jaqys - Unfortunately, they were delicious. The problem is that I find it all too easy to demolish a whole box of chocs and I really don't want to go back to my old ways - they are what got me Dukanning in the first place! I must strengthen my willpower.
Thanks for your kind wishes re my aunt. She actually looked better than she has for ages, I was relieved to see! She's due to have more tests this week, but at least it's nothing to do with her heart and I'm pretty hopeful that it's probably nothing to do with the cancer.
It was so lovely to see my family yesterday. Really enjoyed it, as well as our gala meal out.
B Yoghurt with oatbran, orange juice
L (gala 1) Roast beef, 1.65 Yorkshire puddings, gravy, roast potatoes, baby turnips, mashed swede, cabbage, carrots and peas, followed by chocolate cheesecake with a small scoop of chocolate ice cream. Washed down with half a pint of cider
D Cheese, spring onion and mushroom omelette with bread
Today is PV with carb meal 1:
B Yoghurt with oatbran, orange juice
L Cheese, spring onion and mushroom omelette with bread, yoghurt
D (carb 1) Turkey casserole (includes butternut squash, leeks, small amount of Puy lentils and tarragon) with couple of new potatoes and broccoli, followed by crème au chocolat