Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Hi All,

Quick post for now as I HAVE to watch The Apprentice...:peep:

Had a brilliant surprise today at work. There was a knock at the office door and a voice asked "Is Dawn here?" and when I turned round I realised it was ... JimofTroy!!! (she of 5 stones loss fame :worthy: ) Wow...she looks so good, and what a lovely lady too. We managed to have a quick chat but I would have liked much longer so hopefully we will meet up properly over coffee and have a proper natter.

Saw Dad after work and unfortunately the doctors were unable to do the dry run today as he had had a bad night and was in too much pain, but they are hoping to try again on Thursday.

Gorgeous hubby made me giggle today. His mobile packed up yesterday so he decided he would pop into town and get another one. He showed the young man in the o2 shop the broken mobile and said he would like something similar. The young man then replied "Did you know you have an on/off button on here sir?" and promptly turned the thing on!!! :8855: Poor hubbs...it appears that in 3 years he's never turned the phone off...just closed it up as its a flip phone, & he must have accidentally turned it off yesterday :rotflmao: Bless him!

Todays food

42g all bran (B)
125ml ss milk (1/2 A)

ham salad
salad cream (2)
2 x apples
velvet crunch crisps (4)

new pots
butter (2)
salad cream (2)
21g 1/2 f cheddar (1/2 A)

G&T (3)

Total syns:- 13

Will do some visiting after The Biggest Loser USA...

See you all later xx
Exercise:- none
Oh WOW. Meeting Jim of Troy :D. That's great. Hopefully you will see each other again :)

I giggled at the story about the mobile phone. I know a few people who could be like that.

Fingers crossed that they can get enough control of your Dad's pain to get him for his nerve block. I have my fingers, legs, hair, etc crossed for you all.

Big cyber hugs for you.

Gail x
Good Morning Lovely Lady :wavey:

Your hubby is my kind of man :giggle: -I am a complete twonk when it comes to mobiles n things. At least the salesman was good enough to point out what was wrong -rather than just grabbing another sale :clap:

Oooooh you got to meet Jim :clap:..... I might be sharing a tent with that lady next year...poor poor Jim:sign0151:

Lets hope they get dad sorted out, its so difficult to watch and feel helpless isn't it! With sis I seemed to spend my time milling about at her house just so she knew we were there, although when she first was allowed home and could manage a little to eat I did a supermarket sweep finding all her fave things from when we were kids -things like creme caramel, faggots, cherryade pop... she loved it *everyone else was trying to get her to eat "healthy" stuff" -stuff that she had always hated :confused: -if she didn't like fruit before she wasn't going to start then was she!!* - I figured that if she could only eat a little -it should be something that she loved ;).
Edna sounds a lovely little soul, I bet she is loving being with lots of people....
Im amazed where you get all your energy from Mrs.. you never seem to stop :eek:.
I hope your knee eases up quickly for you -can't have you hobbling about....
Right enough waffle .. you take care of yourself and don't forget to find 10 mins to get those feet up..
Have a good day lovely - positive thoughts to your dad...
Had a brilliant surprise today at work. There was a knock at the office door and a voice asked "Is Dawn here?" and when I turned round I realised it was ... JimofTroy!!! (she of 5 stones loss fame :worthy: ) Wow...she looks so good, and what a lovely lady too. We managed to have a quick chat but I would have liked much longer so hopefully we will meet up properly over coffee and have a proper natter.

Well, you're not getting rid of me now!
Now I know where you are, you'll never get away!

(And I'm often a bit of a surprise - but not usually brilliant!)
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Hey Dawn!
How lovely you and JoT got to meet up - hopefully soon we can do coffee too? a good ole minimins collective in Northampton :)

Bless hubby - that is soooo funny! Did he get a new phone in the end, or just left the shop with his tail between his legs...?!
Oh WOW. Meeting Jim of Troy :D. That's great. Hopefully you will see each other again :)

I giggled at the story about the mobile phone. I know a few people who could be like that.

Fingers crossed that they can get enough control of your Dad's pain to get him for his nerve block. I have my fingers, legs, hair, etc crossed for you all.

Big cyber hugs for you.

Gail x

Thanks Gail,

Well thank you so much for trying but you can relax & uncross everything hunni...Dads in too much pain to be moved so they have cancelled his appointment :sigh: I think we were expecting this to happen really so we weren't surprised. It's very sad, but in a way I think Dads relieved as he was very frightened at the prospect of being moved from his bed.
Thanks Gail,

Well thank you so much for trying but you can relax & uncross everything hunni...Dads in too much pain to be moved so they have cancelled his appointment :sigh: I think we were expecting this to happen really so we weren't surprised. It's very sad, but in a way I think Dads relieved as he was very frightened at the prospect of being moved from his bed.

So sorry to hear your dad's in too much pain for the block to be given Dawn. My prayers are going out to you all
Good Morning Lovely Lady :wavey:

Your hubby is my kind of man :giggle: -I am a complete twonk when it comes to mobiles n things. At least the salesman was good enough to point out what was wrong -rather than just grabbing another sale :clap:

Oooooh you got to meet Jim :clap:..... I might be sharing a tent with that lady next year...poor poor Jim:sign0151:

Lets hope they get dad sorted out, its so difficult to watch and feel helpless isn't it! With sis I seemed to spend my time milling about at her house just so she knew we were there, although when she first was allowed home and could manage a little to eat I did a supermarket sweep finding all her fave things from when we were kids -things like creme caramel, faggots, cherryade pop... she loved it *everyone else was trying to get her to eat "healthy" stuff" -stuff that she had always hated :confused: -if she didn't like fruit before she wasn't going to start then was she!!* - I figured that if she could only eat a little -it should be something that she loved ;).
Edna sounds a lovely little soul, I bet she is loving being with lots of people....
Im amazed where you get all your energy from Mrs.. you never seem to stop :eek:.
I hope your knee eases up quickly for you -can't have you hobbling about....
Right enough waffle .. you take care of yourself and don't forget to find 10 mins to get those feet up..
Have a good day lovely - positive thoughts to your dad...

Lovely post Capricorn...:thankyou:

Jim was really great! I'm sure you will have a fabulous time together in your tent lol!!! Just make sure you hang onto her if you pass any vast expanses of water...you know she has a penchant for diving in and swimming to the next country lol! :rolleyes:
Hey Dawn!
How lovely you and JoT got to meet up - hopefully soon we can do coffee too? a good ole minimins collective in Northampton :)

Bless hubby - that is soooo funny! Did he get a new phone in the end, or just left the shop with his tail between his legs...?!

Ooh Natty it would be really great to meet up!!! Maybe after work one evening or something, while you're in N'pton?

Poor hubby...he didn't get a new phone...well there wasn't much point since there was sod all wrong with his old one! :8855:
Hi guys,

Just couldn't drum up the energy to post last night :giveup: Dad was struggling very badly last night & I just couldn't leave him until his meds started to work, so didn't get home til late last night. Then I got a text from my boss to say her daughter had had to put her little dog to sleep and was inconsolable, and asking me to email a few words to her as we recently lost both our doggies in 4 months. After doing that it was pretty late. So I think I'll skip yesterday and move straight on to today.

Had a nice morning, mowing the lawn and generally tidying up the garden, and then started on the house. We had a lovely card from Edna thanking us for having her, and saying how much she'd enjoyed herself, bless her. So I gave her a ring and we had a good chat :blahblah:

Popped up to see Dad for an hour and was relieved to find him with a little more colour & managing to chat ok. He's a totally different man when he's not struggling with the pain. He did give us a bit of a laugh today actually :giggle: One of the volunteers came round with the (alcoholic) drinks trolley & Dad decided to have a whiskey & stones ginger ale. We joked with the lady that Dad was used to Spanish measures as he & Shirley lived in Torrevieja for several years, so she gave him quite a healthy amount. BUT we didn't actually see her pour the ginger ale in. So poor Dad took a huge slurp on his straw...& promptly started to cough and splutter all over the place, saying how strong it was. Well on further investigation we found that the volunteer had added ginger WINE instead of ALE :rotflmao: No wonder Dad's socks were blown off! :drunk: It was so lovely to see him laugh :clap:

Couldn't stay late with Dad as I had to dash back to pick Andrew up to go to fat club for 5.30. We both did rather well actually :angel09: ...

Andrew lost 4.5lbs and got his 10% :happy036:

I lost 2.5lbs and got my 3st shiney :wee:

Todays Food

28g fruit & fibre (B)
125mls ss milk (1/2 A)

slim a soup (3)

jacket spud
butter (2)
21g mozzarella cheese (1/2 A)
scampi (8)
salad cream (2)
wine (6)

Total syns:- 21 :bolt:
Exercise:- gardening

Here's my lovely Dad with Shirley...


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see -its proof that birthday cake MUST be good for you ;)

Well done to both of you on great losses, although with the amount of running around you are doing its hardly surprising is it my lovely. I think you are doing amazingly -staying on track whilst so busy and stressed. Most of us would have been head first in the fridge by now -you are truely inspirational :thankyou:!

What a lovely photo of dad - can I say he looks amazingly well, lets hope they nail that pain once and for all -sounds like the :party0036: might be the way to go :p.

Hope you find those 5 minutes for yourself today and hope dad has a good, pain free day

Take care sweetie and keep up the amazing work...

Wow well done on your loss! Fab!! Also I enjoyed the Ginger wine story, your dad looks like such a lovely man! Good luck for the week ahead!
Thank you ladies xx

Not sure what the plans are for today...maybe Tescos & Nettos :argh: ... if I can stand the excitement! ;)

Then a visit to dad. They should have put a syringe driver in by now so fingers crossed that it's making a real difference to him. They are also moving him from the ward to the private bedroom as he's not coping with having another (v noisy) patient in the ward. Also, the doctors have raised their concerns about pushing dads bed outside as theres a bump to get over. If he goes in the side room, they can open the patio doors & push him up to them, so it still feels like he's out doors. He simply loves the sun, & it makes him feel good.

Have a great day all and hopefully chat later xx
Wooohooo on the weight losses. Both of you.

See, I told you medicinal cake was syn free!
Do you believe me now?

Will PM you in a mo - unless I get distracted. Kick me if you don't find one at some stage this morning!
Wooh, well done on your loss, hopefully I will have a good loss next week and be able to confirm the birthday cake theory!!!

Your dad looks very well in the photo, I hope he gets to see some more sunshine today

Hope your day of exciting supermarket shopping is going well :) xxx
wow i've been gone a few days and i've missed a loads of posts:hug99: hey bestie hope your dad was ok today, its good they're getting him a private room.
Massive well done for you shiney, your going great guns xx
Hey Dawn :wavey:

Well done on your loss & new shiny :woo: what a morale booster ;)

Your dad looks like such a sweet man and his drink looks like it'l go down well *hic* :giggle: It's lovely to see him looking so bright ;)

Hope the sun shone on him today :character00238: A single room will give you all more privacy too.

Have a pleasant evening :wavey:

Mo x
Well done Dawn!! 3st - you are doing SOOO well. How was the supermarket sweep?!

that is good that dad is getting a private room. I have to say - the drink story made me smile too :)

Coolio - yes, lets defo do something soon xx
Hi ladies xx

Well...it certainly seems that you are quite right, and that birthday cake is indeed completely syn free when used for medicinal purposes! :gimi: Now don't you go letting the side down Laura! :cross:

:hmm:...well we didn't actually make it to the shops at all today! :ashamed0005: Instead I got all my jeans and trousers out of my wardrobe to see what fitted...and I found that more pairs were too BIG than were too SMALL! I couldn't believe it! Some of them won't stay up at all, and I can pull them on without undoing them! :wee: What a change it makes from not being able to find anything to wear cos its too small lol!

So after putting on a pair of black jeans that I haven't EVER worn before (cos I was too fat) and still had the label on, I had a bite to eat and then went to see Dad.

He was looking very relaxed, and told me he hardly had any pain at all. The syringe driver appears to be doing the trick. It's full of morphine, a muscle relaxant, and 2 types of anti sickness drugs. It gives him measured doses 24/7, but he can also ring for "top ups" from the nurses at any time. The doctor spoke to Shirley today. He explained that Dads cancer is rapidly spreading around his body, and that he's deteriorating quite quickly. He said that the meds will make Dad more sleepy, but that the actual illness will also make him more and more tired.
You know, I'm writing this like I'm talking about someone else. It doesn't make sense that it's my Dad I'm talking about. I still feel like it's not really happening. God help me when it finally sinks in.
Anyway, I spent a lovely afternoon with Dad, Andrew, Vicki & Shirley, & shortly after we left they moved him into the side room.

Oh yes, and just to add to everything, Shirleys brother in law was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer today, completely out the blue. :sigh:

So...all over the place today! Up and down as usual. These highs and lows are so difficult to cope with. It's hard to feel happy one minute, and then suddenly remember that actually you're not at all.

Hope you girlies are doing well! Lots of love xx

Todays Food

28g fruit & fibre (B)
125ml ss milk (1/2 A)

2 x sesame ryvita (3)
butter (2)
100g l/choices pineapple cottage cheese (1/2)

spag bol (2)
21g 1/2 f cheese (1/2 A)
wine (6)

options hot choc (2)

Total syns:- 15.5
Exercise:- none
Hi Dawn

You are such a brave lady. I know it is so hard to go through this and feel like it's not really happening one minute and then the earth's fallen away the next. I know I haven't said it before but I lost my mum 6yrs ago past January. I wanted to scream 99% of the time and the other 1% I wanted to hide in the corner. If I'd had somewhere like this to vent I may have got through it a little saner :rolleyes: You are doing amazingly well to keep going but for your own sake at a later date, you need to make sure you are making time to be sorry for yourself (yes that's allowed), just now my friend :)

I am so sorry to hear about Shirley's brother in law too. What a complete b@stard of a disease it is. Shows no favouritism mind you and crosses all known boundaries. God speed the day it can be conquered.

I was talking to Chelsea Lou over on 'Anyone aged 50+ had great success?' thread and saying my sun dance worked! The forecast earlier said rain tomorrow, but now it says fine :woohoo: lol
May try the dance every night now :stickdance:
Hmm, maybe alternate nights, don't want to get worn out :8855:

I'd like to think the other over 50's are having early nights and I'm the one with the energy to sit here and type :rotflmao: Where's my Hariborange juice :eatdrink017: Better replace the battery pack in my electric zimmer and go to bed ready for my action packed day tomorrow :whacky068:

Goodnight Sweetie God Bless