Your training sounds well fun - Wish I could join you tomorrow - Love my dementia clients, the pain and confusion can really show in there eyes and being able to help them feel a little more comfortable really makes my day - want to take them all home with me but think i'd go crazy!!
Love your new increased body image - You look lovely in dresses you have the body for it now.
What are you planning for your leave?
Thanks Hannah x
As far as I know, we have no set plans for next week. I'm sure we'll find plenty to do...I want to clean all the carpets for one thing! But hopefully we might have a couple of days out too. And I'm expecting to go swimming of course with Sarah, and we're going out on the town one night too

Glad your enjoying your training, no sleeping in tomorrow!!
Definitely didn't sleep in this morning! I was actually at training school by 7.40am... and the course didn't start until 08.30 lol!

But at least I wasn't late
Ah so you'll know how to cope with me by Saturday!!!
I remember when Gwyn bought you that first dress and you were horrified that it was above the knee. All of about ½" if I remember rightly?
And now look at you in those sassy frocks!
I think all of us who've lost a few stone are not comfortable with our naked bodies. I hate mine with a vengeance. Flabby tummy, saggy skin on thighs and chronic bingo wings - that at 57 no amount of exercising will eliminate completely. Yes they are looking better than they did but Sarah's absolutely right - I'll never look like I did at 21! And there's only ever t'other half sees me with nowt on!
So here's a hug chica :hug99: because whether you see it yourself or not you do look absolutely stunning in them there frocks!
Aww thanks Bev x I suppose I'm just disappointed that after losing all that weight I'm still not happy with the way I look

But I'm obviously much more comfortable than I used to be
So excited about Saturday! :bliss:

3 days and counting!!!

Here! Here! To all that has been said re you and dresses! Lookin' good Dawn.
Just a bit about your training sessions reminds me of when I went to first aid classes..thought it was my duty to at least try to learn the basics...but as you know how aware I am about being an oldie, I was the oldest by a long chalk and therefore each week the rest of them would swap round so they didn't have to work with me. When it came to the last week and we were going to be filmed doing the procedures ABC I chickened out and so never completed it. Tbh I am the sort who if I see an accident I am more than likely to tell someone else to go and help...
Every admiration of peeps of your ilk who can do this sort of work!..:thankyou:
Thank you Emmaline :flowers:
Aww that's such a shame about your first aid course

The others should never have been allowed to make you feel like that

You'd probably already learned enough to help in an emergency situation anyway though x
Hi Dawnie !!!
What are the plans for Saturday ??? It is all so exciting. Are you spending the day together as a group and then having a meal in the evening ???
I will be thinking of you all and be just a tad envious but very happy for all of you who are meeting.
Wow !!! 2 weeks off work. I hope you get lots of swimming in with your big sis.
big hugs xxxxx
Hi Mumsie!!
Yes that's pretty much the plan for Saturday

Just been chatting to Gail about the finer details. We're hoping to all meet up about 10am and then maybe have a short walk and then an early lunch. Then we'll just take it from there as to what we do in the afternoon, and have dinner together in the evening before going our separate ways :wave_cry:
Wish you were coming Sue...maybe next time? :cross:
Evening all x
Well that's the end of my course and I'd have to say I really enjoyed the 3 days. Today was a bit heavy going with the morning spent covering caring for patients with different forms of dementia. The afternoon was the most harrowing as we were informed of and discussed the new guidelines on palliative care and the legal aspects of 'Not For Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation' forms etc. One of the difficult situations we face on the ambulance service is when doctors have made the decision that in the event of a cardiac arrest, we should not attempt to resuscitate as it would not be in the patients best interests, go against the patients wishes, or be futile. This is fine until you have a relative on board who is unaware of the NFCPR status and is screaming at you to do something.

And it reminded me of the first time I saw a NFCPR form on Dad. I actually took the first ambulance transport booking that had it on, and whilst I knew he was desperately ill, it was still a shock to see it in black and white. I would've liked to have been informed by the hospice first.
So anyway, it's all done now, and I'm finished for a while now! :bliss: Looking forward to a bit of a lie in tomorrow, although we have got the dentists in the morning.
Vicki and Matt picked up the car they bought between them off Ebay this week. It's a lovely little car, a SportKa, with lots of modifications to make it really posey! And it's very cheap to insure and run. So she may well keep it and sell her Micra.
Right, food post and bed I think! Or I may have a little peek at diaries as I'm so far behind x
Todays Food
35g crunchy bran (B)
milk (1/2 A)
thai mugshot (1/2)
velvet crunch (4)
2 satsumas
2 yoghurts (1/2)
mushroom/onion/cheese omelette (A)
bns chips
tom sauce (2)
fresh raspberries & yoghurt (1)
milky coffee (1/2 A)
fibre plus bar (B)
Total syns - 8