Down with Spanx!

Lovely new profile pic Dizzy - looking good! I think it's the right thing to throw the bigger clothes out - if I'd kept mine, I'd probably have kept putting weight back on. As it was, it got to the stage where I knew I either had to buy new clothes in bigger sizes, as I'd got hardly anything left that fitted, or lose the weight I'd regained - so that's what pushed me to rejoin SW - and I'm so glad I did!

I'm having a good week, although I had a craving for naan bread last night, as we were having a curry. Fortunately, I resisted - decided I'd far rather have a KitKat!

Aww thanks hun.....took a bit of effort balancing leant against the unit without my crutches lol :D I'm determined to get off them .....even if its only onto a stick it will be good :)

good call giving the naan bread a swerve......kitkats are where the syns are at !! ;) xxx
Well you look effortlessly chic, rather than desperately clinging on for dear life!!!

Had a bit of a bad day - though it could have been a lot worse! I spent the morning with some friends walking the rescue dogs at a local kennels and we'd all brought things for a picnic... I managed to avoid scones, cookies, bread, cheese and trifle, but I did get waylaid by an onion bhaji, some doritos and a piece of flapjack...:eek: Still, I enjoyed it! Just hope it doesn't b*gger up WI tomorrow....!

Thursday: EE
B: Pineapple, strawberries, ff yoghurt
L: Pasta with turkey, pesto (2 syns), tomatoes, leeks, mushrooms, green salad, 1 onion bhaji (5.5 syns, according to SW syns online), Doritos (6.5 syns), flapjack (homemade, so no idea, but going to count 12, based on SW online), asda fat free greek yoghurt with cherry (0.5 syns), strawberries
D: Salmon, rice, chargrilled veg, peas

Syns today:26.5
Week so far: 75.5 (ish!)
Trying not to be too despondent, but WI this morning and only lost 0.5lbs. That's 0.5lb a week for two weeks where I've been on plan for 13 out of the 14 days...

Looking at my food diary, I suspect I've just got into too much of a samey routine, so I'm going to try and shake it up a bit this week. Just started by having a scan bran mixed with my breakfast - going to do that every day and count them as syns, as there's no way I can eat five in a day for a HEB!!!
Thanks Sian - I know I should be pleased with any loss, but you know what it's like when you think you deserve better!!!

I've tried to shake things up a bit over the last few days and sacrificed my nightly KitKat, well, at least occasionally!

Friday: Green
B: Banana, strawberries, pineapple, ff yoghurt, 1 scanbran (1 syn)
L: Pasta, turkey (HEB), pesto (2.5 syns), courgettes, leeks, mushrooms, tomatoes
D: Pea and new potato curry Pea & new potato curry recipe - Recipes - BBC Good Food - was yummy! Used frylight instead of oil and ff yoghurt, obviously, to make a lovely curry that was syn-free and made a nice change from tomato-based curries
S: KitKat (5.5 syns), 2 x hi-fi light (HEB)

Syns today: 9

Saturday: Green
Brunch: Bacon (HEB), poached egg, grilled tomato, mushrooms, brown sauce (1 syn)
S: Strawberries, pineapple, ff yoghurt, tiny bit of apple flapjack (5 syns max)
D: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA), BBQ sauce (1 syn)
S: Large G&T (7.5 syns), 2 x hifi light (HEB)

Syns today: 14.5

Sunday: EE
Brunch: Pineapple, blueberries, strawberries, 2 x scanbran (2 syns), ff yoghurt
L/D: Gammon, potato wedges, large salad, chutney (2syns), red fat coleslaw (3 syns), balsamic glaze (1 syn)
S: 2 x hifi light, 1 muller greek style (0.5 syns)

Syns today: 8.5
Week so far: 32
OMG !!!! you sacrificed the kitkat :eek: I'm not sure if I should even be speaking to you anymore :giggle:

I know its hard when the losses are small & the effort you put in has been just seems so unfair :mad: BUT a loss is a loss! and....have you measured yourself lately? you might be having a couple of weeks where you are losing in the inch department rather than on the scales?

Keep your chin up hunni....keep focussed you are doing great :) xxx
Thanks Dizzy - I know it's going in the right direction, it's just so frustrating sometimes! Can't believe I haven't had a KitKat since Friday...think I'm having withdrawal symptoms! :D

I've persevered with the scanbran, just hope it has an effect!

Monday: EE
B: Pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, 2xscanbran (2 syns), ff yoghurt
S: (out, so raided morrisons, was very impressed with my choices, seeing as the bf had 4 mini pork pies!!) turkey breast from deli, pot of grapes, pineapple, melon
S: 1 shortbread biscuit (at my grandad's - he insisted!) (5 syns)
D: Sticky chicken (2 syns), noodles, large salad
S: 2 x hifi light (HEB)

Syns today: 9
Week so far: 41
Tuesday: Green
B: 2xscanbran (2 syns), strawberries, ff yoghurt, banana
L: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA), bbq sauce (1 syn), melon
D: Thai green curry made with Koko milk (HEA), chicken (HEB), mushrooms, sugarsnap peas, thai curry paste (2 syns), boiled rice
S: 2 x hifi light (HEB), 6 x mikado (3 syns)

Syns today: 8
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This week is going well, really hoping for a good result on the scales on Friday! I've got my sister and her kids coming up to stay, so stocked up on pizza for the kids and making a huge vat of spinach, potato and veg curry for us, as my sister is veggie. Also my Consultant posted a syn-free recipe for 'bhajis', so if I get chance I might try those too...

Weds: EE
B: 2xscanbran (2 syns), strawberries, blueberries, ff yoghurt
L: Pot of fresh fruit salad, 10 cal jelly (0.5 syns), banana, sw wedges, chicken
D: Turkey, pasta, passata, courgettes, leeks, mushrooms, cheese (HEA)
S; Hi fi light (HEB), KitKat (5.5 syns)

Syns today: 8
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Whooooop! Scanbran strikes again - lost 2.5lbs at WI this morning! That gave me my 1.5st award and my club 10 (counting from restart). Really chuffed, to say the least!

Thursday: Green
B: 2xscanbran (2 syns), strawberries, blueberries, mullerlight
L: Pasta, turkey (HEB), tomatoes, leeks, courgettes, mushrooms, cheese (HEA)
D: Spinach, mushroom and potato curry, boiled rice, 1 morrisons bhaji (5.5 syns)
S: hi fi light (half HEB), mullerlight greek style (0.5 syns)

Syns for day: 8
Syns for week: 65
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Yay What a result Hun..... Massive well dones !! xxx

Woooo!!! Fantastic result hun, well done you! :D:D:D xxx

Thank you lovely ladies! Still on cloud 9 - celebrated with a well-deserved G&T! :D

Friday: EE
B: Banana, 2 x scanbran (2 syns), strawberries, mullerlight
L: Hard-boiled egg, ham, tomatoes, banana
D: Chicken, spinach, mushroom, potato curry, boiled rice
S: G&T (5 syns), TBC - hifi light (HEB), mullerlight greek style (0.5 syns)

Syns today: 7.5
Had a bit of a day off plan today - part planned, part not. We went to a chilli festival at a local garden centre in the morning and of course, I had to try some of the lovely offerings! So that was probably about 10 syns spent on little squares of wrap to dip in various chutneys and sauces...

Then we went for a curry in the evening. I managed to avoid naan bread, but still had lots of syns...and a G&T!

Oh well, I enjoyed it...

Saturday: EE (vaguely!!!)
B: 2 x scanbran (2 syns), pineapple, strawberries, ff yoghurt
S: Small squares of wrap and dips (10 syns?)
L: Turkey, pasta, tomatoes, courgettes, leeks, mushrooms, cheese (HEA)
D: 1 poppadom (4 syns), dips (2 syns), chicken dhansak (6.5 syns), boiled rice, saag bhaji (5 syns), few chips (5 syns), 1 G&T (2.5 syns)

Syns today: 37

Week so far: 44.5
Hi Sian - Yes, that's the plan, just going to try and keep to 5 or so syns a day for the rest of the week and hope for the best!

Had a very lazy Sunday today, didn't venture out, apart from taking the dogs to the park for a run. I just wish I had half as much energy as they do!

Sunday: Green
B: Pineapple, strawberries, banana, ff yoghurt
L: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA), bbq sauce (1 syn)
D: Chicken (HEB), syn free tomato sauce, SW wedges, large salad
S: 2 x hifi light (HEB)

Syns today: 1
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Monday: Green
B: 2 x scanbran (2 syns), strawberries, pineapple, mullerlight
L: Pasta, red pesto (2.5 syns), cheese (HEA)
S: Banana
D: Sea Bass (HEB), sw wedges, salad
S: 2 x hifi light (HEB), one third of a chunky KitKat (4.5 syns)

Syns today: 9
Week so far: 54.5
Another good week, but I really don't feel like I've lost anything. Feel a bit bloated to be honest, though there's no reason why. Well, all will be revealed tomorrow at WI...

Tuesday: EE
B: Pineapple, strawberries, 2 x scanbran (2 syns), ff yoghurt
L: Ham, hard-boiled egg, salad
D: Pork, marinade (1 syn), wedges, salad
S: 2 x hifi light (HEB), mullerlight

Syns today: 3

Weds: EE
B: Mullerlight, strawberries, pineapple, 2 x scanbran (2 syns)
L: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA), apple
D: Turkey mince bolognaise with aubergine, courgettes and mushrooms, pasta
S: Hifi light (HEB), KitKat (5.5 syns)

Syns today: 7.5

Thursday: EE
B: Strawberries, 2 x scanbran (2 syns), mullerlight
L: Leftover turkey bolognaise
D: Paprika chicken (1 syn), wedges, salad
S: 2 x hifi light (HEB)

Syns today: 3

Syns for week: 68

Phew! Pulled the syns situation back after last weekend's curry blowout, but not sure it's going to do any good... wish me luck!
Harrumph! Just as I thought, I hadn't lost anything, but I never thought I'd have gained half a pound. Really fed up!

My C 'told me off' for trying to cut down on syns for the rest of the week - she's adamant that having a minimum of 8 syns a day helps weight loss. I've never had a consultant this keen on having syns before, it it a new thing, or is my C the odd one out?!