Consolidation Dukandebut's Trying to Stay the Same Diary

MMhhh I was noticing those sandwiches too! Beat my 'Dark Rye & Sunflower bread with Camembert' today any time!

Hope you're having a good day! I just had a treat in aid of 'Red Nose day' as offered by a colleague - so no more extras possible for the rest of the day....
Really enjoyed my gala last night. Today is the second of my carb meals this week and includes another of my favourite meals. Conso is becoming very good indeed in the second half - I'm so glad I didn't make myself wait longer before switching over now! :)

PV with Carb meal 2:

B Yoghurt with oatbran and medium glass of orange juice
L Ham and tomato sandwich, followed by yoghurt
D Roasted pepper beef with wholemeal pasta and Parmesan cheese, followed by crème au chocolat
MMhhh I was noticing those sandwiches too! Beat my 'Dark Rye & Sunflower bread with Camembert' today any time!

Hope you're having a good day! I just had a treat in aid of 'Red Nose day' as offered by a colleague - so no more extras possible for the rest of the day....

Try them, Anja - they're so easy to make and taste way better than in a sandwich maker. As for your rye/sunflower bread with Camembert, that sounds pretty unbeatable to me! Whilst I'm not overly keen on dark rye, I adore seeded bread, and soft French cheeses are just irresistible. Yum!

What was your Red Nose Day treat? :)
Tee hee it was a totally unsuitable "rice cripspies squares bar" in the red nose edition :D Sticky and chocolatey with red chocolate drops.... 150 'bad' calories downed... Thankfully I have my (normal, lean) muffins to ward off any 'after effect' cravings for more choc!
Tee hee it was a totally unsuitable "rice cripspies squares bar" in the red nose edition :D Sticky and chocolatey with red chocolate drops.... 150 'bad' calories downed... Thankfully I have my (normal, lean) muffins to ward off any 'after effect' cravings for more choc!

Why is it that the more unsuitable something is, the better it usually tastes? ;)

Still, as long as we don't let our treat cravings run riot, one every now and again is good for the soul, I reckon. :D
<she has eyes everywhere>

I wish I were DD...
Mouse - I am not going to torture you by describing exactly how delicious it was. I've been dreaming about that cheese garlic pizza bread for a while now (seriously, I really have!) :eek::D

Brownie - They're one of my favourites, and I've found a fab way of cooking them. I don't have a sandwich toaster, but these taste better than any made in one of those as far as I'm concerned.

I just get my 2 slice bread ration and pop some sliced cheese and spring onion inside, leaving a little room around the edges. Then I carefully put it into a heated non-stick frying pan with a cereal bowl on top to weight it down. After a little while, when the cheese just starts melting and the bread is nicely browning on one side, I carefully turn it over and do the other side - again, with the bowl on the top.

The toasted sandwich comes out perfectly and the filling isn't frazzled away to nothing, it's still unctuous and fabulous.

I started reading that but had to stop....:D
me too lol drool
Sorry about those cheese toastie instructions. I only did it to dangle a tempting carrot in front of you so that you'd be encouraged to behave yourselves during Cruise and then be able defect to Conso as soon as poss!

As Em says, you're on the home stretch. Keep it up, ladies!

Anyway, I'm a bit annoyed with myself as I forgot to have my lovely lunchtime soup leftovers to go with my ham sarnie.
Feeling a bit crap today so I'm going to have to miss out on my exercise session. Might do some tonight if the TOTM pain eases off. I tell you, if I could get my hands on those "Happy a happy bloody period" marketing people from Always, I'd shove sanitary towels down their throats until they choked on them! ;-)

B Yoghurt with oatbran
L Either ham or chicken with chive cottage cheese, followed by yoghurt
D Em's mince frittata, followed by crème au chocolat
I always (sorry) get miffed when I think that the advertisers have decided that a program is clearly only for women and so stuff it full of such ads!
always ? lol :D

i'm a cheeky monkey today...speaking of tv... monroe is on again tonight - looking forward to that as it was good last week :)
I missed it - keep on meaning to watch on itv player but our internet connection is pretty slow so don't know if I have the patience! I have sky plussed it for tonight. I adore my neurosurgeon :)
can tell you're pmt-ing lol...step away from the sanitary towels :-s :D x

It's not the sanitary towels they need to worry about (at least they're soft), it's the hedgetrimmer, shovel and axe in the garage that could cause problems. Let's just hope that any passing Always executives don't decide to pop in to mine for a cuppa today. ;):D

(And thanks for dispelling my fury at the Always b****** long enough to make me laugh, pet! :D )

What on earth is Monroe? Is it something I should be recording on my V+ box?

Mouse - Oh, yes. The people who schedule advertising breaks full of those bl**dy adverts are also on my list of people who'll be first up against the wall, come the revolution. ;)
Monroe is that new drama..ITV1 james nesbitt in it (from cold feet, murphy's law etc)

it was good last week :) gotta wait and see if it carries on being good...great if you like quick wit, sharp banter etc x