I am beginning to think I should be following your regime instead of mine

Definitely wondering whether a few more carbs might do me some good? Perhaps I should try conso for a bit as nothing seems to be coming off. Trouble is - a bit scared of it!
Want to lose more to try and get rid of some of my tum and would like a 'normal' BMI but having watched Embarrassing Fat Bodies on Monday I now feel quite wary of going too low - not that I'm losing anything much any more
I am wondering if I could go to conso and perhaps still drop the odd pound - which is all I am doing now anyway?
Mousie, the way that my metabolism appears to be doings its own sweet thing at the moment in defiance of whatever I throw at it, I'm probably not the best person to advise anyone about anything on the Dukan Diet. In fact, I feel like plastering a big sticker over this diary with "Do not try this at home" on it, just like on the TV shows when I was a kid.
What I would say, though, is to ask yourself whether you're happy with the weight you've reached (which is one hell of a fantastic achievement already)? I'm not talking about what the scales say, I'm talking about whether you feel good and healthy and happy with it?
I know that you'd like to improve your tummy - but is that something which could be done with toning, maybe continuing your Pilates and with the help of your Slendertone belt?
As you rightly say, losing too much fat can lead to problems in itself. I haven't watched the "Embarrassing Bodies" programme but I know that my own tummy actually looked firmer when I sit down when I was fatter!
You're only a couple of pounds off your goal weight. How important is it to you to shed those last two? (I know that I was secretly hoping to be a couple of pounds under target by the time I reached Conso as a kind of crutch and a bit of breathing space in case the carbs and galas suddenly kicked in and hit me with a gain - but that proved to be unnecessary.)
Mind you, you still may want to wait a while if you want to achieve an even lower BMI. I'm not sure how moving onto Conso for a while on a temporary basis might affect that. Certainly something to consider.
Conso can be so incredibly scary when you look at it from your side, from the Cruise side. After all of the effort and care which it took me to reach my goal, I was so fearful that I'd screw it all up - either by losing control and eating everything in sight or by overloading my metabolism with all of these newly allowed foods. After my first week on Conso, I had to force myself to step onto the scales not once but several times, before I could actually bear to open my eyes and look at what the dial said. Yes, I stood there on more than one occasion with my eyes tightly shut.
Now, I love Conso. I honestly, honestly love it. I could quite happily stay on this phase for the rest of my life, it's that good.
There are no guarantees, of course, because we're all different, as we've seen on here. Some people may find the initial stages of Conso more difficult than others (different metabolisms, different health problems, etc), but I think that it's well worth a try. This diet gives us a chance to reach a goal and then hopefully stick with (or at least around it) for the rest of our lives. As far as I'm concerned, that's bloody brilliant and well worth the initial struggle. (Dr D may confuse the hell out of us at times with changes and contradictions, but he has given us real hope.)
When you feel ready (which may not be yet if you want to get that BMI lower), but hopefully soon), Mouse, then go for it. You know that you've got us all here to support you.