Catch up!!! Sorry I haven't replied been mad at work all week
Hey hon
Sorry for the radio silence, where's that naughty step at please?! Forgive me Donna for I have synned! Friday and Saturday were naughty. Yesterday I was good though, I even took the skin off from my chicken post cooking, usually wild horses couldn't drag me away from the lure of cooked chicken skin! Anyway, full run down of my naughtiness will be on my Food Diary shortly.
Good for you to up your exercise - I am going to do more with myself, I know I can, I can just never be bothered. After being out of the house all day 5 days a week, its the last thing I want to do, but other people do it, and they do it with children and households to run - I can bloody do it too!
I used to go to Zumba - I loved it, in fact I might just start going again. What to wear? Well I wore a t-shirt/vest and trakkie bottoms, you will sweat your ass off - I usually took a bottle of water and a small towel to mop up sweat in between songs. Its a great way of losing weight, if you like a good boogie, you will love this.
I need that onion marmalade recipe please!
What are these phone workouts?
I am defo up for meeting up, I will PM you my mobile number. I can't do this weekend or next, but should be free the following week. Lets play it by ear shall we?
Keep it up Donna, you are doing so well, if you don't lose this week I will eat my hat!
Charley - don't be mad with yourself and you certainly don't need my forgiveness. Look at how far you have come - removing the chicken fat I am so flippin proud of you
I will post the onion marmalade recipe - its from Sarah's Yummy Food Thread in Recipe Board
Hey hun, was it the WW Frozen Shep Pie made with lamb? If so its 4.5 - was it any good? I am not a ready meal person but I was thinking of getting some to keep in my freezer just in case. The portion size makes me sad though!!!
No - checked recipe with sis in law and basically its ex lean mince, stock, garlic, worcester sauce, s&p
Charley - we love the Hairy Biker's cottage pie - its delicious and its only syn is the flour (unless you use the wine I made it without and couldn't really taste the difference), shout it you want it and I will post it for you
Hi Donna,
Hope you're doing well!!
you eat SUCH lovely sounding food, it really makes me think I need to mix up my evening meals a bit... But when I get in from work at 9:30 pm I just want something quick and easy... Lazy I know
Your weight loss is fantastic so far by the way, inspiration!!
You are so sweet Hayley! I have exactly the same trouble when Paul is on lates (next week) that's when I end up having pasta almost every night!!!
You are doing so well on the exercise. I think I'm going to download that app you mention.
Loving the sound of the onion marmalade, it sounds like my kind of thing. Could you (pretty) please tell me how to make it?

And what on earth is this man vs food burger you speak of *intrigued smiliey*
How's everything going Ms Donna, you sound like you are doing really well this week?
Hi Red - def download the Daniel Miller workouts - they are fab!
I will post the Onion Marmalade recipe - I stole it from Sarah's Yummy Food Thread on Recipe
The man v food burger is so yummy - the pic looks rubbish cos the burger looks small but they were really fat in size (I make them small and fat so I don't eat all the bun lol), its basically ex lean mince, cayenne pepper, garlic salt and chilli flakes and egg, mixed well, make into patties and leave in fridge for a couple of hours, I cook on the george foreman grill, serve with bacon, cheese, mushrooms, onion marmalade, ketchup and mustard, I can't move afterwards
Oh my this looks mighty fine nom nom got steak tomorrow I fancy it with noodles now are they the dried ones? Hope Uve had a good day xx
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Val - my husband is the best Steak Chef in the world!!!
Hey Donna, just popping in as I've been quite neglectful when it comes to other people's diaries which is very naughty and rude of me because everyone has been so thoughtful and supportive with matters of the Mum kind!!
I'm very proud of you for how you're doing and how you're embracing the whole food/exercise concept!! You seem very motivated, and your food ideas and photos are inspiring as ever! I'm definitely making the cheese scones! I luurrve the Smash pizza base so will very much enjoy the cheese scones!!
Hope all's well in Donnaland! Looks like it is! XXX
Hi Heather, thank you for coming in, lovely message as always - have been manic at work all week but have been sending you happy thoughts all week xxx
Lunch looks super yummy Donna xx
Thanks Dex, it was really really good!
Keep going donna you can do it xx
Thank you Sugar, so can you !!!
Oh i am off to a flying got bus halfway to childminders and walkef 15 mins to her house then walked another 15 mins to work....zumba tonight!!
You and your food pics are amazing!! Looks lovely hun! X
Thanks hun x
Ello darlin. I remember you very well indeed. Welcome back. Excellent news about your mum sweetie, really good.
Forgive me, but i havent read the entire diary (yet) when the little tykes are all in bed tonight i will have a good mooch.
I have been arsing around with my weight since my wedding Last september and have put on 3 stone since - 1 stone in the past 3 weeks!. Cant decide what to do, SW,RC or WW. I try all 3 in one day then go on to chocolate when the girls are in bed - doh!
Enough about me, keep well, focused and gorgeous and catch u later.
Hello Stranger, lovely message - I love that you tried all 3 in one day - that's my girl! Have you decided which diet to follow yet? think I am going to have to stalk you to see your decision!
Hi Donna where r u? How all ok in donnaland xx
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Manic Valerie - fancy running my home for a couple of weeks?
I LOVE THIS PIC (will be using it lots now lol) - how did you keep it so big??
Thank you Corky xxx
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Well done - I am so pleased for you Donna, heaven knows you deserve it - I so desparately want to see "16" one day - I think you are doing fabulously - even know these last two weeks have been difficult for you, you have stayed on track like a FRIGGIN FREIGHT TRAIN - WOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
How did Paul do this week? And how is Megan getting on?
Thanks Charley - you will be in the 16s soon just keep plugging away
Paul didn't lose an ounce (and he truly didn't deserve too!), I haven't weighed Meg but from today they are both on the diet train, countdown to holiday!!!
Whoop whoop well done Donna fab loss xx
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Thanks Val and well done you 3 lbs is another amazing loss
Wohoo that's fantastic xxxx
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Thanks Claire xxxx
Thanks Red - will be popping into your diary shortly to see how you have done !