BBC News - Family of four murdered in Northampton house
Well...awful news that 4 people were found dead not 20 houses away from us. I can't believe it...nothing ever happens here. That poor family. The cul de sac is still blocked off, and the police have been doing a fingertip search of the road. There was a small gathering of youngsters when we went past earlier, and a policeman was very gently taking some flowers from them, they must be schoolmates of the children who were killed. What a dreadful world we live in at times.
Gwyn and I spent all morning doing housework so the place was presentable for Gwyns friends today. We had a really lovely afternoon with them, but I did succumb to a rather HUGE piece of chocolate and coffee cake bought from our local garden centre

I don't feel too guilty though as its been 4 months since my last cake...which was xmas cake!:Christmas02r:
We went to see Dad afterwards and he was fast asleep...he looked so peaceful. The doctors changed his morphine patches today, tweaked the other meds again, and basically he was out for the count :zz: Also he'd been up all night in terrible pain, and the nurses had to medicate him through the night, so he was exhausted. And then Dad opened his eyes, gave a big grin and said "Oooh! Hello!"

Bless him! He was off again within a minute! Then he woke up again about 20 mins later and he was smiling again, very woosey, but in very little pain. He ate nearly all his sandwiches too. We had a lovely couple of hours with him before he started nodding off. Personally I think that if he needs to be highly medicated to beat the pain, even if it makes him sleepy for half the day, then so be it. It's worth it just to see him smile. I'd rather see him pain free for the few hours he's awake, than awake all day and in agony. Quality not quantity now.
Newly engaged daughter and sheepish bf have arrived safely home from their holiday to the Isle of Wight. The ring is very pretty, 18 c gold, and after congratulating them I told them in no uncertain terms that this would be a LONG engagement (minimum 5 yrs) and that they were both to sort their careers out first! AND there are definitely NOT going to be any babies on the horizon either! They need to have some fun, enjoy life, get financially secure, find their own place...THEN they can think about wedding bells!
You don't think I was too soft on them do you...:8855:
Hope you guys are all doing well today xx
Todays food
28g special k sustain (B)
250mls ss milk (A)
CAKE!!! (no idea...gona put 10)
sw lasagne
salad cream (2)
jelly/yoghurt mousse
Total syns:- 12
Exercise:- soon hopefully...