Hi folks :wavey:
Busy day today!
Finally got to sort out the cupboard under the stairs

Now I remember why I've been putting it off for months :fear: Only one trip to the tip required though
Had lunch then gorgeous hubby says "are we going to get these running shoes then? I'll buy them for you"!!! Bless him!!! He knew I was gona wait till after I'd insured my car at the end of the month cos Ill be skint. So off we went to JJB's and were very well looked after by a really lovely young lad who clearly knew what he was talking about. I did feel a real fraud in there though, amongst all those real sporty people!!! Anyway, the lad checked my feet and then showed us some appropriate shoes, and I ended up getting quite a nice pair. Then he bought me a pair of joggers and a sports bra too!
After shopping, went to see Dad at the hospice. They have him on bed rest until he's been seen by his ortho surgeon tomorrow. He had a good nights sleep last night so he was fairly bright today. Still in pain of course but bearing up well. Shirley was there too, so we all had a nice natter for a couple of hours.
It was gone 19.00 when we got home, still light, but I decided to bite the bullet and try out the new kit...even though it wasn't DARK!!! Hope you are all suitably impressed with that, dysfunctional team mates!!! So I came downstairs, in all my glorious kit, to find gorgeous hubby had donned his table tennis shoes and was coming with me!!! He really is so lovely! He can't run as he has severe asthma and copd, but he said he wanted to keep me company and would just walk while I did my stuff. So thats what we did. I was a bit embarrassed the first time I ran cos I think I must look REALLY silly :banana dancer: but he said I didn't have anything to worry about and wasn't as bad as I thought. I found the run very hard though...left knee feels like theres a hot needle being stabbed into it every time my foot hits the pavement...so I think I'm gonna leave the next run until the pain has totally gone. I'm hoping that the new shoes will make all the difference and that it won't recur.
Gonna post my food then off to bed as work tomorrow

At least I can make sure Dads ambulance is on time to take him to the hospital tomorrow, and he certainly won't have to wait long for one to take him back to the hospice either! Few perks in my job but it's certainly handy when someone I know needs an ambulance!
Got on the scales today...NOTHING! Not even a sodding 1/2lb...so not looking forward to wi tomorrow night. Haven't done anything wrong or different that I can think of, apart from missing lunch a couple of times this week. Anyway, not gonna panic, well not till tomorrow night!
Have a good one ladies and gents xx
Todays Food
crisp bread (1 1/2)
1/2 f butter (1 1/2)
21g 1/2 f cheddar (1/2 A)
2 spring onions
salad cream (1)
mushroom/onion/ham omelette
baked beans
sauce (2)
cheese (2)
175mls s milk (1/2 A)
Total syns:- 8 (forgot my heB!)
Exercise:- wk2 d2 C25K