Thanks Lelly. Definately going to stick to it, its just soooo frustrating isnt it? Especially when you are on such a low calorie diet. Im definately going to try my hardest not to get on the scales now until wi as it demotivates me too much. Im just going to keep 100% and continue to excercise. I may even increase the excercise. I currently do boxercise Monday and Friday and a 2 mile run on Tuesday. I might add another 2 mile run on a sunday what do you think? xx

Good thing to avoid the scales til WI if they are demotivator...ok if you can handle the fluctuations but if it's likely to give you 'stampy feet' like me yesterday maybe leave it.
I would be careful with overdoing the exercise on such low cals (810 only 10 cals away from being classed as a vlcd!) it may not do what you think it will and after exercise we hold more water too which then weighs heavier, only water of course and will disappear but personally my scales can jump up a lb or two after a gym session (and i don't work that hard believe me!)
You're doing fab hun!!

Have a great week!
Good thing to avoid the scales til WI if they are demotivator...ok if you can handle the fluctuations but if it's likely to give you 'stampy feet' like me yesterday maybe leave it.
I would be careful with overdoing the exercise on such low cals (810 only 10 cals away from being classed as a vlcd!) it may not do what you think it will and after exercise we hold more water too which then weighs heavier, only water of course and will disappear but personally my scales can jump up a lb or two after a gym session (and i don't work that hard believe me!)
You're doing fab hun!!

Have a great week!

Thanks hun
i am limiting my excercise to 2 times a week at the moment (mon & Fri boxercise) only due to work being so busy that i havent got the energy to go running lol. I want to increase though as i really so have my jelly bell back lol. i sooo need to be toned before the hen weekend in May x
Thanks hun

Life is ok, very busy. Hows things with you hun xxx
Thanks hun ive got tablets now to stop it all.

I went boxercise tonight, god it was hard!!! He really did work us tonight but god i do feel good!!!

I had cottage cheese for the 1st time today, had it with pineapple and boy was it lush and sooo filling which means i have had a succesful 100% day today :)

I cant wait to get to goal now, i really need to have that feel good factor again. I am sooo nervous about tomorrow as i still feel like a frump and the girl who i go out with (who are all lovely) are so glamorous and slim and stunning it makes me feel a bit intimidated. They've told me not to be so silly but i cant help it lol
Thanks hun ive got tablets now to stop it all.

I went boxercise tonight, god it was hard!!! He really did work us tonight but god i do feel good!!!

I had cottage cheese for the 1st time today, had it with pineapple and boy was it lush and sooo filling which means i have had a succesful 100% day today :)

I cant wait to get to goal now, i really need to have that feel good factor again. I am sooo nervous about tomorrow as i still feel like a frump and the girl who i go out with (who are all lovely) are so glamorous and slim and stunning it makes me feel a bit intimidated. They've told me not to be so silly but i cant help it lol

Aw Dione, look at that pretty face and lovely smile. I bet you are just as gorgeous as all the others and hope you have a fab time. You go strut your stuff :D
aw thank you hun xxxx

wish i wasnt so self consious
I am just the same. I used to be so confident when I was younger, now I just want to stay curled up indoors alone. How sad is that? I will be 56 in June, so not many really good years to look forward to. 20 maybe? Be gone in a blink of an eye.

Sorry if that sounds depressing, its not meant to be but realistically 76, sound mind and body? Lots do lead fantastically interesting and full lives but both my parents died in their early/mid 70s so I had better get a wriggle on and go and and have me some life. It certainly isnt going to come a-knocking at my door :D Getting this weight off and doing the British Military Fitness to get fit and toned is the start. Hopefully the confidence will come after. A work in progress..... xx
aw thank you hun. They were taken last year. I need to put some new ones on here
Morning or should i say afternoon. Well i went out last night and after speaking to my cdc it was agreed to stay on plan but have a few g&t's as they are low only calories on the condition that i went straight back to plan today. So thats what i did. I had prawns for dinner with celery, along with my shakes. Got to the party and stuck to g&t all night. I felt great. I thought that it would only take a couple of drinks and i wouldnt need anymore due to being on cd. errr no that was not the case. Thedrinks were going down very easily, a little too easy. Next minute i was slaughtered :drunk::party0036: Hubby , brother and sister inlaw thought it was hilarious. Thats when i made a boo boo:d'oh:. We all went into the kebab shop. I ordered a chicken kebab and in my head i said i will eat the chicken and leave the pita bread ( ireally needed to line my stomach as i felt soooo sick:9529:
I ended up eating the chicken, bread and then ate my hubbys chips :flamingmad:
What an idiot!!! Well there is nothing i can do so im straight back on plan now and increasing my water to 4 litres to try and flush it away. All i can hope for now at wi is a sts:sign0009:
I have the hangover from hell and feel so rough.
omg i am struggling!!!! my head is pounding and i am craving carbs :(
I have already had my 810 meal, it was wither that or binge eat. I still want more. Im not going to though, thats why i came on here, for some help.
I have still got 2 shakes to have but dont want to have everything at once. I need to make them last all day until i go to bed (which wont be late lol)
Ive also got a lot going on over the next couple of weeks and they all involve food and restaurants. I will go for the healthy options (chicken, fish) and ill drive so i dont drink
God i hate feeling like this. makes me hate dieting. lol xx
Aw honey, I am sure you feel really rough. They say that you shouldn't drink alcohol at all if you are in ketosis as it can make you feel quite ill. I think you should probably just look after you today, as best you can and get back on track when your body has had time to recover.

Love and hugs xx
Aw honey, I am sure you feel really rough. They say that you shouldn't drink alcohol at all if you are in ketosis as it can make you feel quite ill. I think you should probably just look after you today, as best you can and get back on track when your body has had time to recover.

Love and hugs xx

Rough is an understatement hun lol lol. i cant give in to temptation though as i was naughty enough last night (which has def knocked me out of ketosis) if i give in today, itll be like starting all over again and probably causing a gain (if i havent already) which will really upset me. I darent get on the scales until wi on tuesday just in case
Hope you feel better soon Dione.
:D at the kebab story - We've all been there, done that!!

Sorry you're feeling rough today and struggling! Keep drinking water and have an extra shake if you must...or go to bed early;)