Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Hope you've had a nice day Becki. :)

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Yes Thankyou bubble! Very busy. Application forms coming out my ears!
I went to asda and got some reduced oranges so I made orange and ginger juice! Ummmm!
Not got round to many diaries today. Having a browse whilst watching the soaps. It's so muggy!!
Its horrible, we've just had a downpour but didnt really clear the air.
Is it exciting looking for new job? I cant remember that feeling. X

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Not exciting in the slightest! Knowing I can do the jobs but not getting interviews etc. Or its the waiting! I don't know if you have any knowledge on TA jobs. Some want qualifications. Some don't. So I'm applying for jobs as well as this course atm to see which path to take...Arhh !
Not exciting in the slightest! Knowing I can do the jobs but not getting interviews etc. Or its the waiting! I don't know if you have any knowledge on TA jobs. Some want qualifications. Some don't. So I'm applying for jobs as well as this course atm to see which path to take...Arhh !

I've come to the conclusion I don't know what they want. I get interviews but never the job. Just so many applicants. But I'm sure you'll sell yourself and get lucky if not you've always got the course. X
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Shame you havent any kids to sidestep into somewhere. Any nieces or nephews in schools. It seems round here that if you have a child in the school you can get in there and work too!! Its being at the right place at the right time i reckon.
I need to advertise for a new staff member but cant really sell the job on the pittence we pay. If youve not got the love you really cant work with the little ones.

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You're right about the kids thing! I'd like to get this sorted before kids though :/ I'd like a nice career to go back to after maternity.
And it's not that I don't like the little ones. In fact in my current job the little ones are who I go for. I live them! I guess it's 2-4 age I can't seem to enjoy :( the falling out, shouting stage. Plus as im . on a home environment I just can't seem to find much motivation!

Back to work tomorrow :(

Breakfast- banana. Two rice cakes with peanut butter

Lunch- tuna salad with a piece of batters fish

Tea- smoked fish, kale
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I changed my mind about tea so we had sweet potato with cottage cheese and salad


Il have a hot chocolate and a shape dessert yoghurt later
Plan for tomorrow is...
Breakfast- gf cereal with skimmed milk

Snack- 2 boiled eggs

Lunch- two rice cakes with sf peanut butter, grapes, tomatoes, banana

Snack- yoghurt snack a jacks

Tea- syn free lamb curry

Probably over my syn's as it's a work day but I struggle with pack ups :/
Cant you make things like pasta salads, scoth eggs, drumsticks for lunch. Even frittata veg and hoummous dip?

Hope you have a good first day back, bet its hard after a long weekend off?
Very hard. Especially a 6 am wake up call
It looks like a nice day though!

Good ideas. I will try make some frittata this evening!
Yep 6am sucks but as you say sun is shining! Have a lovely day. :)

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Only two hours left!! Zzzz

I've just worked out I've had nearly 300 cals just on mid afternoon snack! Need to re think my snacking!
Tea - lamb curry. I was really good! I made rick rice and I had courgette/ carrot spaghetti. My julienne peeler is crap though!



We went shopping after work and was stuck in traffic so we opened some naughty crisps meant for Friday! ( were having a little party) I've only just sat down now. So tired!
It was just
Chopped tomatoes
Curry powder
Kale and bits of veg

My usual simple curry recipe but the lamb made it real good!