Afternoon ladies & Sarah x
Just got back from the school reunion
I got there about 10.00am as I'm on the OGA committee so I went to help set up tables and chairs etc. I met Frances there, but sadly she couldn't stay for the meal as her Dad is so ill.
Because it wasn't an evening do, and I had to lug tables around, I decided to wear some black pinstriped trousers with a short cream jumper, and the new boots I got this week. As soon as I walked through the door, the other committee members made a right fuss about the weight I'd lost!

arty0011: And that just carried on when everyone else arrived at 12!

It was great lol!

Even people who didn't really know me that well were really complimentary. And everyone wanted to know how I'd done fact a few of them thought I must have been ill!!!
Anyway, the afternoon went really well, with somewhere in the region of 150 old girls and staff there. The food was a very nice buffet style meal with salmon, prawns, beef, ham, egg mornay, salad, new pots, spinach and ricotta pastries, rice, couscous, coleslaw, and bread and butter. Desserts were cheesecake, chocolate orange roulade, and fruit salad. And of course there was as much wine and coffee and tea as you could drink. So, I'm afraid I'm a bit stuffed as I had quite a lot to eat

but the good news is I won't want much tea lol!