Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Upset!! Tried on two bottoms in primark size 10 and none fit :(((( why am I putting on weight! I walked home from town which takes 40 minutes as I felt that horrid in myself!

No, no, no! dont be upset with primark sizes they are never right! Always too small. You are certainly not huge. the weight you have lost is amazing and you can really see the light to your target. Please dont get yourself down over a foreign shop that model their stuff on children. Im sad you felt like that, :(
Have you really had enough with the littleies? I love them! Cant you do a senco or a supply teaching course where you already work? Or is that its too far too travel now too.
OMG 2016 will come around so quick and then you'll be wishing for freedom again! ;)
Good luck in everything. xxx
I know. Usually I'm Ok with size 10. Usually in tops though. I just feel a bit fat at the moment. Just feel pants eyebrows need waxing. I'm spotty. You know just blerghhhh!

Yeah I've kind of had enough. More to do with the fact that I can't progress my career at all in my current job. Plus when I have my own..I don't want to be looking after other people's babies whilst somebody else has mine :(
Agree with that one I couldnt let my babies go to anyone when I had them. But I was a high flying civil servant then, I now am one of the millions of mums that want somewhere with school holidays off. 5 Years and Im going to be preschool manager from September. Im excited but also very scared. :eek:
Oh wow! That will be amazing. So pleased for you!
That's the thing with these type of jobs...All the perks of the school holidays! So lots of competition!!
Its very much a case of being in the right place at the right time i think. And showing willing when volunteering gets you a brownie point in these jobs. X

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Agreed. However the need for an income restricts the ability to volunteer! If I take on this course I will take a big pay cut :(

I've got munchies again tonight. Two rice cakes with peanut butter and blueberries! Yummy!!! I could have ten more!! But will finish the night with some grapes or a satsuma
You are a good girl! ;)

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Breakfast- yoghurt grapes and blueberries

Lunch- advocado and prawns. Thousand island dressing made from extra light mayo and Ketchup.

Tea- eating out tonight. Not sue where we are going as we are going to see family in Grimsby if anybody has heard of it. Carvery I think. I will be having a wine or two!!

Snacks- fruit

Looking after our God daughter this morning Aw www!
Lunch- obviously the advocado is synned too but I'm naughty and have one every now and again!

I love avocado. Ive put some on the shopping for my smoothies this week. :) im going to cheat this week and have smoothies without synning. Have a nice evening. X

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Let me know if it affects your losses. I've had a couple of juices from my juicer.
Well last night I chose steak and chips! Then I had chocolate cheesecake! Ah well I think if we're paying for it it has be worthwhile!

Will try and get some goodness onto me today.

Meant to be at a bbq later. The plan is to not drink.... hmm mm
So had another bowl of soup, chocolate bubbly bite, chocolate rice cake, cherries and have my squash seeds in the oven. Hungry!
I feel so fat!!!!! I had bbq a bottle of red ( would of had more) came home and had extra bbq. ..I feel bloated


I felt slim before
Now I just have rolls of fat I feel gross

Edit- slim before we moved house :(
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Hey mate, dont sound so negative, youve had a lot of goings on and it will soon all settle and you'll be back where you want to be bodywise.
Come on you are not fat and never will be with all the exercise and things you do its keeping you fit. I know im envious! :D
Feeling bloated sometimes makes us look a little bigger but by no means fat.
Chin up. Xxx

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Thanks bubble. Hopefully from today I can try pull it all back. Will go for a run later. That always makes me feel better.

Breakfast- grapes, two boiled eggs.

Lunch - left over bbq food. Whoops

Tea - steak, salad, corn on the cob, feta

Muller dessert for pudding
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