Consolidation Ellie's back cruising her way back to target

What's the slap for jo ? :( it was sweetened quark with coconut flavouring ;)
Oh I thought you meant real fresh cream ;)
Nooooo Jojo when our Ellie gets on track she has a very very vivid imagination and even more so when she gets on the four bottles of wine!!! WELL DONE Ellie, sounds like a good day - I have eaten sooo much Dukan food that my tummy is hurting! Ben ate all his lasagne for dinner so had some of his Christmas choccy - a Kinder egg Santa - had to fight my self not to grab it off him and still half of it is in the fridge, he followed that with some crisps and a donut - no fair!!!! LOL!
kids can eat anything lol
Lol trudy... And bless Ben..... I wouldn't thank him for kinder choc but would have been eyeing up his lasagne lol

Right well... So far so good... I've managed a PV day ... Well I say PV but only had veg for dinner... This might be the way to go for me till I feel more secure in myself and my binging. Had a bath after doing the evening feeds.... Settled down in my Jammies to watch the dancing on ice vote and having a mug of coffee & my muffins & cream ;)
In the Zone Ellie, extra veg isnt a bad idea. Rooting for you xxx
Your not on your own Ellie but we are semi back to Dukan and that must be better than not at all. I need to see a shrink!
Lol Chris shrinks are overrated
Hmm cream!!!! Dreaming now. I bought a small tub of cream for during the hols when we had family coming, took it out of the fridge and promptly dropped it.......all over the christmas rug. Penance for buying it in the first place LOL.

PV for one meal a day isn't bad, lets face it, if you have a 1/1 system, you would end up having veg on two meals, so having it for one meal each day balances out. Go girl!!
Right heres my final food for the day... i shall not head into the fridge lol
B nothing but 2 black coffees
L- 2 venison burgers 1 black coffee
D- Chilli & a coconut muffin & coconut quark cream
S- 2 muffins & cream, 1 black coffee

copious amounts of diet coke.... will try and drink water steps

of to bed soon... feeling cruddy... think im coming down with something
Hope you have woken up feeling a bit better Ellie - WELL DONE - day done and dusted - now the next one, defo baby steps for both of us!!!! just dropped Ben at school and have until 12.30 to do nothing so gonnna watch silly TV and read silly mags then have my massage and get to town for shopping before picking Ben up!!! not very adventurous but hey ho!! Christmas tree is down and ready to go back in it's box!!! House seems v bare again!!! LOL! Did however remove 6 chocolate santas from the tree - sorry make that 7 - Ben got some catching up to do!!!! LOL!
feeling slightly better this morning... still snuffly... ive still to take my tree down its covered in candy canes. thankfully they are a bit soft so wouldnt eat them lol. Ive just had a big bowl of rhubarb & yoghurt, going to chuck ponies out now its light & do stables this morning, i need to go to the supermarket so will do that straight after lunch so im not hungry lol
Hope the candy canes have been binned Ellie ?????
So did you (unlike me) get through Monday unscathed????? I got to 4pm and then caved - didn't enjoy a blimmin thing I cheated on to rub salt into the wound and then didn't sleep last night worrying about stuff I can do nothing about!!!! LOL! Have thrown myself into office work today after horses (who were all v v good) and have first rehearsal for Little Shop Of Horrors tonight !!!! Hope your okay Ellie - waiting to hear from you!!!! LOL xxx
WHERE ARE YOU!!!!! ?! x
She's eating ice cream !!!!!!!
Haha no that was yesterday, I've been a total angel today

B- rhubarb & yoghurt
L- scrambled eggs & smoked salmon
D- peppered steak, swede & carrot mash
S- 3 Coconut muffins & quark icing
mmm your lunch was my last night's dinner... and is probably my favourite dukan meal (served with those little black fake caviar eggs and a spoonful of fromage blanc and a muffin). Yum!
Yay well done on a good Wednesday keeping everything crossed for a good Thursday for both of us!!! LOL!