stomp, stomp, curse, kick imaginary cat, feel guilty even though it's not even a real cat, stomp, stomp, growl under breathe, mutter, stomp, sigh loudly.....
.... what I'd like to say: who the hell do you think you are dictating what I can and can't do with my evening you arrogant sanctimonious ##%@&%$!!!
what I will actually think once I'v calmed down: thank you OH for a) not being prepared to go out with me this evening until I've completed a work report that I have to have finished before the morning, and b) being supportive despite me being fed up with having accidentally had all my CD allowance for the day so that I have nothing for this evening... the meantime....
AARrrGGHHH!!! And it's ALL HIS FAULT!!!!! Hahahaha (I'm not ready to laugh at myself yet - and the imaginary cat is not very happy either!!!)