Don't worry!!
Hiya, don't forget you can add herbs, spices, black pepper, tobasco and the like to things, I roast my vegetables in balsamic vinegar which gives them a sticky sweet coating. I didn't go for the puree myself as it was likened to Smash and I never liked that at the best of times (makes me gag just thinking about it!!).
When I made my soup I used lots of veggies and just added the leek and potato to thicken it up a bit at the end. It's a shame the apple crumble dessert wasn't great, as that was next on my list. Have you tried the brownies yet? They are fab!
I'm having the cereal bar every day for breakfast which is like Jordans Crunch, a soup for lunch, omelette for tea and a dessert last thing at night, or a hot chocolate drink. It does have a heavy consistency which I am told is the protein content of the packs, you really do get used to it after a while, so do perservere.