eee look another food diary!

So I WI today and I've lost the gain I thought I had, so I'm back to 13st4! I can't seem to get past this number! The scales showed this at the doctors a few weeks ago too, so I'm going to really push this week and try and get under, 13st exactly is what I'd like to see next friday :) Woke up to my breakfast being ready too which was nice, and I actually gave half to bf as it really filled me up! woo! I meant to do a green day today but as he'd already cooked it when I woke up I couldn't really say no thanks!

EE DAY - Friday

Breakfast - 2 WW sausage (1syn) 2 bacon medallions, 3 big mushrooms, 1 big tomato, 1 poached egg, 1 slice small loaf (half HexB) flora light (1.5syns)

Snack : Kiwi Fruit

Lunch : 3 wholegrain crackerbreads (half hexB) tuna, x light mayo (0.5syns) lots of cucumber and a bowl of heinz spaghetti (lacking in SF but nevermind!)

Dinner : Wholewheat noodles, lots of veg (babycorn, sugarsnap peas, pepper, mushroom, carrot, spring onion), and spicy turkey in crispy Kale. Mini Halloween iced cakes (10syns)


Exercise : Walking 2.7miles, 30 Day shred level 1.


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Excited for the pictures today :) gonna have a syn free day so I can have some Ben and jerrys frozen yogurt there :) we're going to see hotel Transylvania then fireworks later on :)

EE day - Saturday

Breakfast : turkey bacon x3 small wmeal toast (hexB) poached eggs. Apple.

Lunch : vege burgers, SW wedges, SW coleslaw and cucumber (0.5syns)

Dinner : SW spag Bol, wholemeal pasta. 3 slices garlic ciabatta. Parmesan (hexA)

Snacks : angel slice, Cadbury pretzels, options, 3/4 bottle red wine. Some sweets off my kid. ALL UNPLANNED, ALL CRAP!!!! Arghhhhhh!

Lots of SYNS! Ooooops!


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Hotel Transylvania is brill! Me and my friend Jennie went to see it the day it came out, we were the oldest ones there but enjoyed it just as much :p Enjoy!! x
Ah yay! I'm well looking forward to it. The perks of being a mum you don't look like a weirdo for watching kids films :)

You feeling any better love? X
You're saying me and my friend looked like a weirdo?! Joking, course we probably did ;D

Feeling crap, was going to go to the gym and library this morning but woke up with my vertigo sooo bad! :( Not looking forward to starting work experience on Monday if I still feel this crap haha! Are you doing alright? x
Ah poor you, you get ill so much, it must be rough for you.

I'm doing ok thanks! Just took the dog out and she's covered in mud as am I and the kids! Haha no I think you're young enough to get away with going to a animated film without sproglets in tow! Xx
Ok I've been pretty off plan for the whole week, well since Sunday.

Pizza Hut and a Burger King in the same week eurgh!

Pretty much back on plan today, but I am cal counting so keeping track of food. I'm very very bloated so can't really wait until Sunday and to get back on it properly. As today it's ma's bday and tomorrow I'm going out for lunch. This week has been horrific food wise even tho I've been off/on plan for ages I've been vaguely ok just not SW, but this week totally off, hardly any veg or fresh stuff. Will write my plan for the day anyway

Breakfast : 2 chipolatas (1syn) 2 poached eggs, 2 grilled tomatoes and mushrooms

Lunch : pea, ham and mint soup (SW)

Dinner : (half on plan!) bruschetta with sundried tomato, mozarella, Serrano ham and watercress. (10syns)

Chickpea, chicken and chorizo stew, SW garlic rosemary potato, fine beans (5syns)

SW black Forrest roulade (1syn)



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oh dear I had lots of wine yesterday, so made my kinda on plan day very much not on plan!! I'm having a 100% day today though as I'm going out for lunch tomorrow, so might as well stick to plan where I can, rather than do what I've been doing all week which is thinking oh well I'll start again on sunday! Plus I'm feeling v bloated and yuck. 4lb gain too so I'm well back up :( 13st8 scales said this morning... I WILLLLL be back down by next friday. I just want to hit the mid 12's for xmas. that would be fab!! Got sooooooooo much uni work to do and I'm sat meal planning and looking at the sainsbury mag at xmas food. idiot! Plus I have the boys now this weekend, as stupid ex has gone to a wedding and was going to leave the kids with his parents, and his dads proper ill, and 70, I dunno how he can feel ok with that! So I said no way, i'll keep them, really wanted the weekend off as its been a stressful week, and I really need to get some work done. I'm going to do a asda online shop tomorrow and get provisions for the week as I'm pretty sure I have all the foods I need in the house for today/sat/sun. Jacks feeling better so back at school which is good, bless his little cotton sockies.


Breakfast : 2x small wmeal loaf (hexB) bacon medallions x2, 2 poached eggs. Satsuma

Lunch : Pea and Ham soup (onion, celery), SW roulade (1syn)

Snack : leftover dinner, kinda like chicken and chickpea stew/soup, yum! giant buttons (10syns)

Dinner : Chicken thigh, spinach and BNS curry (onion, garlic, passata, tomatoes). Veg pilau rice (broccoli, cauli, carrots, onion, peas and sweetcorn).

Drinks : coffee and tea (hexA milk) water.


Exercise : 1.2 mile walk with dog (110cals) School run 2 miles (200cals)


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Going out for lunch, but going to stay off the boozies, and just have some diet cokes, and TRY and order something vaguely sensible.

EE DAY - Saturday

Breakfast : sausage (2syns) 1 slice wmeal small loaf (half hexB) flora light (1.5syns) satsuma. asda meatfree burger

Lunch : had a burger!! Oops! Porco Rosso burger with pulled pork, crackling and apple sauce

Dinner : Half a bagel with cheese ham and lettuce. Thin dairy milk bar

Drinks : tea and coffee (1/4 hexA milk)

TOTAL SYNS : I cal counted today instead ha 1900 cals but 190 off for exercise

Exercise : 2 mile walk.


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Back on plan, and thankfully my carb water bloat is going down as back to 13st6 this morning. So fingers crossed after another day of reasonable eating ill be back to 13st5 tomorrow then I can work on dropping below my 13st4 sticking point!

EE day - Sunday

Breakfast : bacon (fat removed) 2 poached eggs, 2 grilled tomatoes, toast small loaf (hexB)

Snack : dairy milk thin (5.5syns)

Lunch : slow roast pork with lots of broccoli, carrot, swede. mixed berries and meringue (2syns) cream (6syns)

Dinner : roast lamb and roast veg (BNS, carrot, potato, parsnip and sweet potato) fine beans.

Total SYNS : 13.5

Exercise : 60 min walk on the beach


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Ok properly back into it now, I will get those scales down for Xmas, no more complacently as I'm so much closer to target than before..

Red day - Monday

Breakfast : sausage (6syns) lean bacon, poached egg, mushroom and tomato. Toast (hexB)

Snack : dairy milk thin bar (5.5syns)

Lunch : tuna steaks, mixed leaves, mango salsa (mango, chilli, spring onion, tomato, cucumber)

Snack : weetabix x2 (hexB) SS milk (hexA) slice of Edam (hexA) grapes, mango. Cadbury crispello (2.5syns)

Dinner : steak, celeriac chips, roast cherry tomato, asparagus, field mushroom.

Drinks : water, green tea, few cups of tea (1/3hexA)

Total SYNS : 14

Exercise : walk 3 miles.


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Happily back on plan and feeling the carb and water bloat going down by the day :) just been for a walk with the dog so already done 2 miles :)

Red day - Tuesday

Breakfast : bacon sandwich (hexB) flora (2syns) kiwi fruit. Options (2syns)

Lunch : salmon and prawn open sandwich (hexB) (2syns mayo) lettuce, tomato, cucumber and beetroot.

Snack : mullerlight toffee, 1/3 bag Cadbury animal biscuits (2syns)

Dinner : lasagne made with leek pasta (chopped tomato, celery, carrot, onion, garlic) (3.5syns, flour and wine) x2 hexA cheese and milk. SW coleslaw (2syns) salad.

Total SYNS : 13.5

Exercise : walk 4 miles.


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Had some Asda flatbread with dinner and annoyingly worked it out to be 11syns, so I have to have a free day tomorrow. At least I'm actually balancing them out as lately I've just been going off plan and not getting back on! Had 1788 cals today - 280 exercise cals. So that's ok :)
Thanks love, it was super, just had leftovers for lunch :)

Up so early this morning, half 6 as was first day of placement, as its me obviously I had a palava! Had a horrible ibs attack after I left so had to scarper off the bus and find a loo, then had to find another way to get to placement as the next bus wasn't for half an hour, closest I could get was 2 miles away so had to walk 2 miles using my lil iPhone GPS to keep me right! Was exactly on time tho so wasn't so bad and at least I did a super quick walk! Bf making dinner bless him, I have an essay plan to write for Friday and in Uni all day tomorrow so just going to get it done now.

EE DAY - Wednesday

Breakfast - bacon sandwich (hexB) flora light (1.5syns) 2 coffees (little hexA)

Lunch : left over lasagne (2syns) (hexA) SW coleslaw (1syn) salad

Snack : mullerlight,
nectarine potato wedges

Dinner : SW sweet and sour meatballs, wholewheat noodles, veg Cadbury crispello (8syns)


Exercise - 4mile walk


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Whoops I wanted choc so had a Cadbury crispello, 8 SYNS is ok tho, gonna have to have hardly any tomorrow to make up for it! Oooooopsies!
Ok so last night went a bit off as I had some lush sharwoods prawn crackers with dinner, they're ok syn wise but took me to my 15 for the day, so v low syn day today for WI tomorrow. Been so busy and I feel pretty drained, so gonna have dinner and do some research for Uni and then just chill for an hour or 2.

RED DAY - Thursday

Breakfast - bacon sandwich (hexB) flora (1.5syn)

Lunch - banana

Snack - 2 babybel light (2/3 hexA) ham, lettuce, cucumber and beetroot, mayo (1syn)

Dinner - beef bourginion (1syn) with celeriac, swede, carrot, celery, button mushroom, shallot and garlic. New potatoes (hexB) steamed broccoli and string beans.

Drinks : skinny latte (hexA) couple of coffees (1/3hexa) water


Exercise : 2.5 mile walk


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Full day out the house so have to be careful food wise, going to do EE as its gives me a bit more freedom. Although had no Superfree with breakfast!

EE DAY - Friday

Breakfast : bacon and sausage sandwich (2.5syns) coffee

Snack : banana

Lunch : Tuscan tomato soup (tiniest bowl everrr!!)

Snack : Cadbury bubbly (10.5syns) wholemeal bagel with smoked salmon and Philly light (hexA) tomatoes. (Going to do a sneaky little tweak and have this as my hexB tomorrow so I don't have a syn) quavers (5syns)

Dinner : SW curry (garlic, chopped tomato, mushroom, spinach), Indian salad, chickpea rice. Asda mini bahjee and veg pakora. (9syns)

Total SYNS : 27 (wi day and I had unplanned treats, I'll have a no syn day on Sunday to make it up.)

Exercise : 2 mile walk.

As usual, when I don't eat properly I get ravenous late avo! I NEED to have proper meal structure. To be fair was a horrible rushed day. And I'll make it back up next week.


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Doing EE again today, just as its more relaxed for weekends, back to red days on monday, might alternate next week, 4lbs gone from the horrible carb bloat from last week. Lots of work to do today, and all I wanted was a lie in, but dog got up at 8, shes now happily back to sleep and I'm awake, pah! bf is cooking us a vietnamese feast tonight so excited for that!

EE DAY - Saturday.

Breakfast : SW hash brown, smoked salmon, 2 poached eggs, ketchup (1syn). Green tea.

TOTALLY OFF PLAN!!! chinese foods, cake, doritos and dips, biscuits, the lot :( Stupid old me! AGAIN! RARRRRRR, oh and sunday toooooo. booooooooo!! I MUST stop doing this!!


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Saturday and Sunday totally off plan. So much bad stuff consumed, but no alcohol so at least there's that :) back on plan today and got some nice new clothes today, winter jumpers and a lush denim shirt with patterns on the shoulders and some jewels :)

Red day - Monday

Breakfast : bacon, mushroom and egg sandwich (hexB)

Snack : handful Doritos (5syns)

Lunch : 2 quorn burgers (it's all I had in, as I had no time for real lunch!)

Snack : fridge raiders (1.5syns) banana

Dinner : spag Bol (peppers, mushrooms, onion, celery, carrot, garlic), 100g brown pasta (hexB) salad. Parmesan (hexA) (1syn wine in Bol) 1/3 wagon wheel (2.5syns)

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