emma-louise's food diary... about time too!

monday 21st june - another extra easy day...

ok so today didnt start off particularly well as i had two breakfasts.... yes.. TWO!! :( i blame waking up at 6:30am after having a bad dream, couldnt go back to sleep so i was hungry again by 10am - oops! :eek:

brekkie 1: magic porridge with raspberries (HexB)

brekkie 2: breakfast roll - egg mayo (2 syns light mayo), two sausages (1 syn), all in a white bread roll (5 syns)

lunch: chicken and chorizo sauce left over from yesterdays lasagne with cous cous (2 syns)

dinner: kfc style chicken from sainsburys (8 syns) with two small jacket potatos with cheese on (HexA) and salad, bbq sauce (1 syn)

total syns - 19

ooooops gone over syns and nowhere near 1/3 superfree :( not good especially day before WI but i have been under the last two days so hopefully itll even out :fingerscrossed:

piccies attached :D:D


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just weighed myself, lost 1lb :) i am a bit disappointed cos i was aiming for 2 but never mind at least it's a loss - just goes to show that 1/3 superfree does matter!! :rolleyes: off to go and eat all the fruit in the house now! :eat: xx
tuesday 22nd june - extra easy

brekkie: 2 nectarines and kelloggs fibre plus bar HexB dark choc :D yummmmy

lunch: sausage, red onion, mushroom and cherry tomato fritatta (1.5 syns for sausages) with cheese on for HexA

dinner: chicken rogan josh curry and rice (7 syns for jar of curry and oil)

plus, played footy in the garden with my bro for half an hour as part of my move more challenge :) had lots of fun but had to stop cos i was so nackered! went beetroot red and started sweating like you wouldnt believe.... not nice!! but at least i had a go :D:D

piccie attached of my fritatta - it was much nicer than it looks!!:)


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Mmm, looks nice :)
Not sure there's one third superfree there though?!
I bet the football did you wonders, I don't think I could last 5 minutes running about, especially not with the lovely weather - much for suitable for lounging about with a book and a fibre plus bar methinks ;)

I'm in a strop because I've found out wholemeal pitta bread does not count as HexB. Grrr. Which is about 15 extra syns I've eaten without realising for the past 2 days. I'm going to ignore it though and write it off as a B choice anyway, and then when this pack is finished NOT BUY ANY MORE!! What a waste of good syns!! :(
i know my superfree-ness is appalling at the minute! i really need to sort myself out :( gonna do a mini veg shop tomorrow and try and make up for it in the next few days! when the ingredients for my fritatta were all chopped up i did seem to have rather a lot of veg in it but once its been cooked its a different story obviously!

the football really took it out of me, its been so long since i did any real exercise thats not dancing in a club or walking to and from uni :p i must admit tho i did do the lounging about with a kfp a bit earlier on in the day hehe :8855:

im still really confused about the wholemeal pitta thing... i dont understand how ASDA's one is a HexB (or used to be:confused:) and other ones arent? i think you'll be fine to keep using them as HexBs until you run out, i weighed a bread roll for the first time yesterday and cant believe how heavy they are! pittas are such a better option! xx
Controversial I know, but I reckon a lot of healthy extra / syn free classification depends on which brands are willing to pay for SW accreditation / promotion. I'm sure this attitude would receive a barrage of angry replies though!!

What uni are you at? I do think walking about DOES make a difference - I graduated in 2006 and got my driving licence in 2007 and have put on about two stone since then :( and I drink a lot less alcohol and eat a lot less take aways than I did when I was a student!! And I hardly walk anywhere nowadays so I think there's a link there...

Anyhow, I'm in a better mood today, getting over pitta-gate ;)
Have a great day!! :)
youre right it is controversial but i do agree with you unfortunately :( glad youre getting over pitta-gate :p

i go to uni in sheffield and live really far from campus so i do get plenty of exercise there at least! i have put weight on since i started uni but i was already big before so im not sure whether it is down that or not really :( xx
wednesday 23rd june - green day :eek::eek:

brekkie: magic porridge (HeB) made with cherry muller and a couple of raspberries

lunch: low fat supernoodles with an apple

dinner: pasta carbonara (HeB for bacon and HeA for cheese)

snack: milk choc kellogs fibre plus bar 6 syns

serious lack of superfree today, oooooooooooops :( also not entirely sure whether is 100% following the rules to have bacon as a HeB on a green day but i dont care :p i only do it once in a blue moon!


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thursday 24th june - green day ;)

brekkie: milk choc kelloggs fibre plus bar (HexB1) and a cherry muller

lunch: low fat supernoodles and half a grapefruit

dinner: mushroom risotto (10 syns and HexA) with brocolli

snacks: 1 apple

might have a bowl of weetabix or another kelloggs fibre plus bar before bed but i havent decided yet cos im still full from my yummy risotto!! :D:D


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Good evening!

Well, firstly, you CAN have bacon as an HexB on Green (as long as all visible fat is removed blah blah) - your dinners always look yum. I make SW carbonara with ff fromage frais, eggs and garlic and because the garlic is essentially raw I stink for weeks after!!! It is good though so I don't really care ;)

I lived in Sheffield (Walkley / Upperthorpe area) for two years and it has to be the hilliest city EVER. I think you get added kudos for walking to and from uni with all those bloody hills :)
I moved away last summer and now live between Leeds and York and it is completely flat! I'm occasionally tempted to get my bike out it's that flat....too many cobwebs on it though ;) I always thought cyclists in Sheffield were loons!!
yay good news on the bacon!! :woohoo: it was streaky tho but i wont tell anyone if you dont! :p
the carbonara i make is a really simple recipe, just boil your sgetti, whisk 2 eggs with salt and pepper, when you drain your pasta keep a tiny bit of the pasta water and just mix the eggs in til the egg cooks and it makes a yummy eggy peppery sauce and then i add the parmesan so its all nice and cheesy - yum!! :D its good with mushrooms too, my risotto was a big hit with the family tonight i was very pleased!! wasnt particularly low syn tho hehe ;)

i know walkley but i dont think ive ever been to upperthorpe? i used to live in crookes but i live in broomhill now, there's a nice flat "cyclist" route to uni from where i live which is bliss to walk, but the quick way past the shops in broomhill is up a MASSIVE hill and ive only walked up it twice the whole year hehe :p i agree anyone who cycles/runs in sheffield must be completely insane! :8855:if you're not at the top or bottom of a hill in sheffield you're halfway up one!

im gonna pop over to your food diary and have a neb at your recipes, seeya over there ;) xx
friday 25th june - red day :D

brekkie: weetabix and milk (HexA & HexB) tspn of sugar 1 syn :rolleyes:

lunch: mushroom omelette with salad

dinner: fajitas, 2 tortilla wraps and creme fraiche = lots of syns :( going to allow 20 syns plus a HexB for oil and pray itll be ok!!

snacks: half a grapefruit with tspn of sugar 1 syn :rolleyes:

total syns - 22 syns

i know ive been over my syns for the day, but ive been well under the past 3 days so im hoping it should even out before weigh in on tuesday :cross: xx
saturday 26th june - extra easy :)

had a bit of a funny day foodwise as nothing was planned at all kind of just had to wing it a bit, we went to sheffield for the day to pick up the rest of my stuff from the flat and hand my keys in :( booo!!

brekkie: weetabix and milk (HexA & HexB) 1 syn for a tspn of sugar

lunch: linguine pollo e gamberetti - chicken and prawn linguine in a tomato and chilli sauce, had lunch in a lovely restaurant on eccy road we hadnt been to before :) i asked them to go light as poss on the oil so ill say 3 syns but its a bit of a guesstimate :( at least i managed to avoid the chicken, ham, salami, pepperoni and bacon calzone pizza!!

dinner: had a BBQ when we got home, 3 veg kebabs, yellow pepper, red pepper, mushroom and courgette, aubergine done on the BBQ, one chicken wing without the skin, half a venison burger and one sausage - oops!:rolleyes: 12 syns

total syns - 16 :( going to be good tomorrow to make up for it though ;) xx
todays been a really funny day, didnt wake up til after 12 and felt really ill all day with sickness and feeling light headed :(

sunday 27th june - a red day

brekkie/lunch: 2 weetabix and milk with banana and strawberries (HexA & HexB) 1 syn for tspn of sugar

dinner: steak and chicken from bbq yesterday (2 syns for marinade) with BNS chips (2 syns for tbspn of BBQ sauce)

total syns - 5

drank lots of water all day but dont feel any better, going to have an early night and see how i go tomorrow :rolleyes: missed my 2nd HexB but really cant face eating anything right now xx
monday 28th june - extra easy (kind of :()

brekkie: weetabix with milk (HexA & HexB) with banana and strawberries 1 syn for tspn of sugar

lunch: chicken sandwich 10 syns for bread (oops!:()

dinner: tomatoey chicken pasta bake (5 syns) had a bit of superfree in it, tomatoes and red/yellow pepper but nowhere near enough :(

total syns - 16

well today has been crap foodwise :( and the day before weigh in aswell... typical!! :mad: started off ok but ended badly, not even worth trying to blame it on being ill yesterday or the heat - im just an idiot! :cry:


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