Don't you just love it when...

Fantastic gillypops -thats great news well done.

Emsie - I used to go to zumba 3 times a week, then I crushed a nerve in my foot and I also got plantar fascitis which is very painful, had to have phsyio for months and now im scared to try it again :-(

Ahh it is quite stampy etc isn't it so might not be good for that! Swimming will be ideal though x
whoops I meant before Christmas, haha I'm that excited I can't type :p

oh and also my last day as relief as well, when I go back after Christmas I'll be a proper member of staff :)
DYJLIW you only have 2 hrs 50 mins at work tomorrow :D Then we're going out for dinner at a posh restaurant in town
MinkyDinky said:
Dyjliw you go Xmas shopping but find a bargain top for yourself? Not only was it a tenner BUT. A size 14 in River Island! OH said that it was even bordering on being a bit baggy too....praise the lord!!

Woo hoo!!!!! Well done you!!!!
DYJLIW you're quite dressed up in work due to finishing early and going for a meal, and i'm actually feeling good. Even better that that..I think i actually look ok too :D :D xx
DYJLIW you lose a pound after two weeks of eating badly meaning you have an extra pound to mess around with with all the Christmas festivities ;D Also! DYJLIW you're going out for a Nando's Christmas meal with your lovely friends who are finally back from uni, then going for coffee with another friend and then going out Christmas clubbing tonight!! Now just to convince myself I don't feel like crap, I don't have a cold and I will look good in my outfit tonight ;D
DYJLIW you're quite dressed up in work due to finishing early and going for a meal, and i'm actually feeling good. Even better that that..I think i actually look ok too :D :D xx

Hope we're going to be seeing outfit on 'what are you wearing' :D x
When kids break up from school today!

When all presents for kids are ready & wrapped & they're starting to get VERY excited

When all bills are paid & Xmas has not added a penny to your credit card this year :D hoping by next Xmas I will be debt free!!!
DYJLIW your boss asks what you're doing for your birthday tomorrow, and then produces a £25 gift card for Pizza Hut as she remembered me saying we were going!! What a star! x