I feel really yuk though! Had such a naughty weekend. Not had a piece of fruit since Thursday as ran out. Roll on shopping for some goodness!
I have a joint of beef in the slow cooker but not hungry now. I'm on the lemsips as I feel a bit achy and sore.
I'm tempted to go get some fresh air after shopping has arrived. I feel so dehydrated and all the heating and bad food and drink has given me such bad skin! Any tips anybody?
Thanks jennie. Boiled water actually sounds okay. Maybe a squeeze of lemon too!
I've woke with a head cold and sore throat. I'm debating whether to keep my runs up or wait till I feel better. I've got a really busy week and ricks Xmas doo sat so don't want to be poorly for that :/
I moisturise every night. I'm paranoid about getting wrinkles! Lol
Going to go home and have lots of green tea. My only day off tomorrow so will see how I feel. Rick has been to get me lots of pills and potions!
Ooh side fringe sounds good. Think I need to get back on the exercise bike this week routine been thrown out. I think dark evenings make exercise less appealing.