Gold Member
Hello my tiny friend,
Er, I've just got one of those IPhone thingies too. It's driving me nuts. S'posed to make life easier and all that!!
The screen ignores me and the keypad is slow to respond by which time I've gone on to the next letter - nightmare for passwords..
I think my nails are getting in the way or something and those pen things are a bit naff aren't they? (I don't see any hoodies using them).
I shall persevere because the IPhone is cool but obviously I am not and will probably end up buying something simples.
Pomooky XXX
Hello there Pomooky!
How the devil are you???
I totally LOVE my iphone!!! :bananalove: And I'm lucky I've got my sis Sarah to show me how to work it lol!
Hi dawn handy bit of info about how to multi Qoute on an iphone i didn't have a clue either lol, hope u and tattoo are both ok xx
Hi Val x
Have to thank sis for the info on the phone cos I haven't got a clue either lol! Still madly in love with my tattoo too!
Hey Dawn,
Hope you had a lovely day yesterday and work is being kind to you. How tattoo looking? All swelling nearly gone?
Have a good eveningx
Hi Bexy x
Work's been absolutely fine for a change, except for having two vehicles grounded for possible faults :sigh:
My tattoo is brilliant!
Evening guys x
I was playing on my phone last night so didn't really get on here to post
I had a lovely evening which included a very off plan Indian takeaway! We shared a chicken tikka biryani and a chicken and mango curry, both of which were rather delicious!

Today I've been very good as I really want to lower my target again and get to 9st 7lbs soon. There's a chance I may not make wi tomorrow night as I have an old friend coming round who I haven't seen for years. Barry used to help my ex husband on his milk round during school holidays and weekends and he practically lived with us! He adored the kids and we all used to go out as a family, so it's going to be wonderful to see him again. He's a big lad, over 20 stones I think, so maybe I'll talk him into coming to SW with me! Anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing him again
So I suppose I'll be spending most of tomorrow doing housework now! Oh well...think of all the body magic!
Todays Food Red
ready brek (part B)
milk (1/2 A)
2 x ryvita (rest of B + 2 syns)
philly light (2)
ham salad
salad cream (2)
apple x 2
satsuma x 2
bacon/mushroom/onion/cheese omelette (A)
1/2 tin toms
ketchup (2)
Milky coffee (A)
Fibre plus bar (B)
Total syns - 8