So er, there may have been more to my grumpiness than the shock of having to work! It is a bit of a long story though

Basically since last week I've had back pain which I had thought was being caused by my bed. Then on Monday morning (first day of work too btw!) the pain was really bad, I was struggling to move/breathe/sit/lay/walk etc

so have been dosing myself with ibuprofen since then. I had a feeling that it might have been a kidney stone, so obviously I diagnosed myself on Google....
Anyway, it didn't say I had to run to A&E so decided to just get on with life. But then last night I peed blood, so panicked and cried and was worried, then realised I couldn't do much about it, so I went to bed and decided to see how I felt this morning. During the night I got up a few times to pee (and now that I think about it I have been peeing a LOT recently, especially during the night) and anyway my pee slowly went from red to pink to yellow. When I did get up properly I was still in pain and really worried, but I had to go to work - first week, cant exactly call in sick eh

So I got my mum to call the docs when they opened as I had to leave to get to work, and asked her to make me an emergency appointment for after work today, seeing as they will be shut until Tuesday now.
They couldn't give me an appointment after 5pm, but they told my mum that I really needed to see someone about it and should either call nhs24 or the surgery on my lunch break to speak to a doctor. This obviously worried me more, because the doctors receptionist was urging me to call nhs24!!
Basically I spent all morning at work worrying and wanting to cry, until lunch time when I was able to call the doc

She told me I probably have a kidney infection and she left a prescription for some antibiotics that I could collect after my work. Then I called my mum, because she was worried about me and was texting all morning, and she said that she'd pick them up for me so I didn't have to
I was emotionally exhausted though, the minute I got in my car to drive home I burst into tears and then proceeded to cry all the way home and then continued to cry when I arrived home

I had a bit of a rough day at work too, won't go into details but I wasn't feeling it today, so it was quite good to get the tears out and feel sorry for myself for a bit. (Btw I have health anxiety/pmdd/other things, so I don't feel good at the best of times, iykwim, so I defo needed to let it all out)
Anyway. What I am really trying to say is that I am unwell, moody, feeling very sorry for myself and having a chippy for dinner tonight! I will deal with the consequences of this on weigh in day. I am probably going to drink cranberry juice like it's going out of fashion anyway so syns are probably screwed until I complete the course of ab's and feel better.
No food diary, for obvious reasons
Oh well done if you read this btw