raspberrycupcake said:
You are doing so well, therapy is bloomin hard isn't it? I'm having cognitive- analytical therapy which gets heavy at times, but I have to walk home so by the time I get back I have managed to process my feelings a bit and push them back into storage!
If you do fancy giving the hypnotherapy a try to help with your sleep, some of them (including some of the Glenn Harrold ones) actually give you two tracks, one which wakes you up completely at the end and one which brings you back into sleep rather than awake. So you can choose, depending on whether you are listening in the day or at night.
Out of interest, do you mean you binge actually in the night, or in the evening? It's just I eat in the night ( I wake up for ages in the middle of the night) and I was wondering if you did the same? It kind of fits in with weight watchers as I always leave points as a back-up, but I would rather find a way to stop doing it really!
Enjoy your weekend! What's the weather like in Canada at the moment?
Claire x
Hi Claire
The weather is Super Hot & HUMID! I'ts in capitals because it's that horrendous! Sorry if TMI but everyone just walks around turning into puddles because you just sweat the minute you go outdoors!
I really hate hot weather anyway so can't wait for Autumn!
Yup therapy is harrrrrd... But that usually means it's working
I'm doing CBT at the moment but just focusing on Panic & Anxiety & this week we've moved on to exposure therapy which is pretty terrifying but I know It's the only way forward
I'm defo going to look into hypnosis - will let you know if I do & how it goes
Well... I am capable of bingeing at any time but nighttime is my danger zone - I mean I will go to bed & then get up at 2am (after not sleeping due to insomnia) & then binge in secret
My OH knows about it all now but I still don't do that stuff in front of him.
Hope that answers your question - I really don't mind talking about this stuff on here as I feel like it's safe & supportive so ask away
When I did Weigh Watchers I would save as many points as possible for my nightime munchings because I knew if I didn't I would still want the binge but then not have the points & gain weight - it made sense at the time but I realised I was really just telling myself my bingeing was 'ok' as long as I stayed within my points.
I lost a bit of weight for a few months doing it like that but I made the decision that I didn't want to keep bingeing as the guilt was just too much to bear.
I stopped WW & put all the weight back on & more - I've not beaten my food demons - but I'm serious about seeking professional help when I can find an affordable option - I think a big step is admitting to yourself you have a problem that is making you miserable & deciding you actually want to change it.
For now My binges have dropped in size & frequency partly due to plain bull-headedness on my part & wanting to stick to my MFP allowance, but also just because I did have 3 sessions of CBT in the past focusing on eating issues - I forget most of it but what I remember is - DON'T STARVE to compensate for a binge you assume is coming - as it sets you up to be super hungry & physical hunger is very hard to fight.
Also I stop & question why I want to eat something - it takes practice but just stopping for 1 minute before I eat something is enough time for me to make a balanced decision on what I will get from it, is it worth it? And Am I eating emotionally?
Sometimes I go for the quick fix "I want this chocolate cos I'm full of RAGE, and I'm upset & I just NEED IT!" & I just have the chocolate.
But now ... Just recently... I can sometimes say to myself "well, will this chocolate make you any happier tomorrow? Would you rather wake up knowing you didn't eat out of anger & possibly lose some weight this week? Do you want this chocolate more than you might want it next week when you turn into a hormonal wreck?" Just putting these questions to myself in that moment can change my mindset out from the "binge binge binge" mode & then sometimes I find I don't want the chocolate anymore!
Sirry if that was an epic ramble - I just started writing & went with it!