Hi to all you lovely ladies, and :thankyou: for leaving such warm and comforting messages for me xx.
I'm hoping to get into a more normal routine now...well as normal as poss :fingerscrossed:
We had a very nice day yesterday. Took Edna to church where she was welcomed with kisses from the men and hugs from the ladies, which she thoroughly enjoyed! Its a very small church, only around 20-25 in the congregation, and I'm the youngest at 44! Edna was amazed to find she wasn't the oldest at 94...we have a lady called Gladys who's 96! Anyway, the service was absolutely lovely, very personal, as it was conducted by our old Rev. Lionel (who's 82!!!)
After the service we had coffee in the church, then went through to the back rooms where we had a very tasty roast pork dinner followed by trifle or apple pie & custard. After another coffee, we went to see dad but sadly he'd had such a bad night that they'd dosed him right up and he was fast asleep when we got there. We spent half an hour there just in case dad woke up but he didn't, so Shirley & Edna said their goodbyes and we set off for Norwich. Had a good journey, only 2 hours, and arrived to find Ednas other daughter Valerie had left a huge pile of sandwiches and a cake for us. So of course we had to eat them :ashamed0005: Another 2 hour journey home and we were sitting down with a G&T by 21.00hrs :7834:
Back to work today :argh: but actually it wasn't too bad. Popped up to see dad after work and it was great to find him eating his tea...only a sandwich, but he was eating

The doctors did a blood test today and discovered that dads blood has become extremely sticky so he's at high risk of a clot, so they've put him back on aspirin. The test also showed a problem with his calcium levels, so they put him on a drip while I was there. Another thing they have been discussing giving dad is a nerve block, but they were unsure as to whether it would work. After speaking with the pain clinic at the general, they have decided to give it a go, but getting him there is going to be a problem even going by ambulance. Because the leg and pelvis are so unstable, & the pain is obviously unbearable at times, they are going to have to medicate dad to the point that he may be barely conscious. The appt isn't till friday, but tomorrow the doctors are going to attempt a kind of dry run. They're going to medicate him, then try sliding him from one bed to another to simulate transferring him onto a stretcher. Then they are going to see if dad can lay on his side for 30 mins as he will have to do that on friday to have the nerve block. So if they do all this successfully tomorrow, we will attempt to get him to the general on fri. I have to say I'm very concerned for him, but we have to trust the doctors. They are so wonderful and they simply won't give up the battle to get dad pain free. Quite simply, they are all angels, along with all the nurses.
It's very late so I think I'll post my food, switch to my mob & visit a diary or two, & then call it a day. Like an idiot, I decided to try wk2 day2 of the c25k tonight...and it damn near killed me lol!!! My knee was fine until I got home and now its really hurting again...dunno what I can do to sort the blinkin thing out!

Might try some strapping...?
Todays Food
42g all bran (B)
125 mls ss milk (1/2 A)
ham salad
2 x apples
salad cream (3)
velvet crunch crisps (4)
2 x roast spud (left overs from church meal so cooked in oil 4)
Just realised I only had 1/2 my A today.
Total syns:- 11
Exercise:- wk 2 day 2 c25k