Oh it's horrible though. Was so grumpy last night. I was watching the matrix then realised I hadn't made lunches or put away laundry, it was close on midnight and I was knackered

so I made angry sandwiches and threw the laundry in a pile. Do you think I cba to fold it properly tonight?!
I am definitely an 8am - 4pm person, or even 7 til 3, NOT 9 - 5

lol. The evening is a write off, don't get in til 6, then the 'dinner race' begins in the house so we don't get in the kitchen til 7.30 ish, dinner by 8 if we're lucky... only 3 days into this and I'm pooped!
But I'm not complaining about the job, honestly, I'm so glad to have found one finally, and it's actually alright! I just hate being so tired and not having any time to do anything!!! I am such a moody cow and it's only been 3 days lol :sigh:
OK!! *slaps self* only 5 more days of training, a long weekend in between, then it's only 2 days a week 9 - 5 and college the rest of the week

Even tho college is unbearable right now (tutors who need taken down a peg or 2, so much to learn my brain might explode, classmates who need to rethink their title of 'mature' students etc etc etc) I am actually looking forward to going back

Wednesday morning snoozefests are looking pretty good right about now lol
Aaaand WTF is going on with this weather? 23 degrees the other day and now we have SNOW!

What the?! My wardrobe was totally unprepared for this! Haha!!
Ok food diary time!
EE today!
Breakfast: coffee (HEA)
Lunch: fruit salad (melon & grapes) chicken salad sandwich (HEB 2 syns) oaty bar (3.5 syns) satsuma
Dinner: veggie risotto with whatever veg I can chuck in there - mushroom, jerusalem artichoke, onion & petit pois
Snacks: pear, apple, pom bears (4 syns) sweetfire beetroot (2 syns)
Total syns: 11.5