Em's diary

<off to check which yoghurt cake recipe I put on... with or without silken tofu... with, it's a firmer texture...>

Yesterday I browsed at length in an organic supermarket. Goji berries were nowhere to be found and when I asked the response was that they'd not have any more in until next harvest in Sept/Oct. Interesting... (I have other sources, fortunately, but I was interested to hear that.) The tempeh he's added looked most peculiar, and was expensive so I passed on that. Ditto seitan.

I wonder whether silken tofu (free on PP and PV) might thicken the pancake mixture?

Good info re cholesterol testing. Not sure how reliable these things are (being a "Watchdog" fan, they were very cynical about them in the past) but at least, if you're found to be too high, you can then see your GP and get it checked "properly".
Well had a look in sainsburys for silken tofu but no joy, even though it's on their website. Asked a couple of staff members but couldn't be bothered to stand around waiting while they 'looked' having no idea where it might be. Will investigate further later in the week, though so far i've only found a pancake recipe using silken tofu, so will await the yogurt cake recipe with baited breath :) anyone have any other recipes for it? Am intrigued!

B: cinnamon galette
L: 250g luc lac turkey, fillet smoked mackerel, bowl sweetened greek yogurt
S: 1/8 yogurt cake
D: big pile of roast beef (1/3 of a 700+g joint) with french mustard
S: 1/8 yogurt cake
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Emma it's in a package that is like long life milk but half the height. Brand Mori-nu I have from Sainsburys.
Cheers Jaqys, I don't think i was looking in the right place, looked in world foods, and down speciality isle where gluten free produce is, will try again tomorrow, perhaps it's with lentils and pulses? just need a few good recipes now - there's one on the slimming world section for chocolate tofu pudding, thought that might work with vanilla or some other flavouring. Nutrition looks good though, always up for finding a way to raise the protein intake and reduce the dairy!
I simply plonk half a pack (don't have any left to tell you what size, but it's not a lot) into the mixture of the recipe. So it's an addition, but firms it up, makes it easier to slice (I bake it in a silicon muffin tin), hence I can stretch it out over a few days...
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Cheers Jo, I found some today but have managed to resist the temptation of the whole cake and have only eaten 1/4 of it today, so will add the tofu to my next batch.

Bought 500g turkey breast today thinking I'd cook it all and save 1/2 - 1/3 for a snack another day but was quite peckish this evening so managed to polish off the lot!

B: half cinnamon galette
L: 4 chunky slices roast beef with french mustard, 1/4 yogurt cake
S: rest of galette
D: 500g turkey luc lac, small bowl sweetened greek yogurt
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Have upped my hot drink limit to 5 a day which is still well under what I was having before and will see how i go with that.

B: half cinnamon galette
S: 1/8 yogurt cake
L: 180g king prawns with large handful cherry tomatoes, 170g pot total 0% sweetened
S: 1/8 yogurt cake, rest of galette
D: bolognaise with courgette strips (probably 1/3 500g pack mince) with garlic quark
Cheers Jo, I found some today but have managed to resist the temptation of the whole cake and have only eaten 1/4 of it today, so will add the tofu to my next batch.

Hi Emma,

can you enlighten me too - where do Sainsbury hide it? I only found the firm stuff in the chiller cabinet, not the silken.

Anja, it was on the isle with dried beans and pulses, about half way down on the top shelf. An odd one really as it doesn't naturally 'live' with anything else...

Am looking forward to reading what you come up with for it, your recipes are always fantastic, :)
sounds like long life stuff... the fresh is far nicer. Can one not find that in the UK? I get mine for €1 in a Japanese speciality shop, and I use 1/2 a pack per week. Last of the big spenders! (They do sell the long life stuff at Tang, Chinese speciality supermarket for €1 too)
Thanks will look for it tomorrow!! that stuff actually tends to move round the shop all the time, every time they need sopace for 'seasonal' stuff...

And **then** I'll look for recipes... I have been experimenting with a conso quiche recipe, just trying it one more time before making it public :)
I'm sure we can turn it into a cheese-free cruise quiche too!
sounds like long life stuff... the fresh is far nicer. Can one not find that in the UK? I get mine for €1 in a Japanese speciality shop, and I use 1/2 a pack per week. Last of the big spenders! (They do sell the long life stuff at Tang, Chinese speciality supermarket for €1 too)

Fresh I can get only the firm stuff, have not had a chance to check the (several) Chinese supermarkets, they're kind of off my beaten track...
I'll have to go on an investigative mission in town for fresh stuff. there's a couple of chinese supermarkets and health food shops i could try. Tried blending the mori nu stuff this evening with some sweetener and vanilla essence - it needed a LOT of sweetener to override the soya taste, it's chilling in the fridge now - will see how it turns out, though realised afterwards perhaps blending it with a flavoured yogurt might help the flavour too.

B: half cinnamon galette
L: 2 fillets smoked mackerel, 180g pack king prawns, 1/8 yogurt cake
S: rest of galette
D: 250g turkey luc lac with half a pack of prawns heated and crisped in the luc lac pan, 1/8 yogurt cake
Hope your soup goes well tonight. I have some sea bass fillets to do something with. I wish I liked sushi!
I love sushi but I'd rather wait and have it with the rice element when I'm in conso!

Veg in the oven now, have had dinner already so will save some for sat then bag and freeze the rest. Must make more soups!
B: half cinnamon galette
L: large bowl leftover bolognaise (1/3 500g pack)
S: rest of galette
D: half a roast chicken, 1/4 roast butternut squash & small bowl of roast butternut squash soup
S: small bowl sweetened greek yogurt