hope everythings going well for you today
Rach x
Hiya Emma.... well all i can say is WOW hunny! and echo what everyone else has said! that is a FAB loss this week
My nan used to comment! ... "your like the side of a house" or somthing a little more subtle such as "your getting some fat" !!!!!!!! ... I never took it to heart though for some reason lol ...
Keep doing what your doing hun xxx
That's what we're here for x
Naughty Pizza's:giggle:
Good Luck for today.
Thank you! The most awful thing happened last night, i was sitting on the sofa at my mums and four squares of pizza just flew into my mouth!!!! I had already swallowed them before i could even notice!!!!!!!![]()
Lol Emma that's been happening to me for years I think it's an epidemic haha
I hate when things like that happen. Poor you, what a terrible thing to have to deal with
well doen on 5lb Emma.... ya know i had some flying chips today... luckily only a small handful... but all the same... don't know whar happened x
I know, it's terrible. Those golden arches of McDonalds always shooting out big macs down my neck - they might kill me?
Congrats on your 5lb loss - well done you! If only we could all master the art of dodging low flying food!
hehe x
how ya doing hunni? any more flying food? haha xxx
Hi, how u doing?
Here's to hoping your not lying unconscious somewhere having been hit by any low flying food! x
How you doing mate?
hey Em, how you managing? xxx