wednesday 30th june - extra easy
brekkie: weetabix and milk, banana and nectarine (HexA & HexB)
lunch: tuna salad, one new potato chopped up, half a yellow pepper, half a red pepper, cucumber and cherry tomatos, tin of drained tuna, splash of white wine vinegar and tbspn of light mayo (2 syns)
dinner: sainsburys kfc chicken fillet (7 syns) jacket potato and baked beans
snack: strawberry muller
ok so today was nearly a total disaster

, got called into work at 10am had to get ready and be there for 12 so had to throw something together for lunch, in doing so i used all the last of the salady type stuff in the house so when i got home at tea time there was no superfree left to go with my evening meal

all my own fault!! never mind, onwards and downwards as they say!
150 crunches
100 squats
125 leg thingies

planned to go for a jog this morning but being called into work got in the way

never mind there is always tomorrow!
looked in the mirror when i was getting changed into my PJs tonight and for the first time have actually noticed a bit of a change in myself

super super pleased and feeling more motivated than ever!! BRING IT ON!!
