emma-louise's food diary... about time too!

monday 22nd november - red day :D

brekkie: cheesy bacon sandwiches (HexA & 2HexB)

lunch: tuna salad (4 syns for light mayo)

dinner: salmon fillet with sprouts, cauliflower and brocolli

snack: a few rich tea biscuits (4 syns)

total syns - 8

so, went out on a bar crawl last night with a moustache drawn on my face!! wore fake eye lashes for the first time ever, and they must be magic cos i pulled 5 different guys, and i ended up kissing my moustache off lol :eek: had wayyyyyy too much to drink; 2 alcopops, 4 shots of tequila, 2 jbombs, 3 dbl vodka and diet cokes, more shots and i cant even remember after that :eek: dont even want to think about the syns!! urghhh, epic night tho haha ;) god i love being a student!! xx
Wow hun you must have looked hot if you managed to pull 5 guys while wearing a moustache!! And I'm mighty impressed how many of the drinks you did manage to remember.
You go girl!!
Christ I miss being a student!!
Wow hun you must have looked hot if you managed to pull 5 guys while wearing a moustache!! And I'm mighty impressed how many of the drinks you did manage to remember.
You go girl!!
Christ I miss being a student!!

haha i think 2 of them were after the moustache rubbed off? :confused: no idea, i still feel drunk even now, thank god i dont have lectures til 4!! might have to have a moustache pic as my avatar haha :p going to try and have a syn free day today to try and make up a little bit of the alcohol damage xx

edit; weighed myself yesterday and stayed the same... boooo :( xx
Sorry to hear you stayed the same, I'm sure you'll get right back on track though with your fishy week.
Would LOVE to see a pic with your moustache lol!!
You need some stodge to soak up that alcohol me thinks - cheesy SW chips for lunch perhaps?
Sorry to hear you stayed the same, I'm sure you'll get right back on track though with your fishy week.
Would LOVE to see a pic with your moustache lol!!
You need some stodge to soak up that alcohol me thinks - cheesy SW chips for lunch perhaps?

haha i will definitely post one when they go on facebook lol :p ive had a cheesy bacon sandwich for brekkie (doesnt exactly fit in with the green day i had planned :rolleyes:) and im feeling tons better, need to go to the library and do some work for my 4pm so will try and grab a quick bite there, might do cheesy chips and beans for tea though :D xx
tuesday 22nd november - green day

brekkie: cheesy bacon sandwiches (HexA & 2HexB - pretend i never mentioned the bacon!! ;))

lunch: jacket potato and beans

dinner: cheesy cauliflower and mushroom risotto (HexA & 4 syns for extra cheese)

total syns - 4
well i promised a picture of me in a moustache so here goes haha... it had started to rub off by then lol but i think it still looks rather fetching ;) xx


  • me and sian in moustaches!!.jpg
    me and sian in moustaches!!.jpg
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well i had another day off from fishy week yesterday, it wasnt a conscious choice it just kind of happened, we all got some good news about our year abroad so we got a chinese to celebrate :) back to the fishyness today though!! xx

wednesday 24th november - green day

brekkie: toast (HexB) with marmite and scraping of lighter than light flora (2 syns)

lunch: leftover risotto from yesterday (HexA of cheddar on top)

dinner: kung po chicken (HexB?!;) + 13 syns) and boiled rice

total syns - 15
thursday 25th november - red day

brekkie: none because my 9am was cancelled so i had a lovely long lie in :D

lunch: tuna sandwich (HexB + 4 syns for light mayo) and 3 seafood sticks

dinner: smoked mackerel (4 syns?) with mushrooms, brocolli and cauliflower

snack: milk choc fibre plus (HexB) and 2 dairylea triangles (HexA)

total syns - 8

i didnt mention this on my diary but i did put it in the NSV thread, one of the guys i got with on monday was a guy i know from back home who's a fresher this year. i really liked him while we were in sixth form but at the end of college when i finally plucked up the courage and told him, he said we should just be friends... :eek: anyway i dont know whats changed (actually yes i do, 3 stone!!) but we had such a good time together on monday night that we met up today for a coffee and it went really well :) i dont want to get too far ahead of myself but it seems like it might actually go somewhere after all this time! yippeee xx
Ooooh that sounds really promising hun. Good luck!!
i have MAJORLY messed up today:cry:

ok time to own up, on saturday my old greedy ways got the better of me! i ate a whole medium, deep pan pizza loaded with fatty meaty toppings from pizza hut aswell as 2 sides of chicken strips... followed later on by half a terrys chocolate orange :cry:

this is too much information i know, but the only saving grace is that it was in one end and out of the other pretty quickly :eek::eek: i felt awful but still managed to go out in the evening but i stuck to soft drinks thank god!!

ive had an ok few days since, stuck to under 10 syns a day, and when i weighed in this morning i had lost 1 lb :) which means i am now officially in the 12s! but only just ;) xx
Ah we all do it hun, don't worry about it.
And well done on the loss - woohoo!!!
Can't wait til I get into the 12's too
Wow well done hun you must be over the moon!
You'll just have to be sneaky with your food so she doesn't realise you're being strict!
Are you back home already? x
Wow well done hun you must be over the moon!
You'll just have to be sneaky with your food so she doesn't realise you're being strict!
Are you back home already? x

thanks hun, sorry i havent been posting much my heads a bit all over the place, ive got my confidence back and i feel really good about myself so my motivation is wavering, and im not 100% on plan :eek: i dont really know what im doing to be honest!! im going to be strict with brekkie and lunch and then ill just have to have what everyone else is having, we've got a house full this crimbo so itll be hard enough for my mum as it is! back on thursday touch wood, weather permitting! how have you been recently? loving the new profile pic!! xx