the time to look through my diary, and then to leave such thoughtful comments. It has overwhelmed us tbh xx. Thankyou xx.

When I started back at sw in January, I knew the situation with dad, but I don't think I appreciated just how short time was. I have NEVER stuck to plan during an emotional crisis. I always go to pieces and my diet is the first thing to suffer. The last time I gave up was when my Nan died last year, the time before that was when my Auntie Jose died...and I piled weight on both times. So I know there's a pattern, and I'm sure that sadly there are probably thousands of people just like me.

But now I have found a great deal of support on here, a way of venting my anger at the injustice of it all, and an outlet for my fears and worries without having to involve my family. It's not that I don't want to talk to them...its just too upsetting and painful, so I'm afraid my lovely friends here get the brunt of my bad days! But we still have good days and I love sharing them here too, so its not all doom and gloom! I suppose its just real life isn't it?

Goodness, I'm really off on a right old ramble now! And I'm not even out of bed yet!

Well thankyou again for chatting, and I would love you to stay in touch. Thankyou also from the bottom of my heart for running the race for life xx Maybe we could be virtual training buddies, and u can join our rather unconventional running team? Xx

I'm on my mob atm but when I've showered and had brekkie I'll whack the laptop on and have a look at your details etc...I can't even see if you have a diary when I'm using the mob, so if you have got one I'll pop in and visit xx

Take care,

Lots of love, Dawn xx

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Hannah:) said:
So i'll be the one in trackies and a vest top - sweating and panting away - while running for a few seconds when it says run!! :)


Lol! I hate to spoil it for u but you won't be the only one! That's the standard uniform for our little disfunctional running team...;)

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Hi Dawn :wavey:

Hope you've had a good day, been good to yourself & hoping your dad had a comfortable & happy one too :D

I think I stopped dancing too soon, there was more rain than sun today, psht! :( Glad anyway that your hubby got his rain - always the way after watering - like washing your car haha.
Was hoping for a day split between gardening and the park but oh well had a lovely one anyway :D Took my LO (did I say he's autistic?) on a bus (he's manic about buses - one of his obsessions) to the next town where we sat in the bus station for a little while then went for lunch, than the toy shop, of course, haha, where he sat and admired the toy buses.
We bought a very nice red bendy bus number 001, very bargainous :giggle: but the joy value is priceless :woohoo: However a wee accident nearly marred the event for him, a bleeding thumb dripping round the shop, till I noticed it :eek: as he kept quiet about it. What a boy :rolleyes: What happened?
Well he whacked his thumb last sunday with a hammer :eek: in a snatch and run manoeuvre from grandad :cry: it then got infected and now he keeps catching it on things and it starts bleeding again :d'oh: I think he'l lose the nail but as he's caught it a few times since, I'm hoping the nail bed isn't now permanently damaged and not grow properly :( Also he keeps removing the plasters I've been using to try & protect it, so today I bought some proper dressing stuff and wrapped it completely. Maybe a little ott but he's left it on so far :) I think maybe the Thomas the Tank Engine plaster around it is probably magic and holding it on haha :whistle: Then again it could be just that he likes it ;)

Hope you sleep well tonight sweet lady ;)

I musht remember to take teef out of glash before going out nexsht time :8855:

Love xx
Hi Dawn, You are soo amazing, it's hard to believe that you are going thro' such a traumatic experience at the mo' as your posts are always so upbeat and jovial. Thankyou for your support on my diary and I shall make sure that I remember to visit you more often to support you too. Bless you!

Well done on keeping to your diet and continuing to lose as well, you really deserve a medal ... :king:

Take care and lots of loving thoughts coming your way .... :)
TwinkleToes2day said:
Hi Dawn :wavey:

Hope you've had a good day, been good to yourself & hoping your dad had a comfortable & happy one too :D

I think I stopped dancing too soon, there was more rain than sun today, psht! :( Glad anyway that your hubby got his rain - always the way after watering - like washing your car haha.
Was hoping for a day split between gardening and the park but oh well had a lovely one anyway :D Took my LO (did I say he's autistic?) on a bus (he's manic about buses - one of his obsessions) to the next town where we sat in the bus station for a little while then went for lunch, than the toy shop, of course, haha, where he sat and admired the toy buses.
We bought a very nice red bendy bus number 001, very bargainous :giggle: but the joy value is priceless :woohoo: However a wee accident nearly marred the event for him, a bleeding thumb dripping round the shop, till I noticed it :eek: as he kept quiet about it. What a boy :rolleyes: What happened?
Well he whacked his thumb last sunday with a hammer :eek: in a snatch and run manoeuvre from grandad :cry: it then got infected and now he keeps catching it on things and it starts bleeding again :d'oh: I think he'l lose the nail but as he's caught it a few times since, I'm hoping the nail bed isn't now permanently damaged and not grow properly :( Also he keeps removing the plasters I've been using to try & protect it, so today I bought some proper dressing stuff and wrapped it completely. Maybe a little ott but he's left it on so far :) I think maybe the Thomas the Tank Engine plaster around it is probably magic and holding it on haha :whistle: Then again it could be just that he likes it ;)

Hope you sleep well tonight sweet lady ;)

I musht remember to take teef out of glash before going out nexsht time :8855:

Love xx

Hi Twinkle,

What a lovely day you have had, apart from the bleeding thumb of course! Hope it heals soon, poor thing! How old is the little chap?

Vickis fiance has a younger brother who is autistic. He's fascinated by cars and will play with them for ages. He isn't able to talk, but he certainly makes himself understood ok! I think he's 16 now.

I think you should try dancing again hunni. And could you do one for stopping all this flipping wind we are having atm? We seem to get it around this time every year, and it ALWAYS blows all the pretty blossom from the trees and clematis :(

Hope u got your gnashers sorted!

Love Dawn xx

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Emmaline said:
Hi Dawn, You are soo amazing, it's hard to believe that you are going thro' such a traumatic experience at the mo' as your posts are always so upbeat and jovial. Thankyou for your support on my diary and I shall make sure that I remember to visit you more often to support you too. Bless you!

Well done on keeping to your diet and continuing to lose as well, you really deserve a medal ... :king:

Take care and lots of loving thoughts coming your way .... :)

Hi Emmaline,

My goodness, you have said so many kind things there...thankyou so very much.

The thing is that sometimes its like there's two of me. One "me" is living in a happy world, coping well with my diet and generally enjoying life. Then there's the other "me", who doesn't want to fall asleep at night because when I wake up in the morning it will be a day nearer losing my Dad. Or THE day. So you end up with a bit of a mixture on here really, kind of Jeckyl and Hyde.

I don't know how I'd cope without the knowledge that I can come here and get things off my chest, hav a chat, laugh, cry...keeps me sane xx

I'd love you to pop by and say hi. I know you have major problems of your own, but you always try to make something positive out of whatever life deals you. You may have many physical problems, but you have been blessed with a strong mind, quick wit, and a lot of determination...like Dad xx. I always enjoy reading what you've been up to!

Take care,

Love Dawn xx

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Evening lovely ladies xx

Started the day with a very nice cuppa in bed brought to me by gorgeous hubby. And I had a nice surprise when I logged onto my diary and found a lovely post from a new young lady, Hannah. Hannah will be joining our disfunctional running team BTW peeps xx.

After breakfast hubby and I walked to the garden centre to buy 2 big shopping bags full of fruit and veg, and then walked back again. It's not far, about a mile, but I did insist on carrying both bags back just in case it mite boost my weightloss this week ;)

After lunch we settled down to watch the Saints v Leicester in the playoffs...well, we lost so we won't talk about that any more!

When the match finished we went to see Dad. He's all settled in his new room, and once again we found him sleepy but not in much pain. We took half a bottle of sloe vodka (a twist on sloe gin) that we'd made for Dad last year but that we'd kept round ours. Up until Christmas when Dad got too ill, Dad and Shirley used to come for Sunday lunch every week, with my children and their partners. We would always have a little aperatif before lunch...sherry, port, or sloe gin or vodka, so hubby and I thought Dad might like some at the hospice. And he did have a glass this afternoon, and he thoroughly enjoyed it too! Well the nurses did say he needed to drink more...!

We came away around 7.30 when Dad was getting tired, and picked up a Chinese takeaway to share with Andrew. Very naughty I know, but I had saved all my syns for it, and for my glass of wine of course!

Before I could have my food I decided to do the next c25k run, which I quite enjoyed although its still blooming hard work lol!

Todays Food

2 x wm toast (B)
Butter (2)

Super noodles
2 x eggs
21g mozzarella (1/2 A)
Soy sauce

Chinese curry (shared) (8 ish)
Wine (6)

Total syns:- 16
Exercise:- 2 mile walk
C25k wk 2 run 3

Have a good Sunday xx

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Good Morning :wavey:

Not a bright & sunny one but not too wet either. No blooming good for getting the washing out either tho' :mad: I do love pegging out and see it all flip flapping on the line and then the delicious smell around it all when it's dried, mmm Invokes memories of summery days and youthful play. Dunno why it just does ;)

Sorry I can't do anything about your wind problem Dawn, I believe a change of food items may help :giggle: Always get a sarccy reply from my friend when I mention the wind as I do so love it. Watching it at play, walking in it, smelling the salty air down at the seaside....ahhh, tis heaven for me :D

So glad to hear your dad was comfortable yesterday and enjoyed a dram of the sloe vodka. I'm sure things like that help him to feel more 'normal' and not confined to medical stuff.

My LO will be 4 in July. His dressing stayed on all night so Yay! :) He too likes cars, although buses are favourite. He is quite high functioning but he doesn't play with them as your average kiddie, brrmm brrmm, he lies down level to the wheels and watches them turning. Anything that spins he likes and will try to spin almost anything, haha. Those stands in shops that hold postcards, keyrings etc, omg :eek: I've seen a few of them practically fall as he tries to make them go faster, haha, oops :rolleyes: My body magic is dashing forward and catching things haha :D

Well time to get cracking I guess, lazy sunday morning, busy afternoon. Hope your day is a good one :D


I read your posts and they make me laugh and cry. You are such an amazing person and I loved the picture of your Dad and Shirley. I am so pleased that he now has his own room and that the staff are so understanding. I hope the weather improves (it has been raining all day here) so that he can make the most of the patio room.

Well done on the running and the food. The advantage of saving syns for a take away is that you don't have to feel guilty about it. Enjoy it :)

Well done on yours and Andrews fantastic losses. You really are an inspiration to people here :D

Gail x
Good Morning :wavey:

Sorry I can't do anything about your wind problem Dawn, I believe a change of food items may help :giggle: Always get a sarccy reply from my friend when I mention the wind as I do so love it. Watching it at play, walking in it, smelling the salty air down at the seaside....ahhh, tis heaven for me :D

So glad to hear your dad was comfortable yesterday and enjoyed a dram of the sloe vodka. I'm sure things like that help him to feel more 'normal' and not confined to medical stuff.

My LO will be 4 in July. His dressing stayed on all night so Yay! :) He too likes cars, although buses are favourite. He is quite high functioning but he doesn't play with them as your average kiddie, brrmm brrmm, he lies down level to the wheels and watches them turning. Anything that spins he likes and will try to spin almost anything, haha. Those stands in shops that hold postcards, keyrings etc, omg :eek: I've seen a few of them practically fall as he tries to make them go faster, haha, oops :rolleyes: My body magic is dashing forward and catching things haha :D


:hmm: ... thankyou Twinkle for your very helpful comment on my wind problem!!! :brainfart:...or maybe it's not my brain I should be worrying about...:8855: I find that onions have quite an impressive effect on me, but an even worse effect on anyone down wind of me :yuk: But the best results by far are obtained with the use of brussel sprouts... :faint2: Hubby has the right idea...he always drops one when we're in Tescos, but then the crafty bugger does a runner to the next aisle :bolt: and leaves me to take the blame :rolleyes: Highly embarrassing when it's packed out and shoppers are walking past you holding their breath :sign0137:

Love the description of your antics with LO! Isn't it wonderful that some everyday items we take for granted can be objects of fascination to some! When Matthews family came for tea one night, his brother just wanted to play with the curtain tie backs, even though we had put toys out for him :)


I read your posts and they make me laugh and cry. You are such an amazing person and I loved the picture of your Dad and Shirley. I am so pleased that he now has his own room and that the staff are so understanding. I hope the weather improves (it has been raining all day here) so that he can make the most of the patio room.

Well done on the running and the food. The advantage of saving syns for a take away is that you don't have to feel guilty about it. Enjoy it :)

Well done on yours and Andrews fantastic losses. You really are an inspiration to people here :D

Gail x

:thankyou: Gail xx

That photo is lovely isn't it? It was taken on Shirleys birthday :sigh: Dad looks quite well...he looks very different now :(

I'm so proud of Andrew for doing so well :D He's a painfully shy lad, and I hope that his confidence grows as he loses weight. He's a really lovely boy, but has a very low esteem which was caused initially by his father when Andrew was only 5 or 6. It's shocking how much a child can be affected by constantly being put down :mad: Anyway, we have come a long way since then, and he has a super relationship with hubby which is just great for them both :D
:hmm: ... thankyou Twinkle for your very helpful comment on my wind problem!!! :brainfart:...or maybe it's not my brain I should be worrying about...:8855: I find that onions have quite an impressive effect on me, but an even worse effect on anyone down wind of me :yuk: But the best results by far are obtained with the use of brussel sprouts... :faint2: Hubby has the right idea...he always drops one when we're in Tescos, but then the crafty bugger does a runner to the next aisle :bolt: and leaves me to take the blame :rolleyes: Highly embarrassing when it's packed out and shoppers are walking past you holding their breath :sign0137:

Hello ladies (wonder why I never get any men post on here :confused: )

How are we all doing then?

I had a rather lazy start to the day. Tea in bed then downstairs for some brekkie. Gwyn pootled off to church around 10.00, & I decided to have a bash at the exercise bike :eek: Wasn't too bad actually considering I haven't been on it for ages. But the funny thing was I couldn't take my eyes off my thighs...they weren't rubbing together and there was space between them! :faint2:

Had my shower & a little look around here, and then dragged myself away to do some housework :innocent0002: Just as I was thinking about starting lunch, daughter & future son in law :character00250: turned up in a great flurry of activity & commandeered the kitchen :rolleyes: Matthew plays cricket on a Sunday, and Vicki does her WAG bit, but today she was also doing the catering for the match for the first time. She volunteered to give it a go at the last committee meeting. Cue mounds of ham sarnies/ cheese sarnies / garlic bread / cakes / biscuits / crisps etc! I think they did a wonderful job between them, especially as neither of them have done anything like this before. Anyway I managed to get some lunch prepared after they went off, & then I had a phone call from son no. 2, Dan, asking if he could come up to watch the Newcastle match on Sky, so of course I said yes. Luckily I was doing salad as Dan has a genetic metabolic disorder called phenylketonuria which means he can't eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk or bread but he CAN have salad & sw chips thank goodness!

After lunch my Mum came up to see us, and we decided to go to Dans flat as she hadn't seen it before. From there, Dan & I went to see Dad. We passed Shirley coming out of the car park as we drove in, but it was nice to find my brother was there. Dad was fairly ok, but he looks like he's aged 10 years in the last week :sigh: He's not really able to feed himself now, & he was struggling to hold his glass of sloe vodka, so I had to help. It's so sad to see him so helpless. And he looks so small too. But he still has a lovely sense of humour. He told me off when I offered him a glass of water when he was coughing trying to drink his vodka...didn't want to dilute it lol!

That's about it for now I think. Hope you guys are all ok, and see you all tomorrow xx

Todays Food

2 x wm toast (B)
butter (2)
splash milk in tea (2)

gammon steak
sw chips
salad cream (2)

soy sauce
42g mozzarella (A)
G & T (3)

Total syns:- 9
Exercise:- 15 mins on exercise bike
Evening all xx

Will keep this fairly short as I'm a bit pooped & I want to get up early tomorrow.

We decided to go car hunting for Andrew today as his little old micra is starting to act its age & give him a few probs. Well we had a look around several local garages but nothing really appealed to him, so we returned home empty handed. Gonna scan autotrader again tomorrow & possibly look further afield.

Went to see Dad tonight & was pleased & surprised to find Mum was there, along with Shirley. Mum & Dad were divorced more than 30 years ago, but there's no animosity between them, and Mum is very saddened with poor Dads illness. Dad had been asleep most of the day but woke up for about an hour tonight. He managed to talk to us although its difficult to hear him as he's very quiet, & he gets tired very quickly. He's not eating very much at all :sigh:

Well I'm going to sign off now...keep it short and sweet xx

Have a good day tomorow all xx

Todays Food

28g fruit and fibre (B)
125mls ss milk (1/2 A)

2 x boiled eggs
Tinned toms
baked beans
sweet chilli sauce (2)

2 x Light Choices Cumberland Pork Sausages (2)
sw chips
tinned toms
tom sauce (2)
mustard (1)
cheesecake yoghurt (1)

options hot choc (2)

Total syns:- 10
Exercise:- none
Morning Dawn :flowers:

How lovely that your mum and dad still get on, it shows how loved he is that mum is visiting.
It sounds like they have dads pain management sorted, here's hoping they keep it that way, you may not get to chat as much but I believe its worth it to know that he isn't in pain.

I think you are doing an amazing job of keeping upbeat, but I understand that feeling thats its not really happening to you. With my big sis I found a strength I didn't know I had -but it was almost like I went onto auto pilot as I realised that the only thing that mattered was that I was there for her and her hubby and daughter and that we did what she wanted regardless of what we thought. Im so glad you have got a lovely OH Gwyn sounds like a little belter and your complete tower of strength -so you make sure you lean on him my lovely -you have to offload somewhere.
I hope Andrew gets a car sorted, an unreliable car is a bl**dy nightmare isn't it and no doubt you worry when he is out n about in it ;)
ANyway -my lovely, I will get off and stop yapping.. take care of yourself and get those feet up and chill out for a few minutes somewhere today...
Hugs to you all and gentle positive thoughts to your lovely dad.
Hi Dawn,

So happy to hear that your dad said he's not in so much pain. That's such fab news. I think you are being so brave in all of this. You're such an inspiration. I can see what you mean about the two "yous" - it must be hard as you keep your family and friends going with your positive outlook. I agree with what someone else said that you should treat yourself to some "me time". :)

Good luck for the week xxxxx
Good Morning :wavey:

Hope you had some quality :zz: and your morning so far is :character00238:

It made me smile thinking how nice it must have been for you to see your mum visiting with your dad :)
It's great that his pain is now under control and knowing that when he wakes he can chat comfortably, however briefly, must be a comfort to you. I did :giggle: though when I read that he'd told you off for offering water to calm his coughing when drinking his sloe vodka. That's something my dear father-in-law would have done :D

Andrew is doing so well and you are obviously proud of him but he is also lucky to have such a loving and supportive parent in you and with Gwyn in his life too, he is blessed. As of course are Dan, Vicki and all your friends and other family members :hug99:
Hope Andrew's little Micra holds out till a replacement can be found. Cars are so convenient, but like a computer, a real pain in the butt when they go kaput :deadhorse: Buses can be fun tho' as my LO well state lol ;)

No thigh rubbing on the exercise bike eh? That should be posted on the NSV thread ;) and I must get going on my own EB to see if my own thighs have parted ways :giggle: (ooh, hope that doesn't sound bad, didn't mean it to :whistle:)

How did the cricket catering go down? Well I hope :D Sounds like a veritable feast was made :eatdrink051:

Does Dan's metabolic disorder cause him any health problems Dawn, other than restricting his diet I mean? Is it basically a vegan diet he has to follow? Sorry if that's too nosy :eek:

It's beautiful here so washing is out and more is sloshing about in the machine. LO is at nursery sporting his new insoles that he got at hospital yesterday ;) He likes to unfasten his shoes to show people but then can't refasten them again :rolleyes: Velcro is great but can also frustrate :sigh: Wouldn't be without it mind you :) Wish I'd invented it even :giggle: :rolleyes:

Well the sloshing has finished so better go do some more pegging.

Have a happy day :D

TTFN :wavey:
Mo x
Struggling to Sleep so ended up on your diary again!!

Just thinking about how hard it must be for Dan to find food/eat out - I tried following a Vegan diet for abit and failed at the 1st breakfast (Milk Powder in Special K)! I suppose if your born with something you learn to live with it as you have never known any different - can't see it making it any easier though.

All the best in finding a suitiable car for Andrew - Personally a fan of the Citroen C1 (but i'm biassed).

Sorry about your Dad tonight - but nice to see that 'old and new' family can still be a 'family' (sorry not sure how to phase that).

Take care (and don't do a me and oversleep)

P.S, Rather like the look of your dinner this evening (reminded me I have some sausages in my freezer - as i was wondering what to have for lunch today - saved me a trip to the supermarket - no food at uni (only back for a night so not worth shopping)

Hannah x

Hi Hannah,
Thanks for popping by...you're as bad as me for not sleeping at night lol! :rolleyes:
Dans really good with his diet...like you say it's what he's used to so he's quite the expert now!
We're hoping to try again tomorrow to look at some cars for Andrew. I agree with you on the C1, but it's a bit out of our price range so we're possibly looking at Renault Clios & Fiat Puntos.
Dinner was fab! How many other diets can you eat sausage & chips on! :gimi:
Morning Dawn :flowers:

How lovely that your mum and dad still get on, it shows how loved he is that mum is visiting.
It sounds like they have dads pain management sorted, here's hoping they keep it that way, you may not get to chat as much but I believe its worth it to know that he isn't in pain.

I think you are doing an amazing job of keeping upbeat, but I understand that feeling thats its not really happening to you. With my big sis I found a strength I didn't know I had -but it was almost like I went onto auto pilot as I realised that the only thing that mattered was that I was there for her and her hubby and daughter and that we did what she wanted regardless of what we thought. Im so glad you have got a lovely OH Gwyn sounds like a little belter and your complete tower of strength -so you make sure you lean on him my lovely -you have to offload somewhere.

Hugs to you all and gentle positive thoughts to your lovely dad.

Your feelings as you were losing your lovely sister are really ringing true with me. I'm afraid some times that I'm coming across as hard, or matter of fact, when I'm talking about him etc. but I feel I have to be tough in order to not break down. I'm the same when I'm with him...I'm very practical helping him to eat, drink etc...when all I really want to do is tell him how much I love him :sigh:...but I just can't let my guard down :cry: It sounds to me that you did a wonderful job caring for your sister and her family :heartpump:
Gwyn is truly my rock. We have had an awful last four years with illness & bereavements in the family, & there's no doubt I would have gone under without him. He has always supported me and the children in everything we do. There may be a few years between us, but oddly that seems to work well for us.
I love him & he loves me back... xxx

Take care xx
No thigh rubbing on the exercise bike eh? That should be posted on the NSV thread ;) and I must get going on my own EB to see if my own thighs have parted ways :giggle: (ooh, hope that doesn't sound bad, didn't mean it to :whistle:)

How did the cricket catering go down? Well I hope :D Sounds like a veritable feast was made :eatdrink051:

Does Dan's metabolic disorder cause him any health problems Dawn, other than restricting his diet I mean? Is it basically a vegan diet he has to follow? Sorry if that's too nosy :eek:

TTFN :wavey:
Mo x

Hi Mo,

Oh I needed that laugh! :thankyou: I do hope that your thighs were satisfactorily parted & that you had a good ride, on your bike :8855:

Vicki had a great time at the cricket match and her food went down really well! :eatdrink023: In fact when she came home. she was absolutely buzzing and saying "I'm going to be RUNNING that club before too long...!" :D Actually, I think it helped that all the cricketers on the other team made a real fuss of her & kept telling her how lovely she was ;)

Not nosy about Dans diet at all hunni! The problem is that Dan's body can't break down a form of protein (phenylalanine) in the way that "normal" people do. So if the the levels aren't controlled they can build up and cause brain damage. It's quite hard as he obviously needs enough protein to grow & develop properly, but not too much so that it causes any problems. When he was diagnosed at 2 weeks old, his levels were extremely high, & I had to stop breast feeding for a few days & give him a low protein milk formula to fill him up & also give him the amino acids etc that he needed. We had to take him for blood tests every other day to determine the level, & then I was told how many minutes to breast feed for & how much formula to give him. Gradually we moved on to weaning him, & began weighing out any food with a protein content. So whereby on SW we count "syns", Dan counts "exchanges" (measured amounts of protein). He also started on a special drink which replaced the milk.
I don't know why but most of the children born with this disorder have blond hair & blue eyes, & Daniel was a prime example of this for a few years but he's since gone a lot darker.:confused:
We were warned that Daniel might be slow to learn & need remedial teaching, or be uncoordinated, but thankfully he's had no problems. In fact he passed his GCSE's, then his A'levels, & is now training to be a hospital pharmacy technician.
It was very hard when he was growing up as he didn't understand why he couldn't have chocolate, cakes, meat etc like his friends, but we got things like flour, bread, biscuits etc on prescription so I was always trying out recipes on him. We did have to put a stair gate through to the kitchen as we found teeth marks in the cheese a few times, & once I found him upside down in the bin, trying to get food out of it!
Now he's 22 & a fine, strapping, 6ft, handsome young man and you would never know there was anything wrong with him. He has blood tests every 3 months just to make sure he's in control of his food, & to check how many exchanges he should be on. He also still has to drink a certain amount of the amino acid formula every day. Dan lives on fruit and veg (much of which has to be measured), prescription bread & pasta, although now & again he might splash out on some chippy chips, or blow a few exchanges on a veg curry... a bit like flexi syns! So it's not all doom & gloom! It really does put it into perspective though when I'm moaning about being on a diet for a few months (cos of my own fault pigging out on too much food) & there are people like Dan who are coping with much more severe & complicated diets through no fault of their own :ashamed0005:

Well, that took a while to explain...sorry about that! Theres loads more I could say but you'd probably end up nodding off lol!
Thanks for asking hunni xx
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