emma-louise's food diary... about time too!

friday 2nd july - extra easy (what a surprise :rolleyes:)

brunch: weetabix and milk (HexA & HexB) with nectarine on top and tsp sugar (1 syn)

dinner: a realllly yummy chilli PACKED with superfree! aubergine, courgette, carrot, peppers, tomatoes nom nom nom! i made a veggie one for me and a full fat meat one for my mum, stepdad and brother and my veggie one was so nice that my mum decided she wanted to have my veggie one :D:D small victories!! was worried i wasnt going to have enough syns today so put some cheese on it, about 5 syns

total syns - 6

id like to have a few more syns today but dont really have anything in the house to munch on!

contemplating a slice of white bread (5 syns) with nutella spread on it? (?? syns) but dont know if i dare :eek:
might update later ;)


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Poor you! What a **** day! But you have stayed on plan which is most important, imagine how pee'd off you'd have felt if your paella had burnt or was revolting. Am v impressed with your jog,walk,run, sadly I'm still at that black eye, wibble wobble stage...running is a llllloooonnnngggg way down the line!

i am so focussed, im not coming off plan for anything!! :D

ive managed to find an old sports bra in a drawer so im avoiding the black eye so far, but there was plenty of wibble wobble :p im lucky where i live i can run through the footpaths in the fields behind where i live so i dont feel embarassed cos noone can see me apart from the occasional dogwalker hehe :) xx
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Speak to your Mum no matter how stressed they are with their own lives, they always have time for their little girls, she will help you find a solution.

I am sure you make a lovely jogger, I think our perception of our own body image is 50 times worse than that of others, you hold your head up high and go for it girl. But please if you are running "off the beaten track" only be wearing ipod earphone in one ear to keep yourself safe
dont worry about me running i live in a tiny village where everybody knows everybody and i dont take my ipod running with me anyway as i find it distracts me rather than spurs me on haha! how are you today? xx
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forgot to do my diary yesterday as i was so tired at bed time i went straight to sleep!

saturday 3rd july - extra easy :D

brekkie: 2 boiled eggs and 1 slice of white toast (5 syns) cup of tea with 2 sugars (2 syns) and an apple

lunch: left over chilli and rice from yesterday, tasted even better the next day!

afternoon snack: milk choc kelloggs fibre plus bar on-the-go!

dinner: grilled mushrooms with herbs and mozzarella (HexA), followed by king prawn, crab and courgette chilli pasta which was totally delicious!! it did have a splash of cream in and half a tbsp of oil, and i had a quarter of it so going to say it was about 4 syns, also couldnt resist a tiny slice of garlic bread :mad: about 5 syns

total syns - 16

slightly over but ive been good this week so i didnt think it would be toooo bad if a small piece of garlic bread just happened to jump into my mouth :rolleyes: xx
i make them up as i go! the veg chilli was all me but i cant take the credit for the pasta unfortunately as i was only sous chef ;) its my mums version of a dish my mum and stepdad had when they were in rome and it is to die for! ive already posted it on a thread somewhere about prawns and seafood if you can be bothered to track it down!

veg chilli - cut up all your veg quite small and just fry them all off, onion, aubergine, courgette, carrot, peppers, tomatoes etc etc and then add 2 tins of chopped tomatoes, splash of worcester sauce and a couple of tspns of chilli powder and let it simmer away for ages, then about half an hour before you want to eat add a tin of baked beans :D really easy once all the choppings done you just bung it in the oven and stir it now and then xx
sunday 4th july - extra easy

brekkie: weetabix and milk (HexA & HexB) with chopped banana and nectarine

lunch: tuna pasta salad, cherry tomatoes,, cucumber, sweetcorn, tsp of light mayo (2 syns)

dinner: chicken balti and rice - sauce out of a jar :mad: sharwoods balti sauce, i think itll be about 40 syns for the whole jar, and i had a quarter so say about 10 syns! followed by apple and melon for dessert

total syns - 12

ive tried reaaaaaally hard to get my superfree in today! and a bit gutted about wasting all those syns on ready made curry sauce but hey ho needs must sometimes!

hardly any, did a bit of dancing while doing the ironing and i also hoovered but thats about it unfortunately, need to get back on it tomorrow :)
monday 5th july - green day :D

brunch: weetabix and milk (HexA & HexB) with banana and strawberries

snack: cherry muller, dark choc kelloggs fibre plus (HexB) and half a wispa (5.5 syns)

dinner: mushroom risotto (8 syns for wine and butter) and an apple

total syns - 13.5

50 squats
50 crunches

i tried to avoid the wispa but my little brother wasnt taking no for an answer!! bless him he'd bought it for me as a treat so i said i would share it with him :) slept in ridiculously this morning so brekkie was at lunch time and had an early-ish dinner! :D excited for WI tomorrow it feels like ages since last week and i really wanna know if i can have my 1 stone sticker yet!! :cross: xx
Well Done you deserve that!!!

thanks for recipe for chilli will def track down recipe for pasta later

how you celebrating your stone off?

awww thank you :D

im celebrating in style ;) with chicken and chorizo lasagne for tea :D i had a lush lunch aswell so im feeling very indulgent today even though im well within my syns! happy days! :) im going up to scotland for the weekend on friday to stay with my grandma and i know im going to have to have at least one flexi syn day while im up there so im trying to stay good until then so i can treat myself while im there! xx
Congratulations!! Well done for doing so well even with family who mean well but could so easily jeapardise our slimming campaign!!
My MIL kindly dropped over 2 stunning cupcakes from a trip to Covent Garden last week so I meticulously cut off and weighed 9 syns worth so I could try them... Only worked out about a quarter of each but damn yummy all the same. Not sure my hubby was so pleased eating the mangled remains though!!

That pasta sounds gorgeous I'm going to have to track down the recipe too
Congratulations!! Well done for doing so well even with family who mean well but could so easily jeapardise our slimming campaign!!
My MIL kindly dropped over 2 stunning cupcakes from a trip to Covent Garden last week so I meticulously cut off and weighed 9 syns worth so I could try them... Only worked out about a quarter of each but damn yummy all the same. Not sure my hubby was so pleased eating the mangled remains though!!

That pasta sounds gorgeous I'm going to have to track down the recipe too

thank youuu :D

i know my family mean well but it does get frustrating sometimes!! :eek: those cupcakes sound delish what a naughty MIL you have! :rolleyes:

the pasta recipe is a bit basic, we're not really a measuring/recipe following type family we kind of just make it up as we go along ha! http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world-recipes/158159-king-prawns-seafood.html

I'm the same - I always find a recipe (or 2) that I want to try then completely deviate away and make it up myself!!

It's got to be a family thing with me as well as that's what my Dad always does and he got me into cooking when I was coming home on breaks from uni plus I could go back and show off my skills to my housemates and now husband!!
tuesday 6th july - red day ;)

brunch: red pepper, yellow pepper and mushroom fritatta with a squirt of ketchup (2 syns) had my HexA1 of cheese on it and probably a bit more, maybe another 3 syns?

snack: dark choc kelloggs fibre plus bar :D HexB1

dinner: chicken and chorizo lasagne, HexB2 for pasta and HexA2 for milk/cheese plus another 8 or so syns for wine and oil type things in the sauce :)

total syns - 13

150 crunches
100 reverse crunches
100 leg thingies
100 squats

i know i havent been very accurate today with counting my syns and weighing/measuring my healthy extras but ive definitely over-guesstimated so all is well! :) xx


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Yum your lasagne sounds delish.
I think I'm going to have to get myself some chorizo - it's so tasty and makes such a difference to certain dishes. Am I right in thinking it's about 2.5syns per 28g?
yeah thats right, i love the stuff!! its well worth the syns in my opinion cos its sooo tasty :) i used to work on the deli counter in sainsburys and i often used to slice a few slices off the chorizo and scoff them when nobody was looking :eek: is it any wonder i got so big hey :rolleyes: xx
That's the trouble when temptation's right there!!
One of my problems started when I used to work behind the bar in an Isle of Wight holiday park - I'd open the bar up at 10, which is conviniently next door to the main restaurant and proceed to scoff the hash browns and sausages as they cooked them for brekkie!!