Thanks, Jo. I always appreciate your sensible, honest and well thought-out advice.
After 2 weekends away, during which time I've gala'd my socks off, I'm pretty worried about weighing myself, so my first weigh in for about 3 weeks will be next Saturday. This is in order not to freak myself off with the results, giving myself a bit of time to maybe recover a little from the excesses.
As is the case with you, diets tend to work best for me when I have rigid rules to follow. When those rules are no longer supposed to apply, I can all too easily flounder and sink beneath tides of chocolate and other lovely snacks.
You have no idea how incredibly comforting your words are when you write that you see no reason why someone can't stay on full Conso for life if necessary. I shall use that as my life-raft, I think, holding it in reserve just in case I ever need it. Good to know that it's there.
After this weekend's weigh in, I think I'll see where I stand in terms of moving forward onto full Phase II yet. Those 2 weekends of galas were much more than I'd normally eat so I'd prefer to recover fully from them first if necessary. Having said that, I did have those extra 5lbs in reserve so they may have soaked up any damage.
Don't worry, though, Jo. I have absolutely no desire of losing more weight. Apart from anything else, I don't want to look like a haggard old prune! ;-) So I'll move onto full Conso as soon as I can.
Thanks again to both you and scrumper for helping to feel better and more positive this morning. I was on a bit of a downer about it all yesterday, I think.
Anyway, on to today's menu - for which I'm having my Gala dessert only (part of my weird and complicated plan for this week - normal service should be resumed next week):
B Yoghurt with oatbran, medium glass of apple juice
L Cheese, mushroom and spring onion omelette with salad, followed by yoghurt
D Courgette and mint soup with big dollop of crème fraîche and bread, followed by my gala dessert of 6 of my favourite chocs in the world
(Jo - I think my choc snack consumption was starting to get out of hand, giving me what you so aptly call "head hunger", so I'm taking your good advice of limiting them to a gala dessert instead. If I make that into a solid rule, then I'm hoping that will be easier to follow. Any shortfall in calories per day will henceforth be made up of Dukan-friendly foods.)