Hi Jacquie,
'only' half a lb when you'd had a roast is a major achievement and shows how good you were the rest of the week!

To help your tummy, if you start doing 'crunches' at home.. it really is one of the main core exercises you can do. If you get back ache, then perhaps getting an exercise ball to lie on, but really all you need is the floor and 5 mins.

Just take the tension and raise slightly using your tummy and the muscles will really improve.
Pilates is also a great core exercise class you could look out for.
I hope the Dr gives you the referral you are after for the gym, but I know i'd struggle time wise.
There are alternatives - so don't give up! ((hugs))
I'm trying to think that if i look good in jeans etc, then that is what matters! I've been vastly overweight for a long time, and my hubby has loved me through that... so a bit of floppy skin shouldn't stop him now!
Keep up the great work! Let us know how you get on. ((hugs))