Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Oh I could kill for watermelon right now, its so refreshing and I need refreshing at the moment!!

Curry sounds nice, theres that Kale again, I really must try it.
Quick update on my day....
Breakfast - small porridge

Snack - banana boiled egg

Luncg- water melon, tomatoes, cheese, beetroot, carrot,,cucumber,;weatabix bar.

Tea - tuna steak with roast veg

I've snacked on so many crisps tonight though :( will walk and run tomorrow!! Promise!!!


Been back to docs today. Bloods all fine but just being referred to a specialist to check my inner ears.
Having a small party this evening so have loads of pizzas and crisps so won't be on plan!!
Been for an hours dog walk today, and cleaning the house. Just catching up on a bit of TV whilst eating lunch! Happy Friday!
Happy Friday Becks glad all bloods ok. Enjoy your party. X

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Yep! Lol slept all day. Not ate yet as I was sick haha oops! Ricks gone to get McDonald's. Not on plan today! Bath coffee and England match tonight!
I can't stay awake so going to bed!! back on track tomorrow.
Lots of fruit. I have a mango which I plan on having for breakfast with boiled eggs.
I have mince out so will make a chilli or spag bol for tea. Will also use half of it for Monday tea time. Will research some new mince recipes!
I have kale leaves from the allotment also I will make kale crisps and a broccoli soup
I want chilli!!!! Looking yum :)

Have a lovely day Becki. X

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