Please try baby girl. Mumsie does worry a little though deep down she knows what a clever and sensible girl you are. You look fabulous and no one can be accused of being negative for saying you look fantastic because you do and 9stones 7 pounds at your height and age are just bloomin fabulous and something to be really proud of.
Listen to your big sis. She is can do it. Look at Lynne, Ginlin, she is maintaining and has her moments of self indulgence but has managed to maintain.
Not Maybe my lovely girl. You be so careful. I will say it again you look amazing and have been so inspirational to so many people on here and I am sure in real life and o.k. so I am just a fat, old lady but I assure you there are no sour grapes from me just love and admiration for what you have done but please try to ensure that you know when enough is enough. I only have your best interest at heart.
Do not be cross with me.
This long and protracted entry in your diary is only because I think such a lot of you and I think it is time to call a halt whilst you look so lovely and youthful and just maintain.
I am sure there are those who will disagree with me.........but I promise it is all said with kindness and love and concern...............DD, my lovely gorgeous DD you are fantastic, you look fantastic, you can stay fantastic.
enormous hugs, even though I am just a little bit scared that I have said too much,
Mumsie I could never be cross with you!!!! :sign0168: Thank you for such a lovely post :flowers::flowers::flowers:
I know you're thinking of why on earth would I be cross! :bighug:
I totally understand what you're saying Mumsie and I'm taking it all in honestly x. And I haven't even got to my new target yet, and it could take me a month to reach it! It took a while to drop from 10st 7 to 10st so I'm really not expecting it to fall off me.
I know I have to learn to maintain at some point. And I know I don't
want to lol! But I will have a go at it, soon, I promise xxx
Please please don't worry Mumsie and :thankyou: for caring so much :hug99:
You've said it, Mumsie.
Do you think she'll listen to you any more than she does to me?
I always listen to you sis! You know I do!!!
I know the answer Dawnie, you lose more weight but some how give me the loss and not you. You get the joy of losing but I get the actual inch loss. Win win situation!!
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Brilliant Penny!!! :happy096:
Absolutely brilliant!!! :8855:
Dawn will never admit it, but is driven to always be 1st lighter than me
Something to do with blokes being heavier than women I reckon.
How did you know that Steve???
So you just need to put a stone back on! Problem solved!
First time for everything Dawnie, get your next 2lb (well done on the other 2 btw

) and then maintain, learn to maintain, play at maintaining. YOU CAN DO IT! and you WILL DO IT! because this time you have all of us to help you... I want there to be something left of you to meet :8855: xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Jackie xxx
If I'm ever to succeed with maintaining, I know it will only be down to the support of you Jackie, and all my other friends on here x
I'd never have got this far without you guys! You've made all the difference :thankyou:
It's been a mixed bag today
I got a lovely text from Barry with an email address that Andrew should sent his CV to for the Carlsberg job
And then I got a text from my other best friend Frances who I went to wi with last night, saying that her Dad had died this morning :cry: We were talking about him last night, and I was telling her of my experiences when my Dad was ill. We go back 34 years and were practically bought up in each others houses, so we both knew the others parents very well. It's hard to believe we've both lost our Dads now
Anyway, I went out for a nice walk with Gwyn and Suki which blew some cobwebs away and was really good fun. Suki hasn't been out recently as she's been in season so she was pretty excited when we set off :chores016: She was tearing all over the place, zig zagging here and there and just completely full of life! It was lovely, and a bit of a surprise as she's normally not too bothered about going walkies
Then this afternoon I made a very tasty sw cannelloni w
which everyone devoured in seconds lol!
Watching the last episode of Hustle this program! Shame it's the last one
Todays Food
Green Day
ready brek (part B)
milk (1/2 A)
2 x 'fried' eggs
mushy peas
tinned toms
sw cannelloni (A + 3)
salad cream (3)
strawberries & yoghurt (1)
milky coffee (1/2 A)
fibre plus bar (B)
Total syns - 7