Dukan ? hope so!

Col's tuna flip? :)
Dukanista said:
Col's tuna flip? :)

If Trudy can have a flan and mon a mousakka then cols tuna flip it is......lol xxx
How's it going C, sticking to your plan ?
Oh dear, been trying really hard to stay on track but have been losing the battle with cakes, chocolates and biscuits (i blame the great british bake off, ha ha ha ), until today!! Got to take one day at a time, even one meal at a time. Ive been reading the Dukan Diet book i read all about dieting and how hard it is for obese people to follow regimented plans. My meal planner is on the fridge and i have weighed myself, once on sunday and again on Wednesday, it had to be done and oh god the numbers were not good, weights up by 5lbs. Dukan recipe tried tonight from the Dukan recipe book Lemon Chicken ill post it later as its good for protein Thursdays. Been making the jelly and trifle but must confess that the cakes in the cupboard had seduced me a bit. As for Davina, not been able to to much with her, knees are still not 100% and im just so tired after coming home from work, i think that may to do with the ***** i've been consuming.

Anyway, today has been a good day, a line has been drawn and although there are cakes and sweeties in the cupboard, this is back to day one.
B fromage frais and rhubarb
S choc orange muffins
L Chicken omlette, ff yoghurt 500ml diet coke
D Lemon Chicken (Recipe) ff yoghurt.
Come on Collette, you you fab in your outfit, dont let the cold dark wet days and nights push you to the naughty cupboard. Your doing so well and 5lb gain will be back off in two weeks.....xmas is coming and the pary season for dressing up xxxx come on Col xxx were hear for you xxx
Oh heck Col, do you have to have the norty foods in the cupboard, are you like me, the family needs them. LOL

I'm planning a cheat from when i reach losing 3 stone..... a snickers ice cream bar LOL. Have ordered my family to save one for me in the freezer...or else!!!
Yes family have cakes and biscuits and i ve just found a box of donuts in the fridge from the MIL for my son!! but im ok not wanted them today.just made salmon flapjacks for lunch tomorrow, they are really nice although not much like flapjack.

Snickers ice cream!! oh they are just divine!! my sweet tooth is going to be the end of me im sure lol
Then pull it out Collette ;-) xxx
if only i could lol ive been so good today not had any illegal food, donuts are present and correct!!
Great youve found your willpower....resisting the temptation is worth the results, but im not telling you nothing you dont already know xxx
ooo well done for resisting the call of the mighty donut.

I've been really good at resisting the ice creams and lollies I buy for them, but these were a eral bargain and quite a big ish box. 7 in a box, buy two boxes for £3. So there is no way they can't not save me one, does that make sense LOL.
Yep!! We know it all, its just putting into practice is the difficulty.

Ive just been reading some old posts on self sabotage, its all in the mind. There was a good comparison that said when your on the wagon your travelling to where you want to be, fall off the wagon and you get left behind and have to wait for the next wagon to come along if not then your stuck where you are. I suppose there are going to be pot holes in the road and the occasional flat tyre to stall us, i think ive just gone over a pot hole and had a couple of flat tyres and a fuel shortage!! lol
I can't have anything naughty in otherwise I would cave in & eat them. It must be really hard for you guys with kids I wouldn't be able to do it. Anyway C you looked fab in your 60's frock so keep up the good work x
Ah ta luv!!

Had a good day today, although it has been a very stressful week. This weekend Im off to Huddersfield for the final choir practice before the Albert hall gig in November.

b rhubarb and fromage frais
s choc orange muffins
L salmon flapjacks balsamic and ff yogurt
D turkey meat loaf with tomato sauce (new recipes from dukan book) OMG really good!!
Fancy dress party pic from a couple of weeks ago, just love the pink boots lol


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that outfit looks great, as for pot holes...hmmmm might big craters some of them LOL