Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Hi Gail, I am a big fan of the quarky yogurty lasagnas but I don't know if your friend is fussy maybe use a packet? I have heard a few people talk about making their white sauce from a packet and the syns don't seem too bad xxxx
Oh no, I hope the stabbing won't turn into a more serious inquiry :(

Great to hear that you had a good day :)

Glad that they eventually got your Dad comfortable although frustrating that they can't do that all the time :(

What do you use for your white sauce in the lasagne ? I have a friend coming over on Thursday who is quite fussy about what she eats. I'm not sure whether to make something with milk and cornflour and syn it or whether to buy a packet of white sauce and syn it, or make something syn free with quark/yoghurt and egg ? Any thoughts ?

Thanks very much.

Gail x

Hi Gail,

No more news on whatever happened here this afternoon. There are rumours on fb that it was fatal but you know what fb's like...just hope its not true.

I got the recipe for my white sauce from a post on here. It sounds a bit strange but it was very nice in the lasagne. It was just fromage frais, quark, 2 beaten eggs, a pinch of nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste. Just mix it all up in a bowl...or apparently you can use natural yoghurt instead of fromage frais, and leave the quark out too if you want, but I havent tried that yet. It was very good in the lasagne with the different layers etc but I'm not sure how it would be just as a sauce on its own. If your friend is pretty fussy like you say, it may be as well to just use a packet mix! ;)

Love Dawn xx
Hi Gail, I am a big fan of the quarky yogurty lasagnas but I don't know if your friend is fussy maybe use a packet? I have heard a few people talk about making their white sauce from a packet and the syns don't seem too bad xxxx

It was just fromage frais, quark, 2 beaten eggs, a pinch of nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste. Just mix it all up in a bowl...or apparently you can use natural yoghurt instead of fromage frais, and leave the quark out too if you want, but I havent tried that yet. It was very good in the lasagne with the different layers etc but I'm not sure how it would be just as a sauce on its own. If your friend is pretty fussy like you say, it may be as well to just use a packet mix! ;)

Love Dawn xx

...great minds thinking alike eh Jules? ;)
Here's some piccys of todays lasagne...

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Gail...:thankyou: for your very generous donation to my Race for Life page xx
That loooks lush, not had lasagne since the diet because mine is made with a jar of bolognaise sauce and home made cheese sauce which would be epic in syns even using cheese as hex, want one now though :rolleyes:
BBC News - Family of four murdered in Northampton house

Well...awful news that 4 people were found dead not 20 houses away from us. I can't believe it...nothing ever happens here. That poor family. The cul de sac is still blocked off, and the police have been doing a fingertip search of the road. There was a small gathering of youngsters when we went past earlier, and a policeman was very gently taking some flowers from them, they must be schoolmates of the children who were killed. What a dreadful world we live in at times.

Gwyn and I spent all morning doing housework so the place was presentable for Gwyns friends today. We had a really lovely afternoon with them, but I did succumb to a rather HUGE piece of chocolate and coffee cake bought from our local garden centre :eek: I don't feel too guilty though as its been 4 months since my last cake...which was xmas cake!:Christmas02r:

We went to see Dad afterwards and he was fast asleep...he looked so peaceful. The doctors changed his morphine patches today, tweaked the other meds again, and basically he was out for the count :zz: Also he'd been up all night in terrible pain, and the nurses had to medicate him through the night, so he was exhausted. And then Dad opened his eyes, gave a big grin and said "Oooh! Hello!" :D Bless him! He was off again within a minute! Then he woke up again about 20 mins later and he was smiling again, very woosey, but in very little pain. He ate nearly all his sandwiches too. We had a lovely couple of hours with him before he started nodding off. Personally I think that if he needs to be highly medicated to beat the pain, even if it makes him sleepy for half the day, then so be it. It's worth it just to see him smile. I'd rather see him pain free for the few hours he's awake, than awake all day and in agony. Quality not quantity now.

Newly engaged daughter and sheepish bf have arrived safely home from their holiday to the Isle of Wight. The ring is very pretty, 18 c gold, and after congratulating them I told them in no uncertain terms that this would be a LONG engagement (minimum 5 yrs) and that they were both to sort their careers out first! AND there are definitely NOT going to be any babies on the horizon either! They need to have some fun, enjoy life, get financially secure, find their own place...THEN they can think about wedding bells!

You don't think I was too soft on them do you...:8855:

Hope you guys are all doing well today xx

Todays food

28g special k sustain (B)
250mls ss milk (A)

CAKE!!! (no idea...gona put 10)

sw lasagne
salad cream (2)

jelly/yoghurt mousse

Total syns:- 12
Exercise:- soon hopefully...
Sounds like you dealt with the situation very well Dawn. Very good advice you've given them there.

That's awful about what happened in your area, hope you're not too shaken up. Loads of stuff happens round here where I live, especially down the road in Moss Side- I thought nothing surprises me anymore that I hear, but that about a whole family is just awful. Hope you're ok.

Great to hear about your dad feeling in less pain! Xxxx
Hi Dawn

I'm really pleased that your dad's pain is being managed better for him. I know with what you mean about quality time, it's just so important, as the way he is now will leave some of the strongest memories for you of this time.

Very sound advice there Dawn, for the young love birds, nice one :D Hope she listens to you better than you or I did to our mums eh, ;) I'm sure she will, I have a better relationship with my kids than I did with my mum, and they are mostly sensible thank heaven :)

Shocking news from down your way, such a sad loss of life. What on earth went wrong that such a thing happened. Makes me shiver and thank my lucky stars.

Thinking of you
love Mo x
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Cheers Jules,

We're ok thanks...it's just upsetting walkin past all the tape...wondering what happened and why xx

This is the nicest area I've ever lived...nice posh houses and people who clean their cars and mow their lawns etc...iukwim. Gwyn and I had to sell both our houses to live here! I once spent 5 years on the roughest street (known locally as "the bronx") in the roughest area of N'pton after my divorce. It was a regular occurrence to have the police helicopter shining its big search light thru our bedroom windows in the middle of the night, an off duty policeman was stabbed there, a young lad hanged himself, my car was smashed up 4 times, petrol bomb in the garden...you name it, we had it! But we kinda expected it tbh! I couldn't wait to get out of there and sold up asap! We had to move to a much smaller place but it was in a lovely little street...I loved that house. But it was too small when Gwyn moved in (he may be little but he has A LOT of stuff!) so we moved here.

I know the events that happened here yesterday were no threat to us, it's just a shock after 9 quiet years, and just so sad.

Just been to your page...your sushi looks fab! xx
Hi Dawn

I'm really pleased that your dad's pain is being managed better for him. I know with what you mean about quality time, it's just so important, as the way he is now will leave some of the strongest memories for you of this time.

Very sound advice there Dawn, for the young love birds, nice one :D Hope she listens to you better than you or I did to our mums eh, ;) I'm sure she will, I have a better relationship with my kids than I did with my mum, and they are mostly sensible than heaven :)

Shocking news from down your way, such a sad loss of life. What on earth went wrong that such a thing happened. Makes me shiver and thank my lucky stars.

Thinking of you
love Mo x

Thanks Mo,

It's all happening isn't it :sigh:

Still, good news about Dad...just worried as we've been here before. Sometimes it only lasts for a couple of days and then we're back to square 1 again :cry:

Bless em, the happy couple are so loved up :bananalove: It's so hard not to rain on their parade, but I can't lie to them and gush about how happy I am about it :confused: I am pleased that they are looking towards the future, and that they are obviously very happy together, but as we found to our cost...marriage is very easy to get into but an absolute ba****d to get out of (especially if there are kids involved). I love them both to bits, and no one would be more pleased to see them settled down together than me...in a decade or so! ;)
Oh Dawn,

A mixed weekend for you. So glad you enjoyed the cake. A good attitude to take - use your syns and enjoy them :). My advice though is to count a little more than 10 syns for the cake unless it was a very small piece of cake. From the cake that I've had that I could tell how many syns, you don't get much cake for 10 syns (although I think in the case of the one that I know, it had quite a lot of butter cream which undoubtedly added significantly to the syn count so if it was just cake 10 syns may well be fine.) I would have done exactly what you did though :D.

Congratulations on the engagement although I agree with you - hope it's a long one !

Glad your Dad is pain free for now. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Sad to hear about your neighbours. I saw that on the news earlier and wondered whether that was the incident. Such a shame. I hope they catch whoever did it.

Hope you have a good week (it's Shirley's birthday this week ? Fingers crossed all goes to plan).

Thinking of you.

Gail x
gl12282 said:
Oh Dawn,

A mixed weekend for you. So glad you enjoyed the cake. A good attitude to take - use your syns and enjoy them :). My advice though is to count a little more than 10 syns for the cake unless it was a very small piece of cake. From the cake that I've had that I could tell how many syns, you don't get much cake for 10 syns (although I think in the case of the one that I know, it had quite a lot of butter cream which undoubtedly added significantly to the syn count so if it was just cake 10 syns may well be fine.) I would have done exactly what you did though :D.

Congratulations on the engagement although I agree with you - hope it's a long one !

Glad your Dad is pain free for now. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Sad to hear about your neighbours. I saw that on the news earlier and wondered whether that was the incident. Such a shame. I hope they catch whoever did it.

Hope you have a good week (it's Shirley's birthday this week ? Fingers crossed all goes to plan).

Thinking of you.

Gail x

Hi Gail,

Hmmm...I think you're probably right about the cake...big, no make that BIG slice of chocolate cake with coffee cream topping and filling! Do u think 20 wud be enuff? Oh I DID enjoy it tho!

Yes, big week for Shirley...72 on Thursday. We are still all systems go for "Operation Edna" lol! Although I'm sure poor Edna is going to end up letting it slip to Shirley, bless her!

Please God that Dad's sleeping well now and will still be comfortable tomorrow. Thanks for your kind words hunni xx hope you've had a good day yourself xx

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Syns for the cake ??? I'm not sure. I just know that when I had a relatively small prepackaged rectangular slice of victoria sponge from M&S (with a fairly thick layer of buttercream and jam) it was 15 syns. I think a guess of 20 is probably ok - at the end of the day it's only a guess !!!

Gail x
Hi Dawn

Cake - when it's medicinal (which clearly this was) - is syn free.

I thought everyone knew that!
JimofTroy said:
Hi Dawn

Cake - when it's medicinal (which clearly this was) - is syn free.

I thought everyone knew that!

Oh you are naughty! Lol! Xx

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Hey Dawn

You have had an eventful weekend :) I think it's sweet your daughter and bf want to get engaged... Maybe I'm just a sap tho!! I hope they do take your advice though and take it all slowly, like Jules, it would never have been right for me to marry the bf I had at 19, but it always seems right at the time doesn't it??!!

And that cake sounds lush... I didn't have many sweet treats over the weekend, bf shoved a bit of Milka chocolate in my gob at one point, but that was about it lol

Sounds like you are going to have a great time for Shirley's birthday, and bless her wee mum being so pleased at your invitation :)

Hope you're having a good day xxx