Down with Spanx!

I've managed to keep on track this weekend, but it's been tough - had bbqs and days out to contend with, so quite proud of myself. I have ended up having EE days though, which I don't normally lose as well on, so I'm going to try and have a few green days in the week to balance it out.

Friday: EE
B: Banana, apple, strawberries, pineapple, ff yoghurt
L: Small baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA), BBQ sauce (1 syn)
D: 2 x bgty sausages (1 syn), paprika chicken (1 syn), large salad, SW wedges, 1 x czech low alcohol beer (1 syn)
S: hifi light (HEB), Kitkat (5.5 syns)

Syns today: 9.5

Saturday: EE
B: Pineapple, strawberries, ff yoghurt
S: Hifi light (Half HEB)
D: 2 x BGTY sausages (1 syn), paprika chicken (1 syn), large salad, SW wedges
S: 2 x G&T (7 syns), Hifi light (half HEB), KitKat (5.5 syns)

Syns today: 14.5

Sunday: EE
B: Pineapple, strawberries, ff yoghurt
L: Hard-boiled egg, ham, large salad, banana
S: Half piece vegan flapjack (8 syns?)
D: Home made turkey burger, sw wedges, large salad
S: Hifi Light x 2 (HEB)

Syns today: 8

Week so far: 32
Harrumph! Just as I thought, I hadn't lost anything, but I never thought I'd have gained half a pound. Really fed up!

My C 'told me off' for trying to cut down on syns for the rest of the week - she's adamant that having a minimum of 8 syns a day helps weight loss. I've never had a consultant this keen on having syns before, it it a new thing, or is my C the odd one out?!

Hi hun,
sorry ive not been here in a while (my heads been up my bum a bit) when I was going to group my C was ALWAYS banging on about the importance of having your syns daily and not cutting them back at all ......maybe there is something in it?? Hope you have a better week this week xxxx
Food looking good Hun x do u eat the scabran at breakfast just as they are? Think I should get some but would have to make a cake with them , have a good week xx

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Hi Val, great to see you! Yes, I just crumble the scanbran into the bowl, stir in my mullerlight and then leave it for ten mins or so to soak in a bit - otherwise the scanbran is really hard to chew! Then I just add loads of fruit to mask the carboard effect!

Hi hun,
sorry ive not been here in a while (my heads been up my bum a bit) when I was going to group my C was ALWAYS banging on about the importance of having your syns daily and not cutting them back at all ......maybe there is something in it?? Hope you have a better week this week xxxx

Hi Dizzy, just posted on your thread...sending hugs and hopefulness!

Hiya hun. Sorry i've been mia this week! Sorry to hear about your gain last Friday hun :( How did you get on this week? I'm sure you got rid of that pesky gain straight away! Xx

Hi Sian, I'd love to say I did, but I had an STS :( Really not happy and my C says she's a bit stumped too! I had a really good week and followed her instructions to the 't' - kept my syns above 8 a day, drank loads of water (well, NAS squash!), ate lots of superfree...and still STS.

So this week I'm going to do a couple of success express days and see if that works. Feel like I've hit a plateau and really need to move past it.
So, I managed my first success express day yesterday, not too bad, although I did feel hungry once or twice during the day!

Friday: SE
B: Banana, strawberries, pineapple, ff yoghurt, hifi light (half HEB)
L: Home made tomato soup, small portion pasta with tomato, courgette, leeks, mushroom
S: Apple, banana
D: Veggie curry made with tomatoes, onions, butternut squash, mushrooms, courgettes, aubergine, small portion rice (not measured, followed the one third, two thirds rule)
S: G&T (3.5 syns), hifi bar (HEB), KitKat (5.5 syns)

Syns today: 9
Thanks Dizzy, I hadn't seen it, but I've just found it and had a good read through, very helpful!

Well, I managed another SE day on Saturday, but it all went to pot yesterday when I was absolutely starving all day!

Saturday: SE
B: Strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, ff yoghurt
L: Small portion pasta with tomatoes, leeks, onions, mushrooms, courgettes, apple and banana, cheese (HEA)
D: Veggie curry, small portion rice
S: Hifi bar (HEB), G&T (5 syns), stewed rhubarb (1 syn), strawberries, ff yoghurt

Syns today: 6

Sunday: EE
B: Strawberries, stewed rhubarb(1syn), ff yoghurt
L: Pasta with chicken, tomatoes, courgettes, leeks, mushrooms, passata, cheese (HEA)
S: Apple, banana
D: Veggie curry, rice
S: 12 mini matchmakers (4 syns)
Hmmm, no HEB - oops!

Syns today: 5

Week so far: 20
SE is very Harsh on the system I must admit :( I think its the rigidity of knowing you are supposed to have the 3 meals a day thing? unlike where you can graze on the other plans (psychological maybe? as you are allowed to snack on fruit etc in between) I managed to do 4 days out of the week before feeling too deprived lol.
Hope you manage to get into it a bit better soon hun xxx
Well, I ended up on another EE day today - I was just starving and craving carbs! But, I'm making sure I have more superfree and less carbs than normal, so still hoping that it will help this week. Trouble is, I've got a fridge full of chicken and turkey mince to get through and my freezer's too full to put it all in there. In fact, there's still stuff in my freezer from pre-SW, so I really should clear it out and make the OH and my son eat it all!!!

I've also come out in sympathy with you on the poo-fairy front Dizzy...!! :(

Monday: EE
B: Strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, ff yoghurt
L: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA), bbq sauce (1 syn) apple
D: Stir fry veg, noodles, chicken, soy sauce
S: 2 x hifi light (HEB), Mars bar mini ice cream (3.5 syns), stewed rhubarb (1 syn), mullerlight cherry layer (2 syns)

Syns today: 7.5
Week so far: 27.5
Thanks both!

I managed another SE day yesterday, but I was so full all day from superfree I didn't manage my HEs and only 4 syns... Made the Choc Cherry Bakewell Scanbran cake from Dizzy's thread and it was delicious - by far the best scanbran cake I've ever done! That means I had 3 scanbran yesterday, so hoping for some 'movement' today!!!!

Tuesday: SE
B: Strawberries, mullerlight, 2 x scanbran (2 syns)
L: Superfree veggie curry, baked potato
S: Banana
D: Chicken breast, huge salad
S: Strawberries, mullerlight, scanbran cake (2 syns)

Syns today: 4
Week so far: 31.5

I'm not too worried about keeping my syns low, as I'm going out for a meal on Thurs night - the night before WI :eek: So, I figure anything I can do to stop that having too much of an impact will be good! We're going to Zizzi's, so I've checked the menu and the handy nutritional guide and I'm going to have pasta with chicken, rosemary, mushrooms and tomatoes - should be low-syn on an EE day, will allow 6 syns for olive oil and anything else they may have slipped in there! Then I'll just have to do my best to avoid the garlic bread etc that my friends will no doubt be ordering!
Hi Val, of course. It's from ConstantlyDizzy's thread, but as I don't know how to link to a specific post (or I've forgotten, anyhow!), I've cut and pasted it here - hope that's ok dizzy! x


5 scanbran (boiling water, soak, drain,mash as for other cake recipes)

5 tblsp sweetener

1 sachet options indulgence choc cherry (3 syn)

2 tblsp cocoa powder (2 syn)

1 tspn almond essence (or 2 if you like it more almondy)

1 tub activia cherry yog

2 eggs beaten

1. mix the sweetener, options,cocoa,almond together with the mashed scanbran. add the activia and mix well.

2. Add in the beatten eggs and mix well.

3. pour into a silicon loaf tin or cake tin and nuke in the microwave for approx 4 mins (until it just comes away at the sides) I usually bring mine out when the centre top is ever so slightly 'sticky' as it does tend to firm up as its cooling.

HEXB + 5 syns for the whole cake OR 10 syns if not using as HEXB
So Wednesday turned into a green day - missed lunch, well, had to snack on some alpen lights and fruit, which meant a) I was starving when I got home and b) I couldn't call it a SE day!

Wednesday: Green
B: Strawberries, pineapple, mullerlight
L: banana, apple, 2 x alpen light (HEB)
S: Scanbran cake (2 syns)
D: Pasta, pesto (2.5 syns), courgettes, mushrooms, cheese (HEA)
S: Mars bar mini ice cream (3.5 sysn), hifi bar (HEB)

Syns today: 8
Week so far: 39.5
Hi Val, of course. It's from ConstantlyDizzy's thread, but as I don't know how to link to a specific post (or I've forgotten, anyhow!), I've cut and pasted it here - hope that's ok dizzy! x


5 scanbran (boiling water, soak, drain,mash as for other cake recipes)

5 tblsp sweetener

1 sachet options indulgence choc cherry (3 syn)

2 tblsp cocoa powder (2 syn)

1 tspn almond essence (or 2 if you like it more almondy)

1 tub activia cherry yog

2 eggs beaten

1. mix the sweetener, options,cocoa,almond together with the mashed scanbran. add the activia and mix well.

2. Add in the beatten eggs and mix well.

3. pour into a silicon loaf tin or cake tin and nuke in the microwave for approx 4 mins (until it just comes away at the sides) I usually bring mine out when the centre top is ever so slightly 'sticky' as it does tend to firm up as its cooling.

HEXB + 5 syns for the whole cake OR 10 syns if not using as HEXB

Hi Hun thanks for recipe will try it at weekend after a trip to the shops will paste to my diary have a lovely weekend xx

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Hi Val, hope you enjoy it!

Well, I'm really chuffed with myself this morning! First, I went out for dinner last night and managed to just have the chicken and mushroom pasta with tomato and rosemary sauce, which I allowed 6 syns for. I avoided wine and stuck to diet coke and I didn't have any starter, pudding or even any bread, despite the fact it looked gorgeous!

thursday: EE
B: Pineapple, strawberries, mullerlight
S: Scanbran cake (2 syns), banana, apple, alpen light (half HEB)
D: Chicken and mushroom pasta with tomato and rosemary sauce from Zizzi's - allowing 6 syns for any oils or anything else they've sneaked in there!
S: hifi light (half HEB)

Syns today: 8
Syns for week: 47.5

Then, WI this morning and lost 4.5lbs and got slimmer of the week! Whoop! :D
Hi Hun
Heres the recipe for the cake.... I can't take the credit for this one It was Mrstore who gave me it (I didn't have Freek mullers in so I used WW dessert style lemon cheesecake yog but only used 1 not 2)

Originally Posted by mrstore

Luscious lemon cake....

5 scan bran
Greek mullerlight lemon yogurt
Lemon essence
2 eggs

Mix, microwave and eat :)

Freeeeeking gorgeous!