Enough is plenty :)

Lunch time and I've just sat in the car and had a bar.. actually I'm feeling quite pleased because I woke up late and had to run out with a bar instead of having a porridge.. then didn't have a bite of the bar until I arrived at work and only had a bite.. so I've now finished all the rest of it and still have loads to have for the rest of the day :) i always feel more hungry when I've had a bar but because it had a bite taken out I haven't felt that so far and yet I feel like I've had a whole bar (if that makes sense) :)
Just re reading recent posts and realised I'm already starting to feel better about myself.. i think it's fascinating the way I feel about myself and I think it's because of how I look.. but in reality I'd be feeling really down on myself if I was at this weight having put weight on.. and I'd be so elevated in mood and partying and unable to contain myself if I was this weight having just lost four stone (i was seventeen stone at my heaviest back in the day)... so it's not really about my weight.. it's about my relationship with myself in general really... i could simply do with enjoying myself more.. liking myself more.. being my own best friend........
And realizing that it's separate from my body in many ways... and closely related in other ways... i just need to be curious about my relationship with myself... x
so far today I've had a bar, some lettuce and a porridge... I'm hoping my oh fancies eating at about 9.30 because I've only just had the porridge and I'm just not wanting any more yet..

I'm not like this at all when I'm not in ketosis.. I'm wanting to fill my face and if I'm stopping myself from eating, then I'm feeling deprived.. I need to work out how to break that trap and simply feel pleased to be having a healthy diet.. I'll be soo pleased with myself if I can move on and see this issue as "something I used to do"... it's like quitting smoking - it's simply not an issue for me any more, and yet it was something that I went round and round in circles on years ago.....
I've just had my third pack...

I feel stuffed!! I mean properly Christmas dinner and some kind of unhealthy eating contest on top type stuffed

my oh came in and instead of saying the usual "my dinner's going to be less than ten minutes and I've just stuck the kettle on" he came in and had just grabbed a snack because he wasn't hungry.. so instead of a soup I've had a hot ('not boiling') cappuccino in a big mug.. it was tasty .. but i don't know why.. I found it really hard to finish.. like a proper having to force it down type effort... and now I feel sick..... I'm fine... I don't mean that I'm turning green.. but i'm stuffed??!! ... I've only had three today.. I should have another one or the rest of an ss+ meal but i really can't face it?! this isn't me...
I wish I felt stuffed !

Keep up the good work x x x
Thank you angel! I'm not this morning! ... but I am feeling fine... I did end up having a tetra just as I went to bed but only because I had to - I don't want to have less than I'm supposed to...

Today I have an exciting treat that I've made for myself - I'm having a mint tea instead of breakfast and I've chopped up two bars and wrapped each piece in aluminium foil.. I have a sandwich bag shining and glimmering in the sunshine that looks beautiful and it has 16 pieces of wonderful bar.. so I can have one every half an hour.. I'll leave them in the car and pop out to get a couple once an hour or so.. that'll give me more chance to see the day as well and enjoy the sunshine for a couple of minutes throughout the day
Having a really crap day... but I've stayed 100% so I must really be in the zone :)
Enough said:
Having a really crap day... but I've stayed 100% so I must really be in the zone :)

Well done for staying 100 % especially if you were having a rubbish day !

I've had a week without bars as I often think they make me more hungry however I'm back in them this week as sometimes I need a quick boost !

Hope you have another 100 % day :)
Keep up the good work x x x
Well done for staying 100 % especially if you were having a rubbish day !

I've had a week without bars as I often think they make me more hungry however I'm back in them this week as sometimes I need a quick boost !

Hope you have another 100 % day :)
Keep up the good work x x x

I feel really hungry if I eat a whole bar in one sitting - it's too much - I chop mine into eight pieces, rip up eight pieces of tin foil and wrap them individually - it makes it more fun, and makes each piece an event through the day - works for me - love it :)

I have a banging headache today - going to have to make sure I drink plenty of water...

it's been a tough week and I have another tough week to come... so I'm glad I'm having a quiet and gentle weekend :)
watching the paralympics and LOVING it!! If these guys can overcome adversity and get so healthy, then I must be able to!
ok, I'm just making a fictional plan for myself. If I lose 2 lbs a week.. it'll look like this:

3 3/9-9/3 12.10
4 10/9-16/9 12.8
5 17/9-23/9 12.6
6 24/9-30/9 12.4
7 1/10-7/10 12.2
8 8/10-14/10 12.
9 15/10-21/10 11.12
10 22/10-28/10 11.10
11 29/10-4/11 11.8
12 5/11-11/11 11.6
step 3 12/11-18/11 11.4
step 3 19/11-25/11 11.2
step 3 26/11-2/12 11
step 3 3/12-9/12 10.12
step 3 10/12-16/12 10.10
step 3 17/12-23/12 10.8
step 3 24/12-30/12 10.6
step 3 31/12-6/1 10.4
step 3 7/1-13/1 10.2
step 3 14/1-20/1 10
step 3 21/1-27/1 9.12
step 3 28/1-3/2 9.10

That sounds GREAT to me :)

It doesn't need to be faster than this (although it might be more some weeks and less some weeks)
Enough said:
ok, I'm just making a fictional plan for myself. If I lose 2 lbs a week.. it'll look like this:

3 3/9-9/3 12.10
4 10/9-16/9 12.8
5 17/9-23/9 12.6
6 24/9-30/9 12.4
7 1/10-7/10 12.2
8 8/10-14/10 12.
9 15/10-21/10 11.12
10 22/10-28/10 11.10
11 29/10-4/11 11.8
12 5/11-11/11 11.6
step 3 12/11-18/11 11.4
step 3 19/11-25/11 11.2
step 3 26/11-2/12 11
step 3 3/12-9/12 10.12
step 3 10/12-16/12 10.10
step 3 17/12-23/12 10.8
step 3 24/12-30/12 10.6
step 3 31/12-6/1 10.4
step 3 7/1-13/1 10.2
step 3 14/1-20/1 10
step 3 21/1-27/1 9.12
step 3 28/1-3/2 9.10

That sounds GREAT to me :)

It doesn't need to be faster than this (although it might be more some weeks and less some weeks)

That's the spirit ! Every lb off is a lb in the right direction x x x
feeling really sad this morning... might be pmt...

I hate it, Im always weapy and want to eat lots but keep strong and just focus on why you started Cambridge x x x
Thank you Angel - it soothes me to think it's PMT because I'm getting subtle little things out of proportion and i get things back in proportion if i think of it as pmt.. i start realising that everything's good in the bigger picture and that i don't need to make such a big deal of small things x


and there's some balloons for myself :)

"Nobody can be un-cheered with a balloon." - Winnie The Pooh.
I just can't shake off feeling really low today - it's been all day now. I have managed to do quite a lot, but with a real drag in my feet. I'm starting to wonder if it's to do with the diet. I don't think it is, but something's up... I've not done any of the prep for work tomorrow that I want to do, but none of it was urgent or necessary so that wouldn't normally do this to me... ooh.. I don't know!?!... me and my OH have had a funny day but not enough for it to be a big deal... sigh, sulk, grumble! :) Starts to sound silly :D
Just read your diary and you are doing really really well!!!! Your getting passed the hardest part - just keep the focus and u'll see amazing results in no time. I've nearly lost 3 stone and I've only been doing this 6 weeks.

I think everybody has up and down days on this diet - it takes a lot of commitment and focus to keep it up so try not to be too hard on yourself!

I don't normally get periods as I've got the coil but I had a really heavy one 2 weeks ago - I had terrible PMT too and was very tearful - I've been to my doc but he said it will be hormonal changes associated with a VLCD. So remember you're not alone and we are all rooting for you - your going to look amazing at Christmas missy :D xx

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Just read your diary and you are doing really really well!!!! Your getting passed the hardest part - just keep the focus and u'll see amazing results in no time. I've nearly lost 3 stone and I've only been doing this 6 weeks.

I think everybody has up and down days on this diet - it takes a lot of commitment and focus to keep it up so try not to be too hard on yourself!

I don't normally get periods as I've got the coil but I had a really heavy one 2 weeks ago - I had terrible PMT too and was very tearful - I've been to my doc but he said it will be hormonal changes associated with a VLCD. So remember you're not alone and we are all rooting for you - your going to look amazing at Christmas missy :D xx

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Thank you Christy - we're in this together and Christmas this year'll be fab! :D
It sure will - I'm aiming to be another 50lbs lighter by then so I'll only be 2 stone away from my final target :) I think I'll cry when I get back in a size 16....it's been a very long time :) xx

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you'll be pleased with your progress - and your knees will thank you - my knees were really hurting until I got down to 15 stone, and then they simply stopped hurting :)