Dukan Diet

Had a speed wobble yesterday and almost gave in after 2 days of slight weight gain. :cry: However that has gone now and I'm gonna stick it out for a while longer to see if there's any downward movement on the scales. It is so disheartening when u stick to a plan and it doesn't work while it works wonders for others. I think my body is just very resistant after the years of diet abuse it has gone through:eek:

hopefully I will feel more upbeat next week.
Still enjoying this way of eating, not missed bread, rice, pasta or spuds at all.
Off to the bootsales again this morning, got to make the most of this good weather, never know what you might find at those sales.

Don't give up Jax!
Just to say I had three days last week where I stayed the same, on the Thursday I went out for dinner, been planned a long time and I was off plan so to speak but only food I was still a good girl with no alcohol just mineral water.

Well had a fab meal and the next morning I had gained 2.7lb eek

Then Saturday TOM arrived which I think might of accounted for the plateau and the massive gain (I was expecting a lb or two) anyway straight back on track on Friday morning and as of today Sunday (despite TOM) I am now back to my pre-blowout weight.
Despite the fact that I keep telling you off for it :mad: x x x
So am I :D
The book does say to weigh every day, I wouldn't normally. I am only posting once a week though on this board.
Hello all! I recently picked up this book, and got around to starting on Monday. I've lost 6 pounds total, which is absolutely amazing! (though I do have quite a bit to lose :/) The first day was more challenging than the second, but I think I'm doing pretty well so far. Vanilla yogurt and Extra Dessert Delights sugar free gum have become gods haha. It's hard to think creatively on this first phase, considering you can't add much to your basic proteins. The best I came up with was scrambled eggs mixed with turkey sausage with a dash of spicy seasoning and pepper. It was really tasty, and quite filling! Thinking about grilling shrimp kebabs for dinner tonight, and trying a variation of the book's "White Sauce" by using fat free vanilla yogurt and adding imitation coconut to go with my shrimp! I'm hoping to stay in Attack mode until Monday, but gosh am I already yearning for those vegetables and the variety they add.
I just responded to this post... somewhere else!!!
Have just joined this thread. Hoping to move into consolidation by the 1st of April, so my first celebration meal can be at Easter. Have lost 11 lbs (down from 145 lbs to 134 lbs) in 24 days. These forums have been hugely useful. Thanks all for your helpful posts.