Emma's diary- a new start

Thanks guys.

Am not feeling great today, hope im not coming down with something. The plus side is i haven't got an appetite at the moment. Lol.
Was hoping to go for a nice walk today- but i didn't feel up to it. So im hoping tomorrow i will feel better and go on the walk i have planned! x
Hi, The cold didnt really come to anything thank god. I had a good week eating wise but am yet to start on any exercise. I will be going on my wii fit this week though- i had completely forgotten i had it lol Weightwise i have stayed the same this week. At least i hadnt put on. But am going to try so hard to loose next week. I have made some homemade veggie soup today to have throughout the week to fill me up at times when im feeling hungry.
Heya, congrats on the loss so far, you'll deffo make the xmas target :)
Glad you didn't come down with the dreaded lurgy.
Hope this week goes well :)
Hope this week is going well for you hun xxxx
Well ive not had the best of weeks. It was the 6th anniversary of my nans death and also 2 yrs since we lost a baby so feeling very sorry for myself!

But after a long chat with my df im feeling really positive about the future now. There are two things i want more than anything and that is to loose the weight and to have a baby. Ive got it in my head that im never going to achieve either,but after talking to df i know that i CAN achieve both - ive just got to work really hard at loosing weight first.

I had previously lost 15lbs with ww and it was working well for me. So tomorrow night df is going to take me to my nearest ww class (my local one closed recently so got to travel about 10 miles at night and im not a confident night driver lol) WW are launching their new pro point plan this week so i thought it would be the perfect time to join. Im going to try my hardest to succeed this time. Im also going to use my wii fit as much as i possibly can. x
Thanks Aaliyah, the weather was awful so i didnt get to the meeting, but i did phone ww and ordered an at home kit so just waiting for that arrive. Woo hoo am really excited and looking forward to starting. x
sounds good! the weather has been pants, its just soo cold! I was thinking of doing ww but i don't know if i could get my head around the points system. Doesn't help that there aren't any meetings for it where i am.

let us know how you get on x
All the best with WW Emma, I really hope it suits you. You deserve all those things in life that you most desire and I pray that you get to where you need to be to make your dreams come true xxx
Thanks for your comments.

Well my pack came but when i opened it noticed there was no calculator- a vital past as there is no other way of working out my daily point allowance. So i called ww and the said they would send a calculator out for me!! I hope that it comes soon!!
I have kind of guessed my allowance for today- i was having a look at other peoples and it looks as though i may be on around 46pts a day so i going with that for now!!
So today is day 1 and going well. Just cooking a lamb roast (all pointed) and it smalls gorgeous. lol
Just going to take it a day at a time to start with and see what happens. x
Some kind person worked out my point allowance for me and im on 47pp a day. I started yesterday and did quite well considering we had a roast and my df went and bought ice cream lol. I still counted all my points and ended gong into my weekly amount by 5 so not too bad.
Today has been good. Ive used 35 pp so far so got 12pp left and 44pp left of my weekly amount.
Just been reading your diary and few others and it seems like WW is a good option.

Let us know how your getting on as i am tempted to give it a go :)
Heya, hope ww works well for you babes :)
Seems like a good idea, esp. at this time of year when you need to eat hearty meals and still be healthy about it.
Best wishes.
Re: Emma's countdown to a new me- a complete restart

Really pleased WW is going well for you you Emma... Well done a new diet is always hard at the beginning to adjust to. Hope today has gone well too xxx
Hi Emma,

Hope this week has gone well and youre doing ok xxxxx