Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Just read through all your dallyings Dawn, and am delighted you have some really lovely people around you, both at home and virtually, here, at this very difficult time for you. I am so so sorry to hear about your dad. Sad. Very sad.
My thoughts & prayers are with you, and all your family.
Mo x

I'm so so sorry to hear your bad news. I don't know what to say other than that I am pleased he is in a hospice where you can spend time with him but with support for both you and your family, and him and somewhere that they can really try to get his pain under control. I'm sure that he really appreciates everything that you are doing for him.

I am thinking of you and your family at what is an incredibly difficult time for you.

Best wishes and all my thoughts,

Gail x
Hi Dawn

Sending you great big squishy hugs my lovely and gentle hugs and positive thoughts to your dad. Lets hope they get and keep him pain free. Spend as much time with him as you can, and THEN when you are home be kind to yourself and take it nice n easy.... other things can go on the back burner for now!!
Take care of yourself Mrs.....
Hi Dawn, only just read ur msg from last night, hope u are ok, thinking of u

Sounds like ur dad is being very brave too, must be so hard for u all. Not really sure what to say as we can't be much help. Here if u need us tho xxx
So sorry for what you're all going through. But they're so brilliant at Cynthia Spencer - he really is in the best place.

Virtual hugs...
Thankyou so much for being so lovely. With dad now, been in garden all afternoon in his bed, no pain, and eaten some tea. My brother and family here too, and Shirley.
Have a gt wkend guys, luv u all xx

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Just popping in to pass on a bit of moral support, in case you happen to drop by.
I do, sadly, know what you're going through, having lost my Dad last year to the same mean, nasty, horrible, stinking pig of a disease.

Big hugs.

Hi Dawn

Glad they have dad pain free, lovely that he is out into the fresh air with his family around him. Sending lots more gentle thoughts to you all .. take care of each other and make sure you look after yourself too...
Just popped in to say hi Dawn and hope you are looking after yourself. Hoping your dad has had another good, pain free day. Hugs to you & your family x
Hi all,

Wow, lovely messages thankyou, made me cry xx

Dads doing so well in the hospice. Doctors are very pleased at how he's responded to the new painkillers, ketamin I think, and are juggling things around to try and increase that drug and reduce the morphine a little, so he can remain more alert. They pushed his bed out to the garden again yesterday so he cud top his tan up! And when we went in to see him he had an ice cold beer in his hand! Nothing is too much trouble, and whenever theres a problem they're on it straight away.

I think I'm coping as well as to be expected. Still on plan too.

Has hubbys family over from Australia yesterday and went for a nice meal out. I had steak salad washed down with a diet coke, and refused dessert so I was pleased with myself. Shared a Chinese curry Fri night but hadnt eaten since breakfast so just counted it as all my syns.

Running has gone out the window due to knee pain...just can't shake it off and even having problems getting up and downstairs :(

No plans for today other than going to see dad. Enjoy your weekend everyone, and thanks for being there xx

Love dawn xx

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Don't cry hun, we're trying to cheer you up not make your eyes leak ;)
So glad to hear your dad is comfy enough for a good beer Dawn. It will lift your spirits to see him like that. A lift sorely need just now I imagine.
I'm also glad you went out and had a nice meal. I too was out yesterday for a birthday lunch with my bestest mate. Although I had a creamy sauce with my pasta I didn't have dessert either and it's been my first 'blow out' since starting SW, so happy happy :D
Here's to more good days for your dad ;)
Love & hugs
Mo x
Hi guys,

Been laying in bed, wide awake since 06.30, waiting for my gorgeous little 3yr old neice to wake up! Mum had her overnight on sat as my brother and his wife were going out, so yesterday morning I thought I'd pop to mums to see little Maddy while Gwyn was a church.

When I got there, mum was knackered! Maddy didn't go to sleep till 2am...and at 4am she was poking mums face saying "nanny, its time to get up...look its light outside!" . Poor mum! Anyway Maddy wanted to come back with me, so I arranged to meet mum at the hospice later, and she would then take Maddy back to my brother.

Well! What a welcome little distraction she was! After winning the "who can take the biggest bite out of their sandwich competition" she dragged us out to play in the garden for an hour.

Then I put her in my car to go to the hospice, telling her it was a magic car, and put the roof down! She was besides herself with excitement! She put her sunglasses and my cap on and off we went!

Dad was fine, eating ok and feeling alright. Stepmum Shirley was there, so we had a good chat, then mum came in. It's nice that even tho mum and dad hav been divorced for over 30 yrs, and dad and Shirley hav been married for 20, they get on ok. My brother and his wife kerri arrived, and immediately Maddy started saying she wasn't going home cos she wanted to go back to 'auntie dawns"! Well how could I resist?

So she came back to ours, had great fun drenching Gwyn with the hosepipe, went with ds1 to visit ds2 at his new flat, and then went to sleep on the sofabed in our room about 21.30.

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Here she is ...

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Oh bless her, so adorable :zz:
What a delightful day you had Dawn, and what a tonic little children are. No pretensions, no baggage just honest to goodness fun!!!
It is nice when ex's can get along. Much easier on the children and anyone else around them ;)
Hope you have another lovely day :hug99:s to you and the family :D
Hi peeps,

Ooh...feels strange to be on the laptop after a few days off.

Dad not so good today, bad night with the pain and carried on all day really It's a shame as it seemed they had it sorted, but its very much still trial and error. They knocked the morphine down a bit but it seems he needs the higher dose. The doctors will review it all again tomorrow.

Our day was very much brightened by the company of little Maddy! After breakfast we called to see if the little girl next door, Daisy, would like to come and play and they had a wonderful time! Hide n seek, tag, skittles...then a picnic in the garden. In the afternoon we went in the magic car to visit Dad, and my brother collected her from there. Came home to a lovely steak salad and jacket spud cooked by gorgeous hubby, and washed it down with a rather enormous glass of red! Well it IS a bank holiday lol!

Back to work tomorrow :mad: and really not looking forward to it at all. Its gonna be mad busy.

No luck with the knee yet either...its just not improving :sigh:

If I can, I'm gonna start writing on here properly tomorrow, like I did before Dad was taken so poorly. I think I may be getting a bit slack with counting syns and having my As and Bs...

Take care everyone xx