Discover Dinx's Diary - new year = new me....bring it on :D

Hey :) How u doing? Still loosing - yey :) I lost 1 and a half im quite happy...back on track now x

wooop well done!! feels grrrrreat doesnt it :D keep it up!!
oh em gee im cream crackered today :( yesterday was one craaaaaaazy day! had a lovely evening, arranged for ppl to arrive from 5pm, we ate at 7, so I was in the kitchen from around 3pm, the last of them finally went at normally in bed by about 9pm lol. was a really good night though, we laughed SO much...and I picked lots :(

I really love doin stuff like that, but i suffer so badly the next couple of unfair :( dil has taken the boys off swimming today, I would normally go with them but dont think i could manage sitting in the car or in fact ANYTHING today so ive stayed put. Gonna try and potter about a little and make a chilli for dinner, but if i dont manage it we have a stash of ww meals as back up.

took a pic of the food..will add it later

have a lovely saturday folks :)
here ya go...this was WITHOUT desserts...and a few more hot bits upon the worktops lol... everyone loves my buffets, they always get a doggy bag to take home! better to have too much than not enough i always say :D


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Awwww Dinx your buffet looks amazing YUM YUM :D Lots of lovely salady things yummy. Hope you had a lovely time and a great weekend xxx
Your buffets DO ROCK!! Lol

Well done for STS :) hope ur well and enjoying having the whole tribe around u :) xx
been a mad few days, hardly have time to get on here, but have been lurking and keeping an eye on you ;)

making a conscious effort to keep on track this week so today:

Breakfast -
Oss 2.5


Morning Snack -


Lunch -
chicken 3
sausage 2
corn cob 1
wedges 4
french stick and flora light 4


Afternoon Snack -
ice cream 2


Dinner -
not sure yet, still full from bbq lunch
but will be something light that doesnt go over my points :D


Evening Snack -


Total for the day - 25/25
Looking good :D x
Hey Dinx! How you doing? Hope you're good! Just to let you know... I'm going to gatecrash your next buffet :D it looks amazing. I love buffet food. Glad you managed to get the barbie out yesterday, sound like a yummy day! Take it easy xxx
Hey Dinx! How you doing? Hope you're good! Just to let you know... I'm going to gatecrash your next buffet :D it looks amazing. I love buffet food. Glad you managed to get the barbie out yesterday, sound like a yummy day! Take it easy xxx

hiya, good, knackered but good thanks :) dont seem to have 5 minutes to sit n chill at the mo. so much stuff to get done, and struggling a bit food wise. just gonna try my best for the next 3 weeks while its school hols and then get my butt into gear when we go back. weight is up and down by the odd lb so if i can stay that way ill be happy. 4 weeks til my op so dont wanna gain before then. you are welcome to any buffet i do...i always make enough to feed the whole neighbourhood lol :) hope ur ok!
Glad you're doing ok Dinxy :) Sounds like you're doing great food wise, don't worry I'm finding it hard too. We will get back on track soon :) and it's good that we know that WE CAN get back ton track easily! Wa hooo I'll be there with bells on :D hehe. Hope you're having a good day xx
I am SOSOSOSOOOOOOO glad they only have 6 weeks off for the summer!! can we shorten it to like ONE or something??? all the days out and shopping trips (where I buy nothing cos Im always skint) are driving me insane! trying to stay on track is so hard when you cant plan things.

Still trying to be as good as I can be but I know Ill have gained by the time the kids go back to nursery. I also know that as soon as I get back on track properly Ill lose it no probs, so thats a bit of a comfort I guess. My new jeans still seem to be getting looser on me though so maybe Im doing ok! Will weigh in tomorrow and see *gulp*

Got my pre-op assessment at the hospital today, hoping to weigh less this time to what I was when I last went.... 4 weeks and it will all be over! I hope....

Have a great day everyone :)
I am SOSOSOSOOOOOOO glad they only have 6 weeks off for the summer!! can we shorten it to like ONE or something??? all the days out and shopping trips (where I buy nothing cos Im always skint) are driving me insane! trying to stay on track is so hard when you cant plan things.

Still trying to be as good as I can be but I know Ill have gained by the time the kids go back to nursery. I also know that as soon as I get back on track properly Ill lose it no probs, so thats a bit of a comfort I guess. My new jeans still seem to be getting looser on me though so maybe Im doing ok! Will weigh in tomorrow and see *gulp*

Got my pre-op assessment at the hospital today, hoping to weigh less this time to what I was when I last went.... 4 weeks and it will all be over! I hope....

Have a great day everyone :)

Hey Dinx!! Ahhh nooo I know what you mean, feeling your pain right now. I've basically been sat about my house all week cos can't afford to go anywhere, and then trying my hardest not to eat all the house sigh. Not long left now.... then I'll be moaning I need a holiday after a week lol. I'm sure you'll do fine tomorrow! Good luck at the hospital today :) hope all goes well, not long till you're done now xxx
ok well went for my pre admission assessment today, took flippin ages! had to walk all over the hossie so am worn out now :( but weight was less than my scales read....and my blood pressure is lower than its been for years so thats a result!

I go in on 13th Sept...and will probably be kept in at least over night as Im on the afternoon list and am not very good with anaesthetic, plus the way they were talking I need to prepare for them to have to do open surgery :( well at least I know...kinda, so if I wake up and they have done keyhole it will be a BIG bonus!

So...looks like ill be spending my birthday laid up in bed...gonna "celebrate" it the week before...ive hinted that id like money towards an e-reader, so might be able to get one before i go in :D

Gonna weigh in tomorrow but am seriosuly expecting a gain. had a kfc for lunch today!!! but had a ww ready meal and small jacket for dinner. Hoping it wont be TOO bad.

Best of luck to all my friday girlies....and everyone else too of course :D Looking forward to seeing your fab results in the morning!
Good luck for WI 2moro :D Look forward to hearing how u have done :) x
Glad assessment went well! Weigh less and low BP :) hope it does turn out to be keyhole! Sure u will enjoy ur birthday the week before and u never kno u might be released on ur real birthday as a pressie :) (2 birthdays like the queen :D)

Good luck for WI xx
grrr just posted a huge bit and it crashed! teaches me to stop rambling i guess!!

anyhoooooo i sts this week which is FINE by me!!! thought i would gain as ive been out loads but i reckon i musta made the right choices and didnt realise it...whatever it was ill take the sts fankoo velly much!!!

off to sunny clacton today, take the boys on the rides, stroll along the prom and tuck into a tobys carvery before we head home. love days like this!!!

hope everyone gets great results today...gonna go check on the girl fridays now :D
Brilliant news about the docs, and well done for sts hun :) have a lovely dayyyy, hope the weather is nice for ya?? xx
Waa hoo well done Dinx on sts that's ace! We must be doing something right :D keep up the great work. Hope you're not too pooped from yesterday! Have a lovely day out with the kids and enjoy toby carvey xxx