Hi all,
Hope you've all had a nice Sunday xx
I had a lovely busy morning while Gwyn was at church. Tidied up the utility room, threw out all the out of date cereals in the kitchen, got some washing on the line, and cooked a really tasty lasagne for lunch.
Then we settled down to watch the WONDERFUL Northampton Saints sail through to the final of the Heineken Cup final :happy036: :bliss:

arty0049: What a brilliant match...we were AWESOME!!! And thank goodness we did as we have the Saints coach Dorian Wests parents coming round for a cuppa tomorrow lol! Gorgeous hubby lived in the same little mining village in Wales when they were growing up, and they all went to school with each other, knew each others parents etc. We normally only meet up with them in the bar after a home match as they live in Leicester, but they rang up last week to see if they can come round. So it will be nice to see them, and no doubt we will dissect the match!!!
Went to see Dad after the match but he was is a bad way :wave_cry: The meds weren't touching the pain, and he was in agony. One of the nurses, Deirdre, gave him yet another different pain killer and thank God it worked within a few minutes. She's going to talk to the doctors tomorrow about reviewing Dads meds again and maybe giving him a syringe driver, or a nerve block. When we left him he was much more comfortable, and a little sleepy.
I rang Shirleys Mum Edna tonight to see if she'd like us to pick her up and bring her to stay for a few days...well she almost burst into tears! She's so lonely, even though she lives in a nice warden controlled flat and has some friends there. She kept telling me she hadn't got any posh clothes to wear! And she said how lucky it was that she'd just washed all her pants! :8855: She really is an absolute gem! So we will be taking a little trip to Norfolk on Wednesday
Oh dear...son no. 2 Daniel has just text to say his girlfriend had seen on fb that there had been a stabbing near us! When we came back from the hospice, the cul de sac next to ours was all cordoned off, and there were 5 or 6 police cars there, and a young woman crying. Really hope its not serious.
Todays Food
2 x wm toast (B)
1/2 f butter (2)
125mls ss milk (1/2 A)
sw lasagne (1/2 A)
sw humus
salad cream (2)
raw carrot
jelly/yoghurt mousse
G&T (2 1/2)
Total syns:- 7
Exercise:- none again