Ok I've been rubbish at organising myself again, didn't have time to eat again until 3 and now I'm all headachy and dizzy. Grr!
Placement went ok, good setting in a really bad area, kids were canny was in the 2-3 room and they were helpful as I really have loads of questions to ask rather than going to train to be a nursery nurse as its my policy module. Need to go home and type it all up before I forget!
Food has been good though and maybe trying for a green day again I think as everyone wants burgers for tea. And after not eating loads of carbs sound great to me!
GREEN DAY - Wednesday
Lunch : ham (1/2hexB) and egg salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomato) with a wmeal roll (hexB). Satsuma x2, alpen light (1/2 hexB)
Snack : M&S mini pretzels (3syns) M&S choc bunny thing (7syns) 2 caramel mini eggs (4syns)
Dinner : veggie burgers (1syn) cheese (hexA) jalepenos, SW chips, lots of nice M&S salads, beetroot
Drinks : water