Hi all x
Thanks for all those lovely comments btw :thankyou:
I was very naughty and wagged off church again today

In fairness we were late to bed last night as we had a call from the police to say the church had been broken into yet again, and Gwyn had to go up with one of the other guys to meet the policeman & secure the church

It's so bloody annoying. They repair smashed windows every single week, and the latest craze seems to be to pull the top slabs off of the surrounding walls. It's just kids of course, so there's nothing we can do about it
So this morning we didn't get up till after 9, and Gwyn went to church while I cooked dinner. Gwyn hadn't been home long when we had a phone call from Daniel to say he'd fallen awkwardly on his shoulder playing footie (dirty tackle...player got yellow carded!) and needed to go to A&E :character00264: He was in a lot of pain and couldn't actually physically move his arm. Gwyn and Andrew set of to pick him up and also bring his car home. But luckily enough, in the car Daniel turned to talk to Gwyn and his shoulder cracked and the pain pretty much went instantly! :happy036: So I can only think that it was a partial dislocation of the shoulder which corrected itself when Daniel turned

He's still sore and bruised of course, but not in real pain. I ran him a bath and gave him some paracetamol, and he had a power nap on the settee :zz: and he's feeling a lot better now.
Really have to try and get to sleep at a reasonable time tonight as I have to be in Leicester for 8.30am for a training course

Not really looking forward to it but I suppose it's better than working lol!
Todays food
2 x wm bread (B)
butter (3)
'roast' spuds/parsnips/bns
crisps (6)
mixed fruit and yoghurt
milky coffee (A)
Total syns - 9