Morning Kaz!
For the galette you use 1 egg white, 3tbsps oat bran, some ff cream/cottage cheese (depending on sweet or savoury?) and either herbs like basil/oregano etc. or cinnamon if you want it 'sweeter'? I make 2-3 thin pancakes with this mix to have as a snack throughout the day as I find the protein meals very filling on their own?
My journey- well, it's not looking good unfortunately? I'm starting day 5 and according to my scales I'm UP 1lb since I started?? Granted its the week before my totm (traditionally a 'bloat' week) but still? I'm drinking at least 3l of water a day, eating only the foods listed and still I've lost nothing??? Typical. I'm so fed up of just meat/fish, but I'm going to stick it out until Wednesday- that'll be day 7, and see how it goes. I'm pretty disheartened to be honest....
Hi Irishmum,
You should only use 1.5tbspn of oatbran per day on attack phase, then 2tbsps per day on cruise phase. Maybe this is why you've not lost......? (Recipe is 1.5tbspns oat bran, 1.5tbspns FF fromage frais & 1 egg)
Hi everyone, I'm new here but have been following this diet for 2 weeks tomorrow. I'm down 7lbs so far. It's going quite slowly now but at least this is not a starvation diet and if you feel hungry you can have something to eat! I did 5 days of attack and am now on 1PV/1PP. And I'm really enjoying the rhubarb on PV days!
Icandukan - is the recipe you posted taken directly from the Dukan English book? I'm curious as it's different to the French one, perhaps because some things aren't available in the UK...
(Strange how the recipe is different in France!) That's a great loss! Well done! Do you post your menus anywhere? Would be interesting to see what you're all eating...
Also, here at least, only 0% fat dairy products are allowed... so no cottage cheese, etc... even ham must be fat free (and in French supermarkets you can find a "dégraissé" ham - nasty looking stuff!). Otherwise, no pork.
Anyway, no matter... while you're all losing, GREAT! If anyone gets stuck, we'll see what can be eliminated from the diet!