Don't you just love it when...

He was right it works well!

I should make the effort to do more but don't think could do anything like that. I want to try crocheting again, have seen some lovely crochet things on pi nt erest.

ive vie tried crochet & I get by, but not really good at it!

That's lovely, clever you x

thank you.
When you are given a bag full of French beans straight from the allotment :) only problem is I has no idea what to do with them all?!? Ideas needed please X
When you are given a bag full of French beans straight from the allotment :) only problem is I has no idea what to do with them all?!? Ideas needed please X
Put in risotto at the end or pasta,
You should be able to freeze them as Esmie said
Ahhhh I didn't know you could freeze em! Do I need I cook/blanch them first?

Thankyou both x
Yes I would blanch them first and then just cook them from frozen.
DYJLIW you get to share your eve with this gorgeous bun :)

View attachment 149493

Aww, how cute!

I have two bunnies and I love them to bits! Never get much chance to handle them though, as they have free run of the garden (haven't had to cut the grass at all since we got them four years ago!) and prefer that, to being handled. It always makes me laugh though, when I want them in their hutch in the evening, I just shake their chocolate drop tin and down the garden they race, leaping into the hutch for their yummy treats! :D

Kathy x
Aww they are little creatures of habit aren't they :) i dont think ive eaten a full apple or peeled a carrot in peace since getting my first house rabbits 5yrs ago!
I think it's nice you have little wildie buns! I have 5 and one of them you can tell doesn't really like being handled so I try to leave him be- if he's happy, I'm happy! Xx
Dyjliw someone you are looking after says they have to have you once a week as you cheer them up :) Someones got to like me I suppose! ;)

Awww that's lovely when somebody appreciates what you do & actually says something, I think we're easy to complain, but don't tend to give out compliments that often x
DYJLIW when you've got a half day from work, only an hour to go!!